
  1. NeveroddoreveN

    Sea cucumber injuries, small "chunks" missing

    I got a sand sifting sea cucumber a few days ago and it immediately did great, eating, pooping, super active, etc. But overnight about three different ulcerations appeared, like it has white holes in the sea cucumbers body. The only other inhabitants are a cleaner shrimp, some snails and a...
  2. T

    Treat for ich/velvet or flukes? Occasional flashing for months, no other signs

    Trying to decide which way to treat… Most of the fish have done occasional flashing for months, have never seen a white spot or a definitive sign of velvet before. Flashing seems to come and go. May have been getting a little worse lately. Then today my royal gramma is up high in the water...
  3. M

    White Slime-The tank killer.....

    First post here, wasnt hoping to run into issues this early and need feedback.... So I started up a IM 20g 2 months ago. Did a fishless cycle with bottled ammonia. Waited a month, put in a six line wrasse and a few softies and LPS and has now been another month with them all doing pretty well...
  4. C

    Emergency - ID this nudi before I lose track of him

    Can somebody help me ID this guy. Almost looks like a yellow sea lettuce nudi moving around at night.
  5. P

    EMERGENCY Need Help Identifying Possible Disease

    So I recently bought these 2 clowns and one seems to have a lesion on its head. I was just about to dose Copper into the qt but noticed this and was wondering if y’all can help me identify it and tell me how to treat it. Thanks!
  6. mehaffydr

    Possible Bacteria infection Help me save my Bicolor Angel

    I have an 1100 gallon tank and was concerned because I have not seen my Bicolor Angel in a couple days. Today when I got home fro work he was swimming near the surface but not looking right. I easily caught him and moved him to my 40 Gal. emergency tank. He has red around the lips seams to have...
  7. Timich

    Recovering/saving sps from STN

    Is there a way to stop/recover sps from STN? Got a stylo for like a month now, started to STN several days ago. Did my research, but wanted to know your guys opinions. Did couple extra water changes and AB+. Any suggestions?
  8. Losirk

    EMERGENCY Hitchhiker ID?

    Hitchhiker on my Candy Canes. Not sure if harmful or not, but kind of concerning. Any help appreciated!
  9. Sakosreef

    Sudden Spike in alk! help!

    I woke up this morning to a huge alk spike, I checked the doser pump and according to Apex, it didn't dose an absurd amount of alk. I dose 2 part.
  10. Uzair Aiman

    Help! Emergency! Green star polyps with no light.

    Hi! Currently panicking and in an emergency right now. My lights just popped caused by a short circuit in my house somewhere, somehow busting my lights. Ive ordered a new set of lights and its on the way right now. I have only a green star polyp in my tank now and its closed right now since...
  11. E

    EMERGENCY What is on my firefish goby???

    Hi everyone! Im very new to marine fish keeping. I got a firefish goby two weeks ago. Upon getting it, it looked in very good shape. But just a couple of days ago, I started noticing that its tail was frayed and now i noticed some white fuzzy spots on its body. Could someone help me identify...
  12. Timich

    Candy cane help! Please!

    Please help me who knows what might be going on. So I had this candy cane next to my hammer for several months. No problems. Hammer didn't grow as much as the candy grew almost triple since I first bought it. The skin of the candy is like dissolving. At first I thought it was splitting. But it...
  13. R


    I just received an Orange Spotted Blenny from Live Aquaria. The fish looked very healthy in the bag. I dumped it into the small bucket to begin acclimating, when I checked the shipping water's salinity. The water the blenny was shipped in was 40PPT, and the salinity of my quarantine tank is...
  14. pleing1

    Striped burrfish not eating after injury to eye

    I just started working for a small non-profit in Florida a week ago. Our burrfish (3+ years in our care, no prior issues) is struggling and I'm looking for new ideas to help her eat. Here's what happened: The burrfish was in a 550g qt tank with some other fish following an unrelated event in...
  15. NanoReefer2025

    Ich Treatment

    A few days ago, I noticed minuscule white spots on some of my fish, and assuming it’s ich, I’ve been trying to gather all the supplies for a quarantine/ hospital tank to treat them. I simply have a 10 gallon, a cheap HOB filter, a 50w heater, a thermometer, and some old aquarium decorations. Is...
  16. F

    EMERGENCY Infected Porcupine Puffer can anyone help out ?

    I got this Blue Pelagic Porcupine puffer about 2 weeks ago, it came in like this I am assuming it's ich? It's been in a QT the entire time, I have dropped the Salinity Slowy to 1.009 using a Refractometer Assuming it's ich. It's been at 1.009 for 3 days so far doesn't look better at all, it kind...
  17. 1Matthew

    EMERGENCY Coral not growing & looking bad

    My coral has been doing really bad as of lately. Some have bleached and others have died. As for the past year I haven’t had many fish only 1 clown in a 60 gallon. The nitrates have been at 0 for the pst couple months and everything else seems pretty normal. I haven’t changed my lighting in a...
  18. L

    EMERGENCY What’s these?? found them in my larval tank and now i don’t see any larvae.

    hi everybodies, so i finally have the time to raise my fish and here goes. my larval tank is about 3liters, it’s a black bucket with a bubbler so i’m raising neon gobies here’s a time line -fish hatches -i do a minor water change -i buy more rotifers for backup and put them into the tank - i...
  19. exalectric

    Emergency!! Lionfish has food stuck in his mouth

    So our greedy Lionfish stole a piece of shrimp meant for the puffer and was too big for him. (Lion is only 2” long) it’s been stuck half in his mouth for a half hour and he looks distressed like he can’t swallow it or spit it out. The piece is about the size of his head and it doesn’t seem like...
  20. downonthereef

    Polyp Bailout

    Hi guys, bad news. One of my Holy Grail torches seems to be deteriorating. His head has almost fully detached and all of his internal filaments are visible. This is the third torch in the same amount of days to do this, there is no sign of brown slime? Searching brown slime disease just brings...
  21. A

    Need help with an aquarium (semi) Emergency! Fumigation & Tenting

    Hi everyone. I have got terrible news that my house needs to be tented and fumigated. There is no other way around it. I asked if it can be sprayed but the infestation is so bad they need to tent. I have a 32 g tank right now and decided to buy a 15 g tank to house my livestock while the...
  22. beehive124

    Anemone Stringy And "White Lips"

    Hello All! My new bta has been in my tank for 4 days now and it appeared ok for the first 2 or 3 days, but today it's not looking too hot. It has these big white lips, around its mouth and there is pinkish purple stuff coming out of it. I hope it's not zooxanthellae :( If someone could help me...
  23. Ancarol2421

    Bulkhead leak in 160 gallon

    Hello friends, Last night during a water change we noticed a leak coming from the return tubing on our 160 gal mixed reef tank in our school. When we took a look, it was actually coming from the tank-bulkhead connection. We were able to wiggle it for it to stop leaking, but of course we want to...
  24. gaki


    Hi, I got a pair of clownfish from my LFS about 2 weeks ago and both seemed healthy. They spent some time in an acclimation box in my main tank and then went into their own tank 9 days ago. I've been feeding them pretty regularly and all seemed well, but the last time I saw the little one eat...
  25. Dolphins18

    APEX just dosed 700 ML of red sea alk solution into my tank. thoughts?

    I've had my apex set up auto dosing for a while, today when getting back from the store I noticed it was running, it dumped a whole liter bottle of alkalnity red sea solution into my tank. Thoughts? I can not even get it to turn off, the pump is just continuously running. It is scheduled to...
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