Unfortunately you have ICH in your system. If the fish is eating and active you’ll be in ich management mode. UV helps and moving forward quarantine all fish.Bought a royal gramma this past weekend. Was told by my LFS that gramma do not need quarantine. Introduced the fish to the tank and it was completely free and clear of any visible health issues. A little skittish but otherwise hungry and coming out to eat. 24 hours ago I noticed 2 spots on its tail fin, today I noticed 3-5 other small white spots with one being closer to the gills and 2-3 being on the dorsal. I went and bought a quarantine tank to handle this problem. Does anyone have any links to good literature/ posts on how to handle this the right way? Everything I seem to read tells a different story. I hate to be the guy asking questions that have already been answered but I’m feeling confused by the sheer amount of people saying different things.
Also will I have to remove all fish? Since the new one has just started showing does that mean that the ick hasn’t settled into the substrate? Thanks in advance
I have a powder blue that was quarantined and still hot ich. He’s been around for 5 years with 10 other fish.