
  1. lilithereefer

    might sound crazy but looking for free tank

    hey guys my tank has run into some serious problems where there are microbubbles everywhere, sump baffles are coming apart, ich outbreaks, nudibranch outbreaks, and water level issues. i was wondering if anybody had a 45g-75g tank that they are taking down and would donate as i cant really...
  2. workcompman

    Hello Anemones Help Mine are Dying

    I am really upset I have had these Anemones for 10 years as a matter of fact they are brother and sister they split 5 year ago they are gorgeous huge when they were healthy my water quality is excellent I started having issues 6 to 8 weeks ago and the only thing I am doing different is I stated...
  3. kels64

    Anemone EMERGENCY

    My heater fell onto my big beautiful BTA last night and cooked half of it. I fragged it to try to save the half with less damage. Both sides are in a quarantine box and both are alive and the foot is sticking. The “bad” half looks really bad but does have a few live tentacles. The “good” half...
  4. T

    Bristletooth Tang - White spots overnight

    Hello, Woke up today to find my tang covered in spots. I've been dealing with issues in this system now for 2 months but the other fish seem okay at the moment (2 clowns and a blenny). I'm setting up a dedicated QT today but need to be confident in the diagnosis before beginning treatment...
  5. Brad_95

    Something white on monti cap

    Anyone know what is going on with my red monti cap? It looks like it’s bleaching but I’m not too sure, Params: ALK: 8.1 Ca: 390 Temp: 79 Mag: 1340 Salinity: 1.024~1.0245* Nitrate: 10 Nitrite &Ammonia: 0 * I feel like that might be what could possibly cause it, I just recalibrated my refracts...
  6. LukeWolf

    I HAVE FLATWORMS!! Good or bad kind??

    HELP! I thought these were the normal amphipods covering the glass of my frag tank, but I seem to have picked up flat worms! Are these dangerous or ok? If dangerous, what kind are they and how can I treat them?
  7. Drew_E36

    Aquarium broke everything must go

    Aquarium glass broke flooding apt 300 obo take everything 2 paired clowns Starry blenny Scooter blenny Sexy shrimp RaimbowBTA, Green BTA, RoseBTA Green torch, purple torch Bubble coral Frog spawn Small other coral Assorted equipment Water damage stand? And etc pick up ASAP if not trash and LSF...
  8. McCarrick

    New to hospital tanks (not new to reefing)

    Hey all, sorry for the long read. I got ick in my tank on my royal gramma. I am new to hospital tanks. I set one up 2 days ago and last night I caught my royal gramma. He survived the night in the hospital tank and so I caught the rest of my fish to put into the hospital tank with him. (I...
  9. McCarrick

    Fluval canister filter wont pump

    Hey all. I've had a fluval 306 canister filter for about 4 or 5 months now. I bought it used on craigslist with my tank. I have cleaned it out quite a few times and the last time I shut it off it took awhile to get it started. This time I cannot get it started for the life of me. I've got...
  10. gizzo12

    Open wires on pump

    Today I heard the pump making much more noise than usual, unplugged it and made sure nothing was clogged and put it back. It was quiet for several hours after that then the noise came back even worse. Was examining it and realized the wires are exposed right at the base! Is that why and is the...
  11. Macbalacano

    EMERGENCY: Squamosa Clam Keeps Staying Closed for Past 36 Hours

    Current Issue: Squamosa Clam keeps closing or is only slightly open for the past 36 hours Based on my past experiences with clams, I am worried that it will die of starvation/exhaustion if it is not back to normal soon I've run out of ideas as to what to do to fix the issue, any help or ideas...
  12. ups.0fficial

    Fish dying quickly

    Please help, I got a court jester goby yesterday and found him stuck in the filter this morning, didn’t think anything of it and just came up with the conclusion that he was too weak to fight the filter and told myself to do a water change after I finished work. Went back to my room to go get...
  13. D

    EMERGENCY Help! My fish are dying

    I woke up this morning to a dead royal gamma which was perfectly fine yesterday and active. I have two yellow tail clownfish, a gobe fire fish and a lont tentacle anemone. All water parameters are good and nothing is wrong, same with salinity. The tank is a 20 gallon long and has great...
  14. C

    Help! Brown Jelly on a Ric?

    Thought brown jelly was more of an LPS disease? Is that what I'm looking at? What do?
  15. capt.dave

    EMERGENCY Leopard Wrasse Listless and Swimming Sideways After API General Cure

    I have a Leopard Wrasse in QT with 3 Sapphire Damsels. QT tank is 15 gallons. Salt mix is Red Sea blue bucket mixed at 1.020 SG. I am following Humblefish's QT protocol for parasites but not the Copper because of the wrasse. The tank is in my home office so I'm there all day everyday to...
  16. Humble_Reefer

    Sick Da Vinci Clownfish

    Our new clownfish isnt looking so good (see youtube vid). We got her from a reputable breeder 3 days ago and she has been eating little, her breathing has become more labored, and she is less and less active. We were trying to do tank transfer and she is currently in a 2.5 gal with pvc pipe and...
  17. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY Anemone Dead/Dying?

    So I got this RBTA over a week ago and it was doing great until a few days ago and it just started to shrivel up.. is there any hope in saving it or will it just demolish my tank?
  18. leejoohoonie


    Hello reef2reef community! Thank you for clicking and helping me out with this problem. I currently have a naso tang and a purple tang which seems to have gotten ich. The naso tang came from liveaquaria so I believed that they have already quarantined the fish for parasites and chose not to do a...
  19. ReefBud508

    Help corals dying?

    So i have a reef tank mixed softies sps....lps.....i having a issue now all the corals that are dying have been in this tank for 6 months or longer first my birds nest and stylo had necrosis now my blue ora chalice and a stunner has lost all its tissue underneath and now is bleaching out quickly...
  20. Zoa_Fanatic

    Is this BJD?

    I just plucked two polyps off my dragonseye colony because they were turning a bruised color. Pics attached. Now I had some white zombies (which were eaten by a crab who had since been banished back to the LFS) who grew this same color but opened and ate and were fine for months. Is this just...
  21. EHaddad

    Help return pump not working

    I have a Various 8 pump I bought 2 years ago. It has only been running for 2 months now. It took me that long to buy everything I needed for the tank. I had some problems financially due to health problems. But now I came home from work and all the speed lights are blinking. I tried rebooting...
  22. biggie4jets

    What do you think is on my clown?

    Hey everyone, I have 3 fish in quarantine right now and all are doing great, except yesterday I noticed a white like bulge coming from my one of my smaller clownfish (pictures below). I do have another clownfish that is significantly larger who I do see bullying him at times, I also have a fox...
  23. Courtney & David

    EMERGENCY Two fish not looking so hot

    So I have an orange line chromis that I noticed was missing some of his tail fin about a week ago but he’s going strong and eating. I’m not noticing any bullying going on, but obviously can’t watch 24/7. Today I’ve noticed strange patches on him that I need help with. I also have a black clown...
  24. michaelabellz

    emergency!! salt way too low!!!

    Whats the safest way to raise salt fast? my salinity is at 1.020 and i have livestock and zoanthids.
  25. michaelabellz

    EMERGENCY Serpent Starfish losing legs like crazy!!!!???

    My baby stripped serpent starfish has been losing legs like crazy all today and im freaking out i dont know what to do. My water parameters are all fine (including salt). Ive had this starfish for id say about a week or two now and i dont exactly know how old he is but when i got him he was the...
Frag Farm