My 1 year milestone


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Oct 18, 2023
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Just wanted to share some photos of my beloved tank as it approaches it’s 1 year birthday in a few days.

I was a complete beginner who learned everything from YouTube and these forums (thank you!), and wanted to share to show other beginners that it’s not as hard as you think it’s going to be (but I wouldn’t say it was easy either, or cheap!).

There’s always something to look into with it, for example; everything is very happy in my tank right now, apart from one of my Gonipora (bottom right) which has been pretty closed up for a few months now, and nothing I do seems to make it happy. One of the cavities in its skeleton has turned black, so I guess it has some sort of parasite or disease, I’ve tried dipping it, moved it into more flow, leas flow, more light, and less light, and they all get fed Reef roids once a week.

Anyway getting side tracked here lol, here’s a few photos for you… here’s to another year!

Red Sea Reefer 170 G2
Skimmer on 24/7
UV (10w) 24/7
Reef Mat (1.2cm per day)
Red Sea blue bucket salt
Weekly 10% water changes (without fail)
Monthly water testing (or when I sense something is off)
2 Clownfish
1 Orange striped bristletooth tang (or Blue eyed kole tang as they’re also known)
1 Royal gramma
3 Regal damsels
1 6-line wrasse
1 firefish
10-15 inverts (various hermits, snails and shrimp)
23 individual corals of varying species
1 bubble tip anemone (newest addition)

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