This is exactly the type of dialog I was hoping to get started here.I am very good friends with multiple of the large reefing YouTubers and talk to them about it all the time. It is a massive money pit that takes years of weekly uploads to even get a small following. No company will sponsor and send you stuff until you have that following. If they are willing to send you stuff, they will REQUIRE positive talk and pushing of their products. Many of the large hobby companies actually require positive feedback or they stop sending you stuff.
Over the years I have been apporached by some of them and none of them like my "I am going to speak my mind so if it sucks, I will say that outloud for everyone to hear" mentality. You do NOT want to get dragged into the coroprate sponsorship world if you enjoy your freedom of speech.
So here is a question I'd ask you to answer honestly..
Take "me" out of the equation, and pretend all of the people of R2R got together, voted for a show host, and sponsored a new YouTube channel dedicated to reefing.
Do you think that would be an interesting show to watch?
Completely unbiased by sponsors, the show could go in whatever direction the R2R community wanted it to go.
That is something I'd throw $10 to see if it worked out.
The only reason I posted originally is because to my knowledge, no one has tried to make this work yet, and I thought someone should take a swing at it...