Nothing planned. In 3.0 we introduced HAL (hardware abstraction layer), which makes this sort of things lot easier (can be shipped in a minor release without any major product changes).Any possibility of expanding the I/O capacity by adding support for PCF8574 (I2C Digital I/O expander)?
On this specific functionality (i/o expansion), we had planned for mcp23017 support for 3.0, but later i de-prioritized it. This is bercause in 3.0, the pwm outputs can be used as standard digital i/o (relay control etc), which mean at least the output features can be offloaded to pca9685 (which are i2c and you can use multiple of them), thus leaving pi GPIO only for inlets/inputs. The newly added support for wifi/smart plugs also contributed to this.
Any specific reason for choosing pcf8574 over mcp23017 for i/o expansion?
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