
  1. oneilwiz

    Frogspawn Coral slowly Dieing

    Hello reefers, Have you guys ever experience frog spawn coral just shedding from the skeleton of the coral ? while other frogspawn colonies in the tank perfectly fine. Not even seeing any brown jelly nor is this coral being blasted with powerhead or being stung. Tank: Waterbox 20 Light: Radion...
  2. footgal

    RBTA dead?? Please help!

    Please help!! Yesterday I added a blue maxima clam and a cherub angel. Today my RBTA is totally retracted?? Pics of RBTA from yesterday and right now. I don’t know how this could’ve happened! cherub and clam
  3. E

    Yellow Tang acting strangely

    Hi all. It's been 2-3 days now that my yellow tang is not its usual self. It is hiding in a rock most of the day, not even coming out to eat. All the other fish seem OK, water parameters are all normal (tested yesterday) and there seems nothing else wrong with him. I've had him for about 4...
  4. S

    14 inch sohal seriously hurt itself

    My show fish has seriously hurt itself. It scrapped itself on both sides of its body and face. Perhaps it got stuck going through an opening in the live rock too small for it. It's now hanging out in the middle of the tank listless. Im concerned it will die of a baterial infection secondary...
  5. BrieFoster

    Ocellaris clownfish mouth open, not eating

    I need some help/advice. I have a pair of Ocellaris clowns together, only fish in their tank which they have been in for almost 2 years together, nothing new has been added, no anemone, no change in foods, water parameters are well within the norm. My female is not doing great, her mouth seems...
  6. P

    Need help Longnosed Hawkfish

    okay so i had a situation today with my tank basically saltwater got on my outlet and was smoking so i had to unplug everything was off for less then 30 min long story short that situation was taken care of i check my tank perimeters and everything is within normal limits. No nitrites nor...
  7. B

    Pectinia emergency

    Hey fellas I bought a nice pectinia yesterday days and when i put it in my tank she looked great. Today she had gaping holes where her mouth were and there is one almost ripping appart. Parameters show that the water is stable, still doing the kh mg and ca, i have moved the coral to a low flow...
  8. Ashv5

    Extreme Algae

    Hey guys, So ever since this pandemic, I haven't had access to quality filtered RODI water and instead, I've been using Brita filtered water to top up my system. I have had an algae explosion and I don't know where to begin and how to clean this up. I was planning on upgrading my system this...
  9. G

    Rapid mouth/gill movements and not eating. Specific gravity is way too high! (PLEASE HELP)

    Hello everyone. I am very new to this hobby and I am about to lose all of my fish. I currently have a 50 gallon tank with 4 fish (i had 5 yesterday but one sadly passed). I have been keeping up with water changes but I have been dealing with cyano for the past few weeks. On sunday, I did a...
  10. AddyBoy

    Is this Ich?!?!

    I really can’t tell if this is ich or not does anyone know?! It looks like the spots on my dartfish are a little too big to be ich, I couldn’t get a good picture but he has another pot on his other side that’s twice as big. if anyone knows what this is plz let me know ASAP! (All other fish in...
  11. TyrannicBears

    Need help identifying disease. white patch on Clown Fish?

    Hey everyone so today while feeding my fish I noticed my male clown has two white patches near his head and I need help identifying what it is. I don’t think it’s ich since there’s no specs on him and I’ve never seen anything that looks like it. He’s Tank mates are another clown, clean up crew...
  12. Perpetual Novice

    Need advice: Temporarily "abandoning" a simple nano tank in NYC.

    I always seem to post on behalf of my friend in NYC who is a passionate and extreemly enthusiastic novice in the hobby. His job has insane (I suspect technically illegal) hours and leaves him almost no free time. but what time he has is hevily donated to his 4 month old fluval sea evo 13.5...
  13. T

    Hurt ribbon eel tail! Help please!

    We have a ribbon eel and a snowflake eel as well as a foxface rabbitfish, bengai cardinal, pajama cardinal, and a black occelaris clownfish. Someone must have bitten our ribbon eels tail tip and we do not know who did it. But we are concerned if this is going to heal or not. Also shoukd we...
  14. A_Poythress

    Ionic Copper Level

    This is my first time running a QT system. I did a lot of research showing that I need to maintain a level of 1.5 - 2.0 ppm copper. However, I was just informed by someone saying that using Cuprion (which is an Ionic copper solution) I need to maintain a .15 - .30 level for therapeutic level...
  15. Spark326

    ***Is this gonna kill my tank?***

    I have this green hair and red hair algae growing in the tiny compartment of my Aqueon QuietFlow20 filter. Started growing about 1 month ago from nowhere. I have a 10 gallon tank that’s been running for about 4 months. Nitrates and nitrites are low but have not tested phosphate levels...
  16. mochajungle

    I think my corals are sick

    I have these really small brown balls on my coral frags idk what they are I’m assuming it’s some sort of algae but it’s like on the tips of the corals and also just stuck to them if anyone knows what this is let me know, And also how to get rid of it
  17. O

    HELP! Female clownfish is killing male!

    in my 14 gallon bio cube that I have had for over 3 years, with the ocellaris clowns who have lived together for 3 years in peace. However lately they have been severely attacking eachother. The female has bitten off almost all of the males back take and a lot of his fins. It is really bad and...
  18. Nate_Krohn

    Zoanthids melting away

    Over two days my zoanthid frags just started acting like they were melting away. No idea what’s going on. Tank parameters seem near perfect. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. I did a 20 minute iodine dip and it did nothing.
  19. CaptainHelen

    Overflow emergency! Hardwood floor at risk ;)

    This is a photo of my rig. The foam is down now because we turned it off for a few minutes, but the foam eventually bubbles up and overflows. We have a hardwood floor so we're in a real pinch and the member of the family who maintains the tank is out of town! Any ideas?
  20. J

    HELP cloudy tank and corals dying

    3 days ago i woke up to a cloudy tank and lethargic livestock and corals not opened up and mushroom splitting maybe from stress. Turns out my return pump in the back sump of my all in one tank had broke most prob the night before and i didn’t notice till 11am the next day so maybe 24h with no...
  21. ruegaroo

    Should I Be Concerned About My Frogspawn?

    I just cut off the powerhead to feed the corals and this is what I notice. It looks like it is ripped away from its base. Flow is pretty relaxed in the tank and it has been extended the most I've ever seen it the past few days along with the rest of my euphyllia. This is the first time I've...
  22. Perpetual Novice

    Reef tank getting hotter and I don't know why. Help?

    I have a 30-gallon biocube. The hood has been removed and replaced with a custom acrylic panel that sits on top and a China Box light that is hung above it. There are two nano skimmers in the back section in compartments 1 and 2. There is a 20-watt analog heater in the third chamber with the...
  23. Perpetual Novice

    I dropped a rock on my clam!

    I was adjusting the aquascape in my tank and a large coral skeleton fell on my 7 inch derasa clam. It has opened back up since then and I can see that there is a scratch in the mantle and also another spot where it appears a small piece of coral may have pierced the mantle and broke off. or at...
  24. JRP_Riley

    Evo 13.5g tank light defective

    Hello, I have a Evo nano tank and my light just went out this morning, I have 2 clowns and a some snails and crabs. I called to get it replaced and it will take 4-5 days for it to arrive. Right now I have some led strip lights on top of the tank to give my candy cane coral some light. Right now...
  25. Rogued_Reefer

    Dorian is approaching FL

    What are your hurricane preps for the tanks!? Mine at the moment is 2 battery bubblers and a battery pack to run a powerhead on and off for a few days.
Premium Algae Scrubbers from Turbo's Aquatics!