My main issue is that I agree with the point that most/all tanks will have these bugs. I suppose there may be some folks that have never had a colony go RTN, but I am not among them. So if all RTN is bugs, and I’ve expetienced RTN, why didn’t I lose all my colonies? Just seems like there must be more at play here. I’m also VERY reluctant to use meds of any kind in my display. I always try to find biological solutions.
My thoughts are that most of us have had RTN because of a mild stress event. Depending on the heath of the corals at that given time depends which corals get attack IMO. Just like with humans, some of us get sick because our immune systems may be lacking which allows the bugs to have access. If a coral is doing well...getting the proper lighting, flow, nutrition, etc...then that particular coral isn’t stressed and his immune system is strong, but the coral that’s receiving too much light or is lacking light and flow is likely becoming compromised allowing the door to swing wide open for the Philaster’s.
I think we all have these things and depending on our maintenance and attention to detail to keep perfect parameters, proper trace elements, nutrients, nutrition, light, flow, heat, etc...will depend on the health of our corals. I feel a lot of these things are luck, but no doubt there’s very intelligent reefers who are just on top of every single thing and keep daily logs books.