With all deference - that is not the definition of 'peer review' used in the scientific community. I'm not trying to 'pile onto you'. But Peer review does not mean ask 500 reef tank owners to analyze your science (i.e. if there was a new cholesterol medicine, Merck would not just set up a website and say 'hey everyone this will lower your cholesterol - check it out and analyze my studies'. Instead peer review would be experts in the field analyzing the study etc. Same thing here. Bob Johnson from Omaha who is a truck driver (with a nice reef tank) reviewing your study is not the same as a marine biologist with expertise in this area reviewing your study.Results PUBLISHED on website
Reviewed by my Peers (you and thousands of others)
Have had this discussion many times before
Peer review means just that, peer reviewed. Nothing else.
I personally think this is a fascinating discussion - who knows - even if its not as good as you say - there is some science behind it that it MIGHT help.