You’re always harping on me about this for some reason like you have a bone to pick. I’ve made it quite clear who I am. My name was “Kona diver” now I’ve changed it to reflect my current status.Are you in the industry?
Do you derive income from the hobby at some point int eh supply chain or are you just a diving and collecting for personal fun?
I am a lifelong aquarist and enthusiast and my entire life has been built around aquariums, fish and coral. My passion in the hobby turned into a career. I’m a commercial fisher and exporter and I’ve worked around the world on various issues surrounding AQ and reef related stuff. Now, I’m also an activists for both the trade and the hobby on a local and international level. Based on all the comments you make about me all over the place, you seem to think I don’t have a right to participate in the dialogue but I reject that outright. I have every right to share my insight and I have a lot to share. Maybe stop with the negative energy and realize I am working for good causes