Hardy Tangs?



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Yellow- all the way. You can spot them 100 yards away. also would be, speckled, hippo (hepatus), red sea Purple, naso and sailfin.
Do all get along?? See my pic...........................................

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Hi I see you have a sohal. I hear they get very nasty and will kill all your fish. Can I ask how long you had it and what size tank you have. Also how big was it when you got it. Really think it’s the most beautiful tang. My 3 favorite tangs. Yellow blonde and sohal


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Let me say it clearly. All saltwater fish are bully’s, especially when they don’t have enough room and especially when a new Fish is added. But with a little planing and a few tricks you can do it if your tank is the right size and they are wellfeed
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Nutramar Foods


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Hi I see you have a sohal. I hear they get very nasty and will kill all your fish. Can I ask how long you had it and what size tank you have. Also how big was it when you got it. Really think it’s the most beautiful tang. My 3 favorite tangs. Yellow blonde and sohal

Sohal - 2+ years. Not bad as far as being a jerk, but a glut when it comes to feeding. Tank is a 360g.


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looking to add 1 tang with a foxface in a 125 gal tank. I heard Powders are super sensitive and I do not have a UV light for this tank. Had 1 friend mention that tangs from the Zebrasoma genus are the only hardy ones but I'm not sure how true that is.

In a 125g you'll be glad you are only adding 1 tang. There will be much less stress for you and your fish. My only advice is that no matter what tang you decide, assume that it picked up ich while in transport on its way to your LFS or assume that it already had it but you just can't see it yet. That means plan for a medicated hospital tank with Chloroquine Phosphate or Copper (if you are old school). I'm a fan of PBTs and keep one that is well behaved. Then again, he's the one tang in my 110g tank.

Here is a short video with my PBT in it. The tank was recently taken down and was transported to a new home. The PBT makes an appearance toward the end. Enjoy



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Yellow tangs are an excellent choice. They are very hardy and will not grow to large for your tank. They eat algae continuously and will not become aggressive towards tank mates. If getting more than one introduce them at the same time or they will become aggressive to each other.


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I've got tons of tangs...all so far get along and are doing well... The tang clan in my tank includes:
1 Hippo Tang
1 Kole Eye Tang
2 Yellow Tangs (there were 4 but these 2 were the hardiest and survived)
1 Purple Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Powder Blue (original added - deceased)
1 Clown Tang (deceased)
1 Powder Brown (deceased)
1 Vlamingi Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang (last added about 1 month ago)

Above is the order of introduction....Purple and Sailfin were added at the same time as were my Clown and Powder Blue (original) and most recently the Vlamingi (small baby) + Powder Blue along with a small Foxface. So it can be done. Biggest thing is to have the space and swimming room as others have mentioned. Keep them well fed to avoid aggression and have plenty of places for them to hide and call their own. Also when adding like shaped or species as you can see I added them together at the same time and often in similar sizes to avoid one picking on the other OR in relation so my current fish stock. My Powder Blue (last man standing/added) is one of my biggest fish and I got him for that reason as the smaller Powder Brown I added prior to him was harassed to death within 24 hrs by the current inhabitants (clown and Sailfin) I presume due to his size which was too close to theirs and his similarity species wise. So when I replaced him I went back to another Powder Blue but got a large one to ensure he wouldn't get picked on by the clown or sail-fin or purple tang. No one messes with him and he's settled in although I do think he may have killed my Clown tang who picked at him for the 1st 48 hrs a bit then stopped but went missing a week later! :( He was fine before and one of my oldest fish but I have heard Powder Blue's do hold grudges and have memories and can single out a fish they don't like and harass them to death especially new introductions and new tangs in the tank. See that personally and watched my 1st one harass a Majestic Angel and a Convict Tang to death but tolerate every other fish in the tank to include the now gone Clown who was introduced with him. So it depends on tank size, fish, temperment, time of introduction and luck too.

So far so good....and wish you the same! :)

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I had no idea powder blue tang were monsters. I have a purple with a similar attitude. I had to get rid of a 8 year old yellow tang cause of the grudge factor. Yellow tang was beating purple tang first day, I moved yellow tang to a holding cell for a couple of days and it was all over after that:eek:
Top Shelf Aquatics


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For a 125, I would recommend max two of the smaller species Tang and a Fox Face. Since the Fox Face being mostly yellow, I you want variety, I would not rec Yellow tang.
If I have a 125, I would add Fox Face Lo, Purple and Kole tangs. Of these the Purple is the most aggressive. The Kole and Fox face are mellow and should be add first. Tangs will be territorial and may chase Angels (not too much) and other grazer in the future but not bad at all in these species.


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For a 125, I would recommend max two of the smaller species Tang and a Fox Face. Since the Fox Face being mostly yellow, I you want variety, I would not rec Yellow tang.
If I have a 125, I would add Fox Face Lo, Purple and Kole tangs. Of these the Purple is the most aggressive. The Kole and Fox face are mellow and should be add first. Tangs will be territorial and may chase Angels (not too much) and other grazer in the future but not bad at all in these species.

Had 11 tangs in a 150 with no issue. Currently 14 in a 360. Includes foxface
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I really like my scopas tang. I think sometimes they get overlooked for the flashier colors, but mine is good mannered, and beautiful.
Agreed on Scopas. Nice fading coloration and dark eyes

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%