How much do you think will cost in average all the structure+motors? My point is that if you can source the whole structure from a broken 3d printer (or a 3d printer kit) for a smaller price, then you would only need to hack the software (or replace the controller). I am not fluent with 3d printing so I might have somewhat confused ideas on how much a 3d printer can be hackedWhat I am buiding is effectively a 3D printer rig, except it moves in 2D axis only (in 3d printing the third axis is achieved by moving the bottom mount plate). You will need to buil a syringe actuator which is somewhat of a delicate job - but once you will see my design (using acrylic) - you can 3D print all parts to implement it yourself.
Once I am done with the rig and move on to electircs, I will publish the PCB Gerber files - you can then order your PCB and soldier compoents...
So perfectly do-able in my opinion..