thank you for the code contributions @hectorespert . My sincere apologies for the delay in triaging those PRs. I just went through those, merging the ones that are good to go. So we should be good on that side.Hi @Ranjib
I'm Hector Espert:, the author of these pull requests:
I'm building an aquarium controller for my planted aquarium using the reef-pi project and I would like to help to continue developing that.
I was wondering if I could be a member of the reef-pi github organization to obtain write or triage permissions to help with the development.
I have granted the organization membership to only @Zekth and @Michael Lane for their sustained contributions and active participation in the development discussions. For your inclusion in the github org, I'll recommend focus on the same and we'll come back to this soon I feel comfortable (its mostly around trust, which comes from tenure/consistency). I'll also have to reach out to zekth and michael for their state of affairs, 2020 has been crazy for all of us, would be good to consider their thoughts.
Hope this answers your question,