
  1. A

    Help - Torch Not Doing Well

    Wanted to reach out to get some help for my torch. I have had this for well over a year and it was growing great, always fluffed up and happy. Fast forward to a few months ago I added a percula clown that decided to aggressively host the torch and it started looking very beat up. The clown as...
  2. StephenMcn

    Gsp Help

    Hi all. My gsp has been closed for a week and a half. I got it 3weeks ago and as soon as he went into tank all polyps extended and stayed like that for a few days. Then they retracted and haven't come back out. Some mornings I can see the whites of the polyps peeking through but when I get home...
  3. PokeFish


    Any way to force feed sun corals? Mine isn't opening or accepting any food
  4. Sharkbait19

    Clove polyp disaster!

    Hi, A week ago, I purchased a couple new corals, one of which was a clove polyp colony. At the lfs, it was a large rock with dozens of healthy and happy clove polyps. I purchased it, and brought it home for my fluval 13.5. It was a beautiful colony. On the way back, however, I watched in their...
  5. Lucky713

    Rescued fish have salinity off the meter

    I rescued a clown and damsel that was being kept in a 5-gallon tank. When I got home I immediately checked the salinity in the water they are in and according to my hydrometer, the salinity level is literally off the charts. I initially thought it was a calibration issue so I check my 32 Biocube...
  6. D. Torres

    Clownfish won't eat after tank transfer

    As the tittle says, one of my clownfish won't eat after a transfered them from my 75g to my 175g. I've had both clownfish for about 2.5 years and the female clownfish is going on day two since I transfer her over to the bigger tank. The 2 clowsn are the only 2 fish I've transferred so far and...
  7. Courtney & David

    Snail ID

    There are about 6 of these snails in the bag with our new Toadstool Leather. They look like mini turbo snails, but we aren’t sure...anyone know? Should I put them in the tank or no?
  8. michaelabellz

    In serious need of some advice regards to cycling!!

    I have been cycling my tank for 2 and a half months now and have seen no spike of ammonia (steady .25 for pretty much the entire cycle), just last week my nitrite tested at .25ppm but has stayed steady ever since which is odd as I read nitrites double every 12 hours. I have two black mollies...
  9. B

    What is this? Dinos?

    hey all, So i cant get a photo because this algae or dino just started so its quiet small however, i managed to find a photo online of what seems to be the algae/dino in my tank see attached. I'm just not sure what it is. Is it dinos or "sea grapes" as the post where i got this photo stated. It...
  10. NanoRookie

    EMERGENCY Yellow wrasse with red gills and red eyes

    Hi, need some help, my yellow corris wrasse has red gills and red eyes, he has been hiding for a week he came out and its acting very strange bumping into everything and spinning. Took him out. All other fish are doing well. Parameters seem fine. What can i do. I just took him out of the tank.
  11. Bored_shrimp

    Lemonade in tank

    So, I did a major stupid and forgot to check the top of the lid before I opened it while I was feeding, and apparently I had lemonade sitting there that I forgot about and didn't see. There was about maybe a fourth of a mason jar worth of blueberry lemonade in there. Can anyone offer some...
  12. IE Reefer

    Something is up my my BTA

    For about the last couple of nights my BTA has been doing this, I've been feeding him ReefRoids and it looks as if he is sucking on his tentacles for the RR. I'm a bit on edge with his mouth being open and I'm curious to know your guy;s thoughts on him. BTW, this is the first night where it...
  13. DaringDiabetic

    BTA Emergency Help

    Hi All, I started keeping a healthy little green BTA in my 5 gallon pico reef about two months ago, I have a small ocellaris and wanted to give him something to host with, with the plan being to move the BTA to my larger tank when he outgrew the pico. He was fine and I got him to host with my...
  14. MrDeathKills

    EMERGENCY Barbershop Goby

    I moved from a 14gallon biocube to a 32. When i moved could not find my goby, thought he stuck to the rocks and moves that way. Unfortunately never saw him fast forward to today. Was cleaning out the 14gal and i found him!! Poor guy has ben in dirty stagnate water. I do not have a separate tank...
  15. D. Torres

    Snails spawned. Should I be concerned?

    Just now I had all 10 of my trochus snails spaw in my 20g nano. Should I be concerned? The water is looks a little cloudy and I can see a lot of eggs floating around. Do I need to do a water change? Is it going to affect my parameters? Thanks in advance.
  16. JAKos

    Yellow tang not doing so good after freshwater dip

    By the title my yellow tang is not doing good after a freshwater dip. he's laying sideways on the sand in the qt tank , i left him in the freshwater for 4 minutes. i made sure it was the same temp as the tank and same ph. it seems like he's really struggling should i put him back in my reef...
  17. JackerVenom

    The Dino’s! Ahhh

    Okay everyone so I recently moved and of course replaced my sand and everything was good! But after a month (last week) I noticed some stringy algae! I had noticed some before but as of last week I really noticed it. Unfortunately I had to leave for a week and had a suspicion it was Dino’s...
  18. BrewDaddyDave

    Yellowheaded sleeper Goby - EMERGENCY

    So I had an algae outbreak and after scrubbing the tank and doing a water change (in the middle of it now) I noticed my goby is on the bottom, body twisted and breathing slowly. was it all the algae I stirred up that’s hurting him? He had always looked skinny since I bought him and doesn’t eat...
  19. NewCaliCaptives

    Injured Anemone Help!!!

    Hey guys! A couple of days ago I got a beautiful Green Bubble Tip anemone and a Maroon clown from the LFS. They were doing great, but the anemone during the night got sucked into my Jebao OW-2. Luckily I saw it quite soon after it happened, and immediately turned it off and angled it so that the...
  20. mpb5717

    Clownfish Sick, Please Help!

    My clownfish has had this crater looking thing on his face the past week. I’ve been treating it was a medication for bacteria infections but I’ve had no success. I’ve piggybacked this with several 25% water changes, no luck. Since this has started, my poor guy has gotten popping eye as well as...
  21. B

    Help! Six line wrasse not eating

    My six line, I haven't seen him eat any of the food I put in since I got him about 3 days ago. Seen him pick at the rock occasionally and the algae on the glass but not actually eat. What's wrong with him
  22. M

    Possum wrasse w/ injury/illness losing scales

    Hi all, I’m new to the forum so sorry about any etiquette violations but I suspect my issue is urgent. This afternoon I noticed my possum wrasse had a weird spot on it’s one side. Closer inspection showed a couple of scales protruding and what looks like a sore. I immediately fed dr. G’s...
  23. KaidenGilbert20g

    Algae won’t stop growing

    I currently have about 20 (3 Nassarius snails, 1 turbo, 9 astrea, 2 cerith, and 6 nerites) , a emerald crab, 3 hermit crabs, and two sand sifting gobys but the algae is still outrageous and I also have a protein skimmer on it and its a 20 gallon tank running a kessil a150w ocean blue light . So...
  24. Acros

    Red head solon fairy wrasse stressed?

    I moved around the rocks today to add some corals and tweak my rockscape. My read head solon fairy wrasse is laying on the sand ever since and is breathing heavy. It is the only fish affected. I have a six-line wrasse (1"), longfin fairy wrasse (2"), lawnmower blenny (4"), and a new chalk...
  25. D

    Powder blue keeps laying on his side

    I purchased a PBT about a month ago. He was initially in quarantine in a 20g long because that's what I had available. I quickly realized that was way too small for him and upgraded to a 55g quarantine. He's been in copper for about 3 weeks. One morning he was laying on his side and breathing...
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