
  1. A

    EMERGENCY Is my Tang Ok or Dying???

    Hey guys, I’ve had my Blue Tang for about two weeks now and it’s been relatively okay. Not really eating but I thought it was nibbling in any algae in the tank. Today we noticed that the Tang has been hiding under a rock all night and day. It has barely moved. So I tried to move it to an...
  2. A

    Is my Blue Tang dying????

    Hey guys, I’ve had my Blue Tang for about two weeks now and it’s been relatively okay. Not really eating but I thought it was nibbling in any algae in the tank. Today we noticed that the Tang has been hiding under a rock all night and day. It has barely moved. So I tried to move it to an...
  3. Mr_Knightley


    Hey! So over the last three or so days, the bottom front seam of my Aqueon 210g aquarium has started dribbling, and the pace of the leak has escalated. I have no pictures, I slathered silicon over the seam as a last minute thing but the water is still leaking through, slowly but surely. I need...
  4. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Fighting

    Recently I added in two more fish into my tank, so all up I have: 2 x Clowns, 2 x four striped Damsels (1 new), 1 x Azure Damsel, 1 FoxFace Lo and a Blue Tang (new). Yesterday I noticed my slightly smaller clown attacking my bigger one all day and night and all morning now. It’s been chasing it...
  5. D

    White dust coming from Canister filter after cleaning

    Hello Everyone, After cleaning Canister filter with Saltwater, I see white dust is coming from canister filter. Every minute and its making my Aquarium look cloudy. I'm just worried about my fish, Did live bacteria died or something bad happened? :(
  6. Herides

    My very first 1 week old tank. Can ya'll tell me how i'm doing and help out with water parameter problems?

    Hey guys, i'm going to tell you guys about my 1 week old reef tank and some of the concerns that i'm having that I don't know how to solve. The tank is a 40 gallon breeder with a population of just 2 Onyx (Sea Quest Line) Clownfish. It's filtration is an aquatop Forza canister filter (which...
  7. R


    I was buffering my salt water tank and accidentally used proper ph 7.0 for my fresh water tank and immediately corrected with marine buffer. my ph is now normal but my corals arnt doing great and a couple died already what can i do
  8. efrainrodz.94

    white spot in clownfish lips or mouth?

    Hi everyone, I just realized that my clownfish has a white spot in his mouth or... I don't really know what it is. Should I be concerned? Thank you!
  9. 162justin

    Orange slime

    Hey guys I’m new to the forum took me a while to figure out how to even post this and I’m not sure if I’m in the right section but this past 2 months I been having a red slime problem on my sand fast forward to tonight and I see it’s orange now and spreading further on the sand n starting to get...
  10. cac0ethes

    Wyoming White Clown EMERGENCY

    Hello, I picked up a young Wyoming White Clown a few days ago. Just a few minutes ago I checked on the tank and he is swimming nose down I thought maybe the return pump was a bit to strong as he was swimming down right below the overflow. I turn it off it has been about 20 minutes and he still...
  11. Lucas815

    HELP - Copperband Butterfly in trouble

    Hi, I bought a new Copperband Butterfly a week ago, and has been doing pretty well in my 30G QT. It was eating at the LFS, and eating frozen mysis in my QT as well, until 2 days ago. I noticed at this time that it was eating less, and was less interested with the food. Yesterday, I tested...
  12. liam’s little reef

    Torch Coral with Possible Bacterial Infection?

    Hello Everyone, My New York Nicks torch has been having trouble lately from what I assume to be a bacterial infection. I am at a loss on what I need to do or if anyone has delt with these issues in the past. All parameters are in check and this is the only coral (including all other torches)...
  13. D

    Single White Dot on Royal Gramma?

    I have a Royal Gramma that's been in my 13.5g nano tank for about ten days (along with two Ocellaris Clownfish and a couple of blue-leg hermits and trochus snails). It seems pretty happy/active, darting in and out of the live rock. Parameters are all good. This morning I noticed a single white...
  14. BrokenMarrow

    Need help! Possibly dying coral!

    So I went on vacation for 4 days and I left the AC on at my apartment. I went to my car ready to go, and my fiance went back inside to grab something. Not thinking, she turned it off and we had a heat wave. When I got home, I checked on the aquarium and it was sitting at 90 degrees... the fish...
  15. krakenwrangler

    Emergency - Purple Tang with strange white spot and HLLE

    So i received my purple tang from LFS along with yellow that ended up having ich and transferred to Purple. Because i noticed ich on yellow tang day 2, I quickly ramped up Copper Power at 2.0ppm for 16 days and that seems to be solved. I typically ramp up Cu levels or 5-6 days but this was a...
  16. Jadgrider


    My carpet nem got into the fan. He's still in 1 piece just beat up. It looks like a part of his foot and possibly a part of his disc. Does he have ANY chance of survival?!
  17. T

    Firefish Goby Breathing

    Hello all, I am fairly new to the hobby and am starting a new reef tank. I have had 4 firefish Gobies for just under 3 months now, the first month being in a quarantine tank, the two larger of my gobies live in this larger rock cave and the two smaller ones live on the other side of the tank...
  18. LukeWolf

    Help! Tissue receding on torches and hammers?

    Hello all, I have a bit of a dilemma. I’m not sure why but the tissue on the skeleton of my torches and hammers is receding. It happens slowly over months, they the flesh falls out, any ideas on what it could be? parameters: Salinity: 1.024 Cal: 480 Mag:1400 Alk:8 Ph:7.8 - 8.1 Nitrate: 20...
  19. efrainrodz.94

    Unknown creature in my glass tank

    Hi guys, I just noticed this in the glass of my tank. Does anyone knows what is this? Is it dangerous? It has like starfish shape.. I never seen this in my tank.
  20. The_Fishlad

    EMERGENCY What type of algae is this I have no clue I think it’s either dinos or cyano

    I have no clue what algae this is and I also don’t know how to use this websit but I’m hoping for some help
  21. B

    Dying Acanthophyllia or still acclimating?

    I purchased my center piece acanthophyllia from aqua SD. However, when I received it the edges looked receeded and the coral hasn’t yet opened. AquaSD tells me the edges were trimmed to remove old die off to make the coral more presentable. I Have photos from the vendor from before it was...
  22. espinobj

    Need ID. Unknown white crust and skin rot??

    I didn’t quarantine properly. I’ll have to evaluate and see where I messed up. However where I’m at now. I added this clown into my tank a week ago. I noticed it yesterday he has some weird growth on one side of his face. My Blue tang now has pits near his tail. Can I get help with an ID so I...
  23. J

    Have ick in reef tank

    Bought some fish and developed ick in my reef tank, I dont have a big enough quarantine tank for all my fish can I put my inverts and corals and some live rock in quarantine tank and treat main tank with chelated copper sulfate? Or will it kill of my tank?
  24. DaFeesh

    Blenny and Royal Gramma sick

    My royal gramma and blenny were completely fine yesterday. Today, my blenny has a yellow fins but other than that looks fine, hasn't eaten, and is very weak and lethargic, and my royal gramma is acting normal (eating, swimming, playing with clownfish) but looks fuzzy, has inflamed gills, a...
  25. Sipec

    Emergency help ballistic blenny

    I have some fish in qt rn with ich or velvet and my blenny is acting up he was limp on the bottom but then started thrashing and went limp again I checked I didn't see any ich or velvet on him I'm afraid that he might've gotten stabbed by my foxface I stuck him in a net at the top of the tank...