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May 10, 2017
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I haven't noticed any white stringy poops. I did run a couple of treatments of prazi pro, which is supposed to treat the flukes. I have some metroplex. You think dosing that is a better option than the copper or paraguard at this point? I would have to pull the copper out to treat with the metro


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May 10, 2017
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My clown has now been looking healthy and eating for a good for almost 3 weeks now. My fallow period is also coming to an end soon, which means I'm getting ready to put the clown in my display tank.

Should I add some beneficial bacteria to my tank via something like Fritz Turbo Start or Brightwall Aquatics Microbacter7 to reseed my biofilter? Or can bacteria survive 6 weeks without fish in the tank? During the fallow period, I had one fire shrimp and about 10 snails that remained in my display tank.

By the way, I took the yellow basslet back to the LFS last week. He's been treated with metroplex and formalin and is now eating. I'll pick him up again this weekend and do another quarantine on him.


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My clown has now been looking healthy and eating for a good for almost 3 weeks now. My fallow period is also coming to an end soon, which means I'm getting ready to put the clown in my display tank.

Should I add some beneficial bacteria to my tank via something like Fritz Turbo Start or Brightwall Aquatics Microbacter7 to reseed my biofilter? Or can bacteria survive 6 weeks without fish in the tank? During the fallow period, I had one fire shrimp and about 10 snails that remained in my display tank.

By the way, I took the yellow basslet back to the LFS last week. He's been treated with metroplex and formalin and is now eating. I'll pick him up again this weekend and do another quarantine on him.
Your bacteria should be just fine after a fallow period. If in doubt you can use a bacteria bottle product or give the tank a good heavy ghost feeding and check for ammonia 2 days later. If no ammonia, you should be fine.
The bacteria won't starve, only slow down their ability to process ammonia. As long as nothing has eaten them (highly unlikely) they should bounce right back in hours.


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May 10, 2017
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The two doses of prazi should have been dosed 5-7 days apart to break the flukes lifecycle. I think I would focus on the copper and getting a good handle on that. I'd get the seachem test kit if you are using cupramine. You're going to want to test it frequently, definitely after any water changes, to make sure the level is holding steady at .5, and no lower than .4. Keep in mind, cupramine becomes toxic to the fish around .7-.8 so you don't want to overdose it either.

Im just about out of ideas for this yellow basslet. As I said in an earlier post, my LFS was able to get him eating again on formalin and metro. So I picked him up on June 3rd and put him back in quarantine, along with another clown.

At the suggestion of my LFS, I continued with metroplex for another week. During that week, he declined. He may have taken a bit the first day I had him, but after that, he went from coming out while I was feeding and not taking a bite, to not coming out of hiding at all.

At that point, again at the reccomemsation of my LFS, I did 2 treatments of prazipro. I saw no improvement.

I did notice his fins are pretty roughed up. So to treat for fin rot, I'm now treating with kanaplex . Im also treating with metro again for any possible internal parasites. Plus, that's part of what my LFS used to get him eating again, so might as well give it one more shot.

After two treatments of kanaplex/metro, the basslet has shown slight improvement. Instead of hiding all day, I've noticed him come out to swim in open water a couple of times. He's still not eating though. I'll do a third treatment of kanaplex tonight.

If he's still not eating after the third treatment, should I treat with a fourth? The instructions for kanaplex say to test for a maximum of 3 doses, so would testing with a fourth dose be detrimental to the fish? More importantly, am I putting the clown at risk if I try an additional 4th round?

In all honesty, I'm thinking its about time to euthanize this fish. I feel like I've thrown everything I can at him to no avail :(.


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The kanaplex can be treated for up to 14 days, but if it's not really helping it might be time to try something else. You could add in furan-2 + metroplex and see if that helps. Also, an acriflavine bath might help give you a head start.

Sometimes, no matter what we do...it just doesn't work. I lost a flame wrasse recently under similar circumstances. Eventually, I pulled him from the group and put him in his own non-medicated QT. He fought a bit longer, and eventually passed. But, at that point there wasn't much else I could do.
Nutramar Foods

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%