The End of Reef Keeping in the US?



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If you want my opinion and I know this thread wasnt started to "hear the opinion of Corey". But yes, I think businesses do sort of use it as click bait. Any press is good press is the old saying. And it usually works. Is it worth a read, sure. But is it worth getting worked up on half the me no ( i am not saying you are worked up). but others seem to be. I have stated this before, I work in politics and am currently working a campaign to help fill a senate state actually. My guy doesnt seem to think it will pass the senate and says that others are doubtful of it as well. That doesn't mean it wont pass but it seems to me that it will at least go to negotiations to add/drop things.

Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar
Ben Pedersen

Ben Pedersen

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If you want my opinion and I know this thread wasnt started to "hear the opinion of Corey". But yes, I think businesses do sort of use it as click bait. Any press is good press is the old saying. And it usually works. Is it worth a read, sure. But is it worth getting worked up on half the me no ( i am not saying you are worked up). but others seem to be. I have stated this before, I work in politics and am currently working a campaign to help fill a senate state actually. My guy doesnt seem to think it will pass the senate and says that others are doubtful of it as well. That doesn't mean it wont pass but it seems to me that it will at least go to negotiations to add/drop things.

I was thinking the same thing.. Hard to know the motivation of the vender sending the email as they would probably benefit from any fear it caused.

I also doubt it will pass in it's current form.. I do think controls are needed and when this does not pass, there will be other attempts to regulate. Hopefully better written with appropriate controls.

This is a huge bill and there will be a lot of last minute negotiations and changes. I do think it's good for people to know how to provide input to their state representative.


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Have you seen this? I received an email from Salgado Aquatics with this information. We should all take action. I love reef keeping and have done it for 40 years. This law could end it! Read the content below and take action.

#### Email From Salgado ####
We need your help! Contact your friends, family, neighbors, doctors, lawyers, teachers, milk men, (prescription) drug dealers, etc and ask them to contact their House of Representatives Representative!

A last-minute amendment has been made to the America COMPETES Act (HR4521) that would impact all pet animals except for dogs and cats, despite the originally stated purpose of HB4521 being to strengthen America's economic and national security. We need you to take action today!

What's at stake:
-The amendment to HR4521 is concerning for the pet care community, because it would:
-Create a white list of approved species that can be imported, where any animal not listed is treated as an injurious species by default and banned from importation into the United States;
-Change the Lacey Act shipment clause to ban the interstate transport of species listed as injurious; and
-Establish new emergency powers that would allow USFWS to use an "emergency designation" that is effective immediately after publication in the Federal Register unless extended up to 60 days to prohibit importation of species if found injurious to humans, ag, horticulture, forestry, wildlife or wildlife resources of U.S. for no more than 3 years.

So if you have a fish tank of any kind, this is for you! Let's use our voices to let them know how this will impact and possibly end our hobby. First, the Hawaii ban and now this?! Don't let them take away our beloved hobby!

But you have bad information. Go to the source see the list and the reason for decision. Very little aquarium critters are included. We can do with the ones listed
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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
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