This should work. Can you share your ato settings?Hoping someone will chime in on ATO alerts. I created a low ATO level float that lights an LED when the water level is getting low in the ATO container. That works but would like to get it to alert via email when triggered. I've tried lots of things, I think it would be nice to have it record when it is triggered, and I can enable control equipment and then have nothing for control pump. If I do that then it just keeps counting up and up unless I set the disable on alert after 'X" seconds. That also works but I then have to remember to go and reset it when I have added water, I know I am lazy. I am looking for something that just records on and off and will reset when water is added etc.
Maybe ATO is not the best function to use, if anyone has any additional thoughts let me know, thanks.
Update this may be doable via the new ph-analog input route but trying to understand how that works, looking thought the release notes its touched on, if there is any additional documentation on the ph-analog inputs let me know.
There was a bug that cause alert to not fire if it’s not during the first hour. I have fixed it and it will be available in next immediate release. I think you are hitting that. Check if you do get alert if it’s in the first hour , that will confirm you are hitting that bug,