I think about that all the time. If were a store owner I would try to have information on each creature that details where they come from, what helps them thrive, what they should be fed and how often, what living conditions they need. For coral what par number (not just medium par or high par etc. ) they like normally and what exact levels I am keeping them at in my store. Where they are typically found in a reef. Most stores just have item and price. Kind of silly for living things that need specific care to survive.I believe it should fall on the vendor and the industry in general to guide new reefers. Petco selling a $50 dollar blue tang to someone with a 20 gallon tank is an issue. If the tang was priced at $200 dollars and included information about the actual needs of the fish on their display tank it would help. They should have QR codes so people can quickly look up information about the fish they are thinking about buying. Higher prices on fish that are more challenging to care for will make consumers put more thought into what they are doing. The "if it dies, I'll just get another one" mentality will not happen as often when there's more cost involved.
This goes for all livestock. Retailers that provide more information up front will help the consumer make a more informed decision. All to often it's just a name with a picture and a price. Displaying care level requirements would be great to see on livestock displays.
You can't make a person learn about reefing but you can make them curious enough to want to learn why something is more difficult to keep than others.