With bare bottom, I would stick to fairy and flasher wrasses. At that size, there are many options for all sorts of budgets. Note that fairies and flashers in groups all tend to transition to males, and males of the same species kill each other in Thunderdome match-ups, or so I've been told. Probably best to stick to one per species.Plotting my next tank and looking for the advice of the experts.
It will be 130-180 gallon 5-7 ft long reef tank I would like a few wrasses that will do well. Hopefully colorful and active but not jerks. I'm not opposed to going with a single species and getting a group if there is a species that is more interesting that way.
Here comes the challenge I'd like to try bare bottom.
Other fish that I would like to have in the tank
Mandarin pair (biota)
Majestic angel (biota)
Golden lined rabbitfish (biota)
Potters Angel (biota) (probably won't happen but I can dream)
I'll have assorted snails, crabs and shrimp.
All of the fish are negotiable except the majestic angel.
What do you recommend? Thank you