It’s the use of dry rock. Every dry rock system I’ve ever set up was nutrient deficient. 0 nitrate 0 phosphate dosing my mind out to still end up with Dino’s.I have been reefing most of my life. I think the one thing that has surprised me is the nutrient issue. Going back as little as ten years and before, nutrients (NO3 - PO4) climbing were always a battle. Now it seems that many reefers battle (including me) to keep these nutrients in the system. I guess it's a testimony to how effective bacterias and equipment have become over the years.
Not sure of the ScIeNcE behind it so I won’t go there. But from the way I understand it. The rock is just sucking it out the water until it’s saturated.
ocean rock this time and it’s no longer a problem. I’m using dialed in feedings, water changes, skimmer and a small bag of chemipure elite. It keeps my nitrates around 10 and phosphates bounce between .08 and .12. I’m having to clean my glass quite a bit. Nothing is taking over the rocks though.