
  1. Perpetual Novice

    Help! Mantis shrimp molting

    I just added a bunch of new rock, inverts, and macroalgae to my tank with a peacock mantis shrimp. I was working and rearranging things for at least an hour. Then again the following day. A giant hermit crab I rather like fell into the mantis burrow but the mantis never attacked. So I spent 15...
  2. Peach02

    Red Bubble / orb on stromb snail?

    So I've had this snail (stromb snail / fighting conch) for about 2 weeks now and he is very active virtually always 'hopping' around the tank or burying himself or hiding in his shell from hermit crabs eating the alge on his shell. This evening I noticed a red lump on his mouth about 2x2x1mm and...
  3. pokegirl1332

    please help save my new clowns

    was away for the past weekend and my clowns in the DT died for some unknown reason but just 3 days ago I got this new pair and they're already sick probably with whatever killed of my old clowns not sure what it is and I don't have a QT setup right now but I have a spare 10 gallon if needed and...
  4. F


    I’ll try to make this quick and simple as time is obviously of the essence: One of my tanks: Fish: 2 clowns 1 blue green chromis 1 YWG 1 royal gramma Fed royal gramma one morning and appeared normal- all fish did Then went to tank later that evening and gramma was covered in spots (looked...
  5. D. Torres

    What is my clam doing?

    I've had this clam for about 4 months and I don't know if I just never noticed it doing this but today I noticed it was expelling some sort of milky/cloudy substance. I got a video of it doing it which is linked here in a YouTube video. Is this normal or something I should be concerned with...
  6. Cherry Bomb

    Shot in the eye with Paly juices :/

    The one time I didn’t wear my freakin glasses! Those things have amazing aim. Right in the eye with a good amount of juice. ;Blackeye Ripped of my gloves and ran for the sink where I flushed my eye out by hand with tap water. Was experiencing some mild stinging and eye lid twitching. Stinging...
  7. Seahorse man

    Tank crash, mini cycle, fish dying, oh the horror!

    I awoke this morning to find my clownfish floundering on the bottom, my firefish goby dead, and my scooter blenny on the edge. Ammonia level was 1 ppm, nitrite level was 0.5 ppm, and nitrate was 10 ppm. I did a 75% water change, and when thet didnt respond positively i removed them to my...
  8. D. Torres

    Clam and hermits ok?

    Sorry if this has been posted already but I really need to know. My main question is are blue leg crabs safe to have around Maxima clams? ;Nailbiting Got a great deal on a couple maxima clams on a recent visit to California (1/3 of the price asked for in Las Vegas) I should have done my research...
  9. joshbridges

    120g Ammonia wont go down

    So surrently my tank is sitting at a ph of 8.0 and ammonia of 8ppm + ,,,, nitrites are high and nitrate about 10ppm ,I have adequate filtration and used ammo-lock , its been at this state for 5 weeks and wont change :/
  10. Captain Jack

    Please help, red slime algae or coralline?

    Can someone please help me identify this red algae? How do I get rid of it? It seems to be spreading fairly fast and starts out as a mossy looking growth with air bubbles coming out of it, I thought it was healthy at first... there are also tiny little white, or clear/transparent ant looking...
  11. D. Torres

    Water change volume

    I have a standard 75 gallon tank. I was wondering if I need to take into consideration the volume displacement of my live rock and sand when calculating the percent of water to change. For example 20% of 75 is 15 but with 85lbs of live rock my actuall water volume is only 62 gallons and 20% of...
  12. sotsreef


    What is going on with my hammer, seems to only be one of the heads!?!
  13. J

    Need help with dying Meat coral

    Just got this meat coral yesterday and has been in the tank for 36 hours. Today it seems like there is this brownish patch growing in the centre of the coral and white skeleton is protruding. The coral is placed at the bottom of the tank next near acans not touching whatsoever with low flow...
  14. sotsreef

    Swollen mouth on RBTA!!!

  15. sotsreef

    My RBTA won’t attach to anything

    I got my RBTA 2 days ago. He was attached to a rock so I carefully removed him with an ice cube and turkey baster. I acclimated him for temp and ph for a reasonable amount of time before placing him into the tank. I used my anemone basket to float him near the top of the tank to kind of isolate...
  16. sotsreef


    I might be overreacting but why did he retract so quick when the light when off D:
  17. sotsreef

    Is my RBTA dying?!?!?

    I just removed my RBTA from a piece of rock and placed it in my anemone basket. Some of the tentacles are drooping and deflated. I got it from a local reefer today and it was healthy. I think he might just be annoyed about moving him so much.
  18. B

    Transferring Tank- Rookie mistake

    So I'm currently taking over a tank from a friend. Using all of his live rock and some water but decided to use new sand. The sand too longer than expected to arrive. When it got here, I realized it was LIVE sand when I wanted dry sand so that I could wash it. He's dropping off everything today...
  19. Ramiro Casal

    Please help my flame angel is messed up

    So I thought my flame angel had velvet after I added him to my tank. Now after 12 hours and a freshwater dip he has this at the end of his fins. Is it still velvet and what should I do now I have copper treatment and food supplemented with garlic and a liquid to help with slime coat. Please help...
  20. Aaron Davis

    Ammonia- non emergency....I think

    Hey all. Have a 55 gallon tank that's been going for approx 2 years. Deep sand bed. Plenty of live rock. Running a sump with Fuge filled with cheato along with a skimmer. Only inhabitants currently are a clown, mandarin dragonet, and a golden dwarf that I just added only 1 day ago. I have a...
  21. MICU murse

    Bad h2o change

    i have a 55 gallon mixed tank that had been up and running for about 6 months or so w/o significant issue. I have been battling high nitrates, but everything (fish and coral) has seemed happy. In a foolish attempt to lower my nitrates I did about a 50% water change and it killed 5 snails, a...
  22. cwb_reeftank

    Help!!!!! emergency

    my Jebao rw-4 has stopped working. I came home from class tonight and saw that my pump was not working. I have spent probably over an hour working on it trying to fix it and nothing is helping. does anyone have any suggestions on a new pump for a 55 gallon. I already have a hydor koralia...
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