
  1. andiesreef

    EMERGENCY Ich Outbreak!

    Hello. I'm having an ich outbreak in my 20g DT. I have no quarantine tank, but I could throw together a Home Depot bucket with a heater and filter if I need to. A month ago, my royal gramma came down with ich. it was my first ever SW fish and I was devastated. I removed it and placed it in a 5g...
  2. Reefing Mama

    Help! Clownfish fins damaged

    I have had 2 clowns that have been a bonded pair for almost a year. This one that was exhibiting signs of dominance until recently, and I assumed was the female, has now been obsessing over the powerheads the last few weeks and yesterday she was fine minus a LITTLE fin fraying. Now her fins are...
  3. LegalReefer

    Trouble with ¿toadstool? Help/advice desired

    I recently got a small frag of a greenish toadstool leather (it was in the bargain bin and I don’t know the specifics on species, coloration, polyp length, if it’s even actually a toadstool, etc.) and after the first few days with it extending remarkably tiny and short polyps, it now has gone...
  4. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Valentini puffer Dying???

    I just got this puffer in the mail today, the bag had hardly any air in it so I tried to work fast. I floated him for about 10 min and drip acclimated him for I’d say 45min doubling the water volume twice. I did not net him or remove him from the water he did not puff up at all. He was swimming...
  5. thunderwolf

    FRESHWATER urgent issue

    Sorry for posting about freshwater here but this is the only forum I have and I need to go to work in the next 10 minutes. Two days ago I noticed a fish that I believe just had babies swimming oddly and sort of spinning top to bottom either near the bottom of with it's head in the substrate...
  6. B

    Shipping took two days - Powder Brown Tang on Edge of Death

    My powder brown tang took an extra day to arrive and was very close to death. Water was freezing and some damsels that were also in the package were DOA. I got the temp up slowly for the tang and then began drip acclimating (water he was in had almost no alkalinity - my guess is dissolved CO2...
  7. HoldensReef


    This guy suddenly died about 5 minutes ago. He looked awesome until just randomly looking like this since, he has become much mote pale. He’s already gone, just wondering.
  8. J

    Please help rsk skimmer problem

    Please help my skimmer was working fine for a while and out of nowhere makes microbubbles and overflows and I have it set on the lowest setting and I also haven’t added anything to effect the skimmer... I took it out cleaned it made sure nothing was in the pump and it’s still overflowing like crazy
  9. pochaxoo

    Help Please with disease identification

    I have some fish issues and need help diagnosing so I can treat the fish. For the last 2 - 3 weeks I have noticed my sharknose goby constantly nipping at the side of my yellow tang. From my research I understand they are either cleaner fish mimics or actually eat parasites. Either way about 2...
  10. C_Reefer

    Help!! Something is killing my Montipora!

    Hello! I recently purchased a montipora capricornis online and it has undertaken some serious damage. At first I thought it was bleaching but I don’t think that’s the case as the other corals I have, including 2 other montis of different species, are doing just fine. Perhaps something is eating...
  11. 40g Nano

    My tomini tang

    Tiny white dots on him, no scratching, and lethargic, and bumps seems to have emerged over the past few days, only visible on fins, but now all over body doesn’t really look like ich, no signs on other fish except a clown who is a little lethargic
  12. F

    New clownfish - action or wait?

    I have a new tank I put together a few months ago and recently put in 2 new clownfish. I got them from liveaquaria ORA and they've seemed to do pretty well. I had a makeshift QT where I just observed and treated with Prazipro and Metroplex for the recommended times (about 2 weeks total) and put...
  13. BurtMacklin

    EMERGENCY Green Mandarin Goby Jumped Out of Tank

    I was gone for the day working a 15 hr shift and when I cam home I found my new 1 week old pre-quarantined goby on the floor in front of the tank. He was very dry, but twitched when I picked him up, so I got him in a bowl of the DT water immediately. He had cat hair stuck to him, so I pulled it...
  14. F

    Coral Banded shrimp unpaired from each other!!!

    His guys, I just picked up a mated pair of Coral Banded shrimp from my LFS, and they were fine when being acclimated in a bucket. After being drip acclimated for a few hours, I released them into my DT tank (80gallon), and they each swam off to a different corner of the tank. When the met in the...
  15. T

    EMERGENCY Freshwater Aquarium Help! Ph

    Hi all, I have used reef2reef for my saltwater aquarium issues and I know you guys are very helpful. Does anyone know why Ph in an African Cichlid tank would drop from 7.8 to 6.6 within a few days. I didn't change anything other than doing a water change. I use well-water that is normally...
  16. dimitrinivo

    Bumble Bee Shrimp Parasite - What to do?

    Hey guys, today i bought a pair of bumble bee shrimp and i noticed one has a parasite. I don't know much about this parasite, if its lethal, if it goes away on its own or if its treatable. Any information would be helpful, thanks.
  17. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY Torch dying?

    Torch was totally fine yesterday and I came home today and saw this: Pieces of tentacle look ripped, falling off. any suggestions of what I should do?
  18. Sharkbait19

    Emergency! How to prevent BJD spreading

    Hi everyone, A little over a month ago I bought a very expensive wall hammer coral. Big mistake. Turns out, it brought with it some Brown Jelly Disease, and is now on its last leg. I’m feeling pretty down about this right now. Is there a way to remove it so that my other LPS corals don’t get sick?
  19. J


    I bought an acantho 2 days ago and when it arrived the bag was torn but it had some water in it. I'm not sure if he's dying or what. Can someone please clarify and make some suggestion as to what to do. And who knows what is that white spaghetti looking thing on it??
  20. Saltysocks

    Is this some kind of sickness or old age??

    Hello everyone, so about 3 days ago I noticed on my female clown she was getting transparent on her top fin. And while feeding her today I noticed she seems to be more transparent. She's been acting like her goofy self eating and being the queen and her partner is showing no signs of illness...
  21. T


    My Elegance Coral that I have had for about 6+ months is all of a sudden oozing slime and closed in an unusual way. Can anyone please help ?? Thanks
  22. Manny’s Reef

    Will The Live Rock Survive?

    Hi everyone. I'm in a slight bind here and I wanted to request your opinion on here before I contact the shipper. I placed an order from GulfLiveRock for their premo deco rock. We scheduled delivery for today. However, I just got off the phone with Southwest Cargo who informed me that the...
  23. Ocean_dreamer89

    Copper Power and Cloudy Eye

    Hey y'all! I'm looking for some guidance. I currently have a Coral Beauty in a QT. I got the fish on 2/14/20 and a few days later noticed some white spots on it's forehead area. I wanted to give the fish a chance to acclimate to its new environment and it was eating like a pig and swimming...
  24. Khoi_La

    Euphyllia dying one by one

    Hi guys, It has been a frustrated week starting with my gold torch melting without any reason. As of yesterday, my 2 year old frogspawn started to melt and loose 2 heads out of 5. The other 3 are looking as good as ever. But it doesnt stop there. This morning one of my 2 head gold hammer started...
  25. dabroli

    EMERGENCY Is this Ich or Velvet?

    My tang came down with this about 10 days ago and it spread to my blue jaw trigger, royal gramma, and both clowns. The gramma has since passed. The fish are clearly distressed but still take food.
TCK Corals