I dont see any issue. I find it very difficult to source 10v power adapter , which is why the current setup is. The other reason was dc pumps for dosers are 12V, and adj power strip relays are also 12v, that's why 12V preferred in the adafruit guides. Let me know if you find a good 10V adapter, im totatly down for kessil only slim controller. In fact i think we can power by 5v 3A , and used a boost converter to generate 10V.Hi Ranjib I been read up all your project forum over at adafruit and github site. I notice one of the built for mulit kessil control section your using a dc-dc buck to get 10v from the 12v power supply. I'm trying to limit the size of the overall project box as small as possible, is there a reason why not to just use an 10v regulator on the 12v power supply? btw only need 2 pwm channel so not using an pca9685 break out board.