Why do EXTREME fixes seem to be the suggested go to on online forums?

Paul B

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Reefinatl. Don't tell anyone about the rugf or too many tanks may last forever. ;)


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Hot take: our tanks are not the ocean, they are vastly different in terms of the amount of water. It takes truly enormous changes to impact the ocean's water chemistry. Our tanks are different and mistakes can easily cause things to go wrong. Not to mention that diseases are a much larger issue in a small, contained environment where parasites can reach much higher proportions. Sometimes interventions are needed and there's nothing wrong with that.


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I might go for it on the 6 or 8 foot 180-240g future build in a year or so after I get this 90 cruising again.
I just picked up a used 200 gallon system. I am going to make it a PaulB style fish only tank.

The first male fish will be named Paul. And the first female fish will be his B.


GSP is the devil and clowns are bad pets
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I just picked up a used 200 gallon system. I am going to make it a PaulB style fish only tank.

The first male fish will be named Paul. And the first female fish will be his B.
I run close to the same setup as Paul. 2 years in and smooth sailing.


GSP is the devil and clowns are bad pets
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Paul, I recently got into the hobby again after a break. I was so happy to see you are still around. I was active on 'central back in 06-12 era and used to follow a lot of your more hands off approach. It worked great for me, had a nice easy LPS tank that wasn't TOTM material but pests were in check, stable, and good growth. I was very close to doing a R-UGF this time around. It seems like such a no brainer approach but nobody does it, and I chickened out this go around myself.

Oh, and put a bottle in it is comedy gold anytime you bring it up.
I use it

Paul B

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Lets not get crazy now. :cool:


Getting lazier and lazier with upkeep!
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I'll apologize for the post in advance if it makes you upset.
My question is why do I so often see extreme methods to fix things posted?
For example, someone could post a problem of having dinos, and without initial questions I see people telling them to cut their lights for a week and start dosing with peroxide, this has serious on the aquarium ecosystem...
Or a one fish in a display with ich and someone asks for help, and I see people actually suggesting to remove all the animals, potentially kill them with copper and then leave the tank empty for 86 days... this is incredibly extreme and chances are you'll kill more fish than if you just kept the tank healthy.
OR aiptasia, and people saying that the tank needs to be shut down and they need to be injected with peroxide, instead of suggesting a 100% viable natural method. Aiptasia isn't even a big deal... it can be controlled.. and eliminated.
Or worse... BOILING The rocks, whether they are boiled the right away or by literally boiling them... neither of these are necessary.
ALL of the above can be solved naturally with ease... it just requires patience. Some people get advice to add things and do things to their tank that makes it impossible to get ahead and have a successful tank.
I am shocked by some of the things I see by "experienced members"
Those of you suggesting it, would you remove all the animals from your home and have it bombed on the first sight of a cockroach?
Cause that seems similar to what you tell people to do with some very miniscule issues!

It is only frustrating because sometimes people over complicate this hobby for newcomers, scaring them into thinking they have something horrible that is really very normal.

A forum such as this, and all others in the hobby, are opinions and experiences. Just as you have opinions on how something should be done, so do others. I don't think there are very many truly experts in the aquarium hobby... just a lot of people with experiences.

There are many answers to a problem... but what we do see often is that someone will post what worked for them. What you don't see is what they may have gone through for a year prior to correct a problem.

The best you can do is give your opinion and experience in this thread to also help give another perspective.


My Gem Tang Is Watching You
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You are so right, so much bad information, especially from people considered, reef2reef mods because they did what?
Sorry for firing shots, but misinformation ruins the hobby for newcomers.
I am truly sorry you feel that way. We #MODS and #reefsquad try to do our best to help out as many new...and veteran...reefers as best as we can. We are reefing hobbyist...with daily jobs...that come home to help out other reefing hobbyist with issues. DO we have all the answers, NO, but do we try, YES. :)


why did you put a reef in that
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this is why internet posters should use the currency of work threads for what they speak about

that's different than 1 reef's perspective.

500 reefs on file doing something gives a legit viewpoint window.

its hard to say a given option is bad if there is fifty pages of work on file.

for example, per these threads, is peroxide bad:

the OP can post their link to an equally-working nicer dinos cure and we will have two links to peruse, not just someone's advice.

work threads are how we make proofs in the ideal reef marketplace of claims. patterning speaks for itself.
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I am truly sorry you feel that way. We #MODS and #reefsquad try to do our best to help out as many new...and veteran...reefers as best as we can. We are reefing hobbyist...with daily jobs...that come home to help out other reefing hobbyist with issues. DO we have all the answers, NO, but do we try, YES. :)
No worries mate. You guys are just here trying to help. I appreciate it.


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this is why internet posters should use the currency of work threads for what they speak about

that's different than 1 reef's perspective.

500 reefs on file doing something gives a legit viewpoint window.

its hard to say a given option is bad if there is fifty pages of work on file.

for example, per these threads, is peroxide bad:

now the OP can post their link to an equally-working nicer dinos cure and we will have two links to peruse, not just someone's advice.

work threads are how we make proofs in the ideal reef marketplace of claims. patterning speaks for itself.


why did you put a reef in that
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we've been pressing peroxide use since 2010 now, firmly. have earned many feedbacks positive, very few negative.

peroxide is now a permanent tool in reefing, as permanent as kalk.

I realize that's not believable. and when peroxide was first offered for reefing, nobody believed it either...Troylee did well above. that's one of the oldest peroxide tracker threads.
its one of about ten huge threads on the matter, combined reefs = many

the $ in tanks we've saved using peroxide, meaning they were on the verge of quitting and that was last resort...I cannot count how many. in private message alone, thousands not counting threads. whats also handy is having a matching work thread with several tanks for any example wanted, many of the extreme examples come using other folk's tanks as examples and doing it for years and pages in one place, for follow up patterning.

that's precisely how we move them into mainstream practices.

How about tap rinsing sandbeds he he / extreme

how many examples of tap water rinsed, full tap water rinsed clean sandbeds might a random web guy have on file?


My Gem Tang Is Watching You
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Here's the simple truth, it is in everyone's human nature to try and help. Unfortunately, their may be some less than expertise ideas being posted. THAT'S the thing though, it may not be expertise, but it isn't for a lack of trying to help someone out with the best of intensions. We as R2R members and reefing hobbyist will always try to help each other out. It will always come down to our own selves to decipher what will work and what will not. We are ALL students of this hobby, and we will always learn, no matter how long you have been in this hobby. I have never seen anyone post a fix with the intentions of being malicious. R2R was started to help out other reefers, new and veteran, to further their ventures in what is, arguably, the hardest pet to keep. We may not always agree with someone's remedy to fix something, BUT, that doesn't make it wrong. WE can only help each other out in becoming better reefers. :)
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why did you put a reef in that
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you know what reef2reef does most amazing

not ban people, or even hint about it, when they post noncompliant strategies.

other forums are stricken in fear when someone posts about how to skip a reef's cycle for example, afraid to have lies on file.

but reef2reef already knows the marketplace won't bear any illogical practices, if crazy ideas are posted they'll have no backing and the threads will fall down. rtr trusts its readers to make informed decisions about reefing on their own, they don't shape their reading material with a heavy hand.

reefcentral had its run, market is changing now and aiming exactly right here.

Freedom and self management as the core did it, in my opinion.

best practices rise to the top in activity and feedback.

then they become stickies one day, see the fish disease forum for examples

and then are hobby mainstreamed.

the result: the most powerfully active, most readers / highest participation rate / money-changing reef board ever assembled is happening. its a true free market in balance, as much as possible on web forums.

we have a lot of practice options to consider here, due to freedom in posting and reviewing ideas without being squelched.
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why did you put a reef in that
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if the OP feels more self-balancing and patient ways are better than forceful means (our ways have downsides too)

then work threads can be made to build log rolls.

simply pop into help threads, sell em on the method, collect the fixes. memorize the fixes so when you get asked about it later/have/can link

direct message folks who have posted help threads, and carve off to the side someone willing to run your method and feedback. you can make logs and rolls of proof off that.

we need to be able to see those kinds of work logs to know what the best practice is

so far in this whole thread, peroxide seems to be the best. It’s the only work link provided the entire time. It has two hundred happy posters, so it’s tops so far until another example replaces it.
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Simple...Salt, Water, LR, Lighting and Flow.
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if the OP feels more self-balancing and patient ways are better than forceful means (our ways have downsides too)

then work threads can be made to build log rolls.

simply pop into help threads, sell em on the method, collect the fixes. memorize the fixes so when you get asked about it later/have/can link

direct message folks who have posted help threads, and carve off to the side someone willing to run your method and feedback. you can make logs and rolls of proof off that.
I'm with the OP in the sense you describe of 'self balancing and patient' but what you say here does have significant merit. It's a forum and all should have their ability to provide advice from experience. It's helpful often.


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I have to agree. Especially for the newcomers I think it’s important not to over complicate things and take extreme measures unless absolutely necessary. I know not to take advice from just anyone blindly. New reefers have a harder time distinguishing what advice or method to follow or not, may just go with popular opinion or the first one they get. It can be overwhelming, not to mention all the misinformation there is floating around constantly. It is what it is...


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Reading through this thread more there are a few things I'd like to add.

1. The biggest ultimate issue is that the OP's asking for "advice" have arrived at problems they themselves have created by not educating themselves prior to jumping in.

I myself when I first started reefing made tons of mistakes that unfortunately I traversed on my own for the most part. I wasn't on any forums mainly because I didn't know they existed.

This may be undemocratic and not "PC" but to me, if you decide to jump out of an airplane, without having studied up first about skydiving and proper parachute packing/checking and procedure. When you splat on the ground. Good riddance.

The more empathetic side of me of course wants to try to steer everyone with problems in the right direction. But Darwin's Theory and survival of the fittest is a natural cycle.

If certain hobbyist just can't take it upon themselves to properly educate themselves, and instead jump at the first extreme advice they're given. They'll eventually fail until they pick themselves up by their own boot straps and really put their noses to the books and articles to get the TRUTH about it all.

If they don't, they won't have long term happiness and success, and it'll be 1 less reefer in the hobby. Which again, is that many less fish and coral killed needlessly due to their inability or rather unwillingness to do a proper study.

2. We need to give the people who give good advice more credit. Give them more likes and more reactions. As a newb starting in the hobby, if you see someone with 2,000 posts and 2,000 likes giving advice.

And another with 3,000 posts and 10,000 likes giving advice, you're probably more likely to go with the guy who seems to give better advice. It's only natural as well.

By coming together as a community and supporting the one's who lead down a path of truth, and (not shunning) but not giving as much recognition to those recommending extremes. We ourselves on this forum can combat it. Anytime you're in a thread and you see someone you know or someone who often gives good advice, just give them a quick like.

1 click is all it takes :p.

That's my 2 cents.
Respectfully I must disagree. Quantity of likes does not equate to quality of posts. Maybe as a starting point, but it’s important to do your own digging as well, if you want to be certain the advice given is in fact credible. :)

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