Hardy Tangs?



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I've got tons of tangs...all so far get along and are doing well... The tang clan in my tank includes:
1 Hippo Tang
1 Kole Eye Tang
2 Yellow Tangs (there were 4 but these 2 were the hardiest and survived)
1 Purple Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Powder Blue (original added - deceased)
1 Clown Tang (deceased)
1 Powder Brown (deceased)
1 Vlamingi Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang (last added about 1 month ago)

Above is the order of introduction....Purple and Sailfin were added at the same time as were my Clown and Powder Blue (original) and most recently the Vlamingi (small baby) + Powder Blue along with a small Foxface. So it can be done. Biggest thing is to have the space and swimming room as others have mentioned. Keep them well fed to avoid aggression and have plenty of places for them to hide and call their own. Also when adding like shaped or species as you can see I added them together at the same time and often in similar sizes to avoid one picking on the other OR in relation so my current fish stock. My Powder Blue (last man standing/added) is one of my biggest fish and I got him for that reason as the smaller Powder Brown I added prior to him was harassed to death within 24 hrs by the current inhabitants (clown and Sailfin) I presume due to his size which was too close to theirs and his similarity species wise. So when I replaced him I went back to another Powder Blue but got a large one to ensure he wouldn't get picked on by the clown or sail-fin or purple tang. No one messes with him and he's settled in although I do think he may have killed my Clown tang who picked at him for the 1st 48 hrs a bit then stopped but went missing a week later! :( He was fine before and one of my oldest fish but I have heard Powder Blue's do hold grudges and have memories and can single out a fish they don't like and harass them to death especially new introductions and new tangs in the tank. See that personally and watched my 1st one harass a Majestic Angel and a Convict Tang to death but tolerate every other fish in the tank to include the now gone Clown who was introduced with him. So it depends on tank size, fish, temperment, time of introduction and luck too.

So far so good....and wish you the same! :)



Susan Edwards

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I'll be adding 3 to my 125. I had a kole in my 66 but lost it to velvet. Loved that fish. great personality and always pecking away. A cool dude!

I'm being given a powder blue by my sil which wasn't on my list so will prob. add a yellow and kole or tomini. Someone up above said you don't have to add all at once if each from different genus. Is this true? I'm trying to figure out how to get all 3 at once but my qt tank is only 37 gal and 3 might be a bit much at once. I could qt the one and add him to my 66 temporarily but then would have to catch him up to move him after the others are ready to add.


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I'll be adding 3 to my 125. I had a kole in my 66 but lost it to velvet. Loved that fish. great personality and always pecking away. A cool dude!

I'm being given a powder blue by my sil which wasn't on my list so will prob. add a yellow and kole or tomini. Someone up above said you don't have to add all at once if each from different genus. Is this true? I'm trying to figure out how to get all 3 at once but my qt tank is only 37 gal and 3 might be a bit much at once. I could qt the one and add him to my 66 temporarily but then would have to catch him up to move him after the others are ready to add.
Unfortunately for your situation, you should really add the 2 other tangs first and then the PBT. You may get away with doing it the other way around but it is less than ideal. PBT's have a reputation for being aggressive.
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I've got tons of tangs...all so far get along and are doing well... The tang clan in my tank includes:
1 Hippo Tang
1 Kole Eye Tang
2 Yellow Tangs (there were 4 but these 2 were the hardiest and survived)
1 Purple Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Powder Blue (original added - deceased)
1 Clown Tang (deceased)
1 Powder Brown (deceased)
1 Vlamingi Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang (last added about 1 month ago)

Above is the order of introduction....Purple and Sailfin were added at the same time as were my Clown and Powder Blue (original) and most recently the Vlamingi (small baby) + Powder Blue along with a small Foxface. So it can be done. Biggest thing is to have the space and swimming room as others have mentioned. Keep them well fed to avoid aggression and have plenty of places for them to hide and call their own. Also when adding like shaped or species as you can see I added them together at the same time and often in similar sizes to avoid one picking on the other OR in relation so my current fish stock. My Powder Blue (last man standing/added) is one of my biggest fish and I got him for that reason as the smaller Powder Brown I added prior to him was harassed to death within 24 hrs by the current inhabitants (clown and Sailfin) I presume due to his size which was too close to theirs and his similarity species wise. So when I replaced him I went back to another Powder Blue but got a large one to ensure he wouldn't get picked on by the clown or sail-fin or purple tang. No one messes with him and he's settled in although I do think he may have killed my Clown tang who picked at him for the 1st 48 hrs a bit then stopped but went missing a week later! :( He was fine before and one of my oldest fish but I have heard Powder Blue's do hold grudges and have memories and can single out a fish they don't like and harass them to death especially new introductions and new tangs in the tank. See that personally and watched my 1st one harass a Majestic Angel and a Convict Tang to death but tolerate every other fish in the tank to include the now gone Clown who was introduced with him. So it depends on tank size, fish, temperment, time of introduction and luck too.

So far so good....and wish you the same! :)

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You had 5 out of 11 tangs die. Wouldn’t consider that a success story and wouldn’t consider them getting along.
Powder blues are very territorial and will chase any tank mates added after they after them. I added a wrasse that caused my powder blue to go nuts. When adding new Fish it’s best to turn the lights off to avoid tank aggression.

Also you don’t have add tangs together if they aren’t the same species but it’s a lot easier imo. I have 4 yellows in an 80 frag tank with 2 baby mata tangs and they where all added together. Very little aggression except a little dancing by the yellows

I wouldn’t worry about the foxface. They are not aggressive unless you put another foxface in. All species of foxface are about the same. Just get the one you like the best

I have both the Tomini and Kole tang personal I like the kole better


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Speaking on aggression, would I have to worry about aggression if I add more fish after the introduction of the tangs? I was alway stold to keep tangs and any bigger fish till the very end cause of territorial issues


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It depends really. My kole tang let any fish be added to my 57 3 foot tank. Didn’t bother any fish I added to the tank. About a month before I was upgrading to a 265 I got a free yellow tang and free coral beauty angel. Guess what fish it chased for 3 weeks and wouldn’t let the fish come out of hiding. Luckily the tank had 150 lbs of live rock because I was curing it for my larger tank. So there was so many hiding places. Did you guess yet. It was actually the coral beauty. He left anthias , wrasses and 2 tangs alone. My advice when adding a fish is have a plan. Weather it’s turning off the lights , feeding the fish , putting a mirror in the tank so the fish wants to fight itself. Also I think having fish that swim in the open like anthias helps calm the other fish down. My 20 anthias I feel stops my 6 tangs in my main tank from going crazy. Think all the chaos confuses them
Top Shelf Aquatics

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Mimic tangs are my favorite small tang, I enjoy the Acanthurus genus of tangs best. Mine will follow me around seeming to dance and prance begging for attention. The mimic tang turns to a chocolate tang as an adult, collected as an adult they don't seem to do as well. Getting one as a mimic, the juvenile stage; and having them change in you tang is best and also interesting. I have a yellow mimic, but there is also an elibi and half black mimic that would provide contrast to your foxface. The scopus is a kicked back zebrasoma, not as vibrant but still a beautiful and interesting fish. Both of these are hardy, could live together, and are very agreeable with other tank mates.

Susan Edwards

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@Brew12 Would it work to put the pbt in my 66 display (after qt) for a few months while I get 2 other tangs and maybe 2 anthias through qt (maybe longer to get more fish into the 125)? My 66 has 2 dispar anthias, 2 darwin clowns, 2 blue chromis, 1 bangaii, mandarin, goby/shrimp pair, and scooter blenny. Lots of rock and swim thrus and caves. Can I put him in the QT (37 gal) with a couple other fish (not tangs) to go through qt together--maybe a hawk fish or blenny or couple of anthias--fish that can go through copper.


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Yellow, purple, hippo, and blonde naso, they all get along in my current system. Yellow does rule the tank

Yes blonde Naso are very good tangs temperament wise but they get huge. Also hippo are very good citizens when younger but over 8 inches they get very aggressive if you don’t have a very large tabk and a place for them to hide


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Yes blonde Naso are very good tangs temperament wise but they get huge. Also hippo are very good citizens when younger but over 8 inches they get very aggressive if you don’t have a very large tabk and a place for them to hide
Yes some get really large in there natural habitat ( the ocean) but in an enclosed system and the average size tank they won't attain there true mature sizes, at least that I've ever seen. Also if someone has a full grown tang that they grew from its baby size like the ones mentioned above I would love to see a picture and get some idea of how long it took to grow to its natural adult size, that would be cool.


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Yes some get really large in there natural habitat ( the ocean) but in an enclosed system and the average size tank they won't attain there true mature sizes, at least that I've ever seen. Also if someone has a full grown tang that they grew from its baby size like the ones mentioned above I would love to see a picture and get some idea of how long it took to grow to its natural adult size, that would be cool.

Fish don’t grow to size of tank. Lack of proper balance of food and the amount of food limits there growth. I mean a tang in the while eats a heck of a lot more than one in my tank
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You had 5 out of 11 tangs die. Wouldn’t consider that a success story and wouldn’t consider them getting along.
Powder blues are very territorial and will chase any tank mates added after they after them. I added a wrasse that caused my powder blue to go nuts. When adding new Fish it’s best to turn the lights off to avoid tank aggression.

Also you don’t have add tangs together if they aren’t the same species but it’s a lot easier imo. I have 4 yellows in an 80 frag tank with 2 baby mata tangs and they where all added together. Very little aggression except a little dancing by the yellows

I wouldn’t worry about the foxface. They are not aggressive unless you put another foxface in. All species of foxface are about the same. Just get the one you like the best

I have both the Tomini and Kole tang personal I like the kole better
I would consider it mostly success as not all the tangs listed died at the same time. These losses are over a 8+ month period while stocking my tank. The 2 Yellow tangs died early upon introduction and before the other tangs. Last two losses were a the clown and prior to that the powder blue (smaller one) who got stressed and died on his own. The Powder Brown wasn't a success I will admit in that the was attacked upon release by the two fish who I thought had accepted him and left him alone while in the acclimation box.

Understand the lights out trick to avoid aggression...I usually add mine at night. And yes it is better to add your fish at the same time to avoid aggression especially if the same species...many on the forum second and advise that. 4 yellows in a 80gal is pushing it for them unless they're really small...they will grow and IMHO tangs seem to like their swimming space but that is your tank and choice. Tang police may say otherwise.

Foxface usually seem to ignore other fish and other foxface too...have had two at a time and 1 foxface and a scribbled rabbitfish at the same time once...all did okay and abided by the rules! :)


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Great info everybody!

So I narrowed it down to 3: Yellow Tang, Bristletooth, and Kole

anyone care to share personal experiences? I will be getting the Tang with the foxface
I have a yellow, a kole, and a hippo. The yellow has grown fastest (all three were homed together). All three get along fine and have, touch wood, thrived. The hippo is the most shy.
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My purple was too territorial to add any other tangs (already had a naso) so I had to give him back to my lfs. He killed 2 yellows, a convict and a hippo . The naso is the peacemaker of the tank. He's quite big now but very well behaved. Recently added a PBT and a Hippo and they are all getting along great without the purple harassing them. Also have a yellow in qt that I'm nursing back to health in hopes of adding him to the group in the coming weeks.


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I would consider it mostly success as not all the tangs listed died at the same time. These losses are over a 8+ month period while stocking my tank. The 2 Yellow tangs died early upon introduction and before the other tangs. Last two losses were a the clown and prior to that the powder blue (smaller one) who got stressed and died on his own. The Powder Brown wasn't a success I will admit in that the was attacked upon release by the two fish who I thought had accepted him and left him alone while in the acclimation box.

Understand the lights out trick to avoid aggression...I usually add mine at night. And yes it is better to add your fish at the same time to avoid aggression especially if the same species...many on the forum second and advise that. 4 yellows in a 80gal is pushing it for them unless they're really small...they will grow and IMHO tangs seem to like their swimming space but that is your tank and choice. Tang police may say otherwise.

Foxface usually seem to ignore other fish and other foxface too...have had two at a time and 1 foxface and a scribbled rabbitfish at the same time once...all did okay and abided by the rules! :)

Wasn’t trying to insult you but 33 percent failure rate is a little above average not a success imo but hey that’s just ke. Also 8 months isn’t that long of a time to keep a fish a live. They live over 20 years. The tang police are funny. I don’t pay them any mind. Half them never even kept the fish. Lol


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Yellow- all the way. You can spot them 100 yards away. also would be, speckled, hippo (hepatus), red sea Purple, naso and sailfin.
Do all get along?? See my pic...........................................


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