Here are the mesh canvas sheet, usually used for embroidery:Genius! I hope my misfortune will amount to something useful haha Where did you find the mesh guard?
Is it bad if Caulerpa goes sexual? does it mean more friends?!
Congratulations on the Noopsyche!! I want a clam in the future for sure and am eagerly awaiting the day my tank's mature enough for one. Would you recommend a specific spotlight for one? What is the reflector for?
Sorry about fishies Sucks about getting the pre-quarantined ones is if something goes wrong there's a whole new waiting process. I am in the middle of one right now but Dr. Reef has been incredibly response and on top of it with updates. Hope it works out
I don't embroider. Originally got it to make a nem guard for an amazon powerhead. Works great for that overflow in the back--I used aquarium-grade silicone, and it stuck to the acrylic wall without a problem.
I noticed a ton of fuzzies growing on the glass after a few of the caulerpa leaves were going white. This is in my macro holding tank (IM 10g), where I'm keeping Caulerpa, Botrycladia and Crenulata while the main tank is getting Flux. I assume it was the Caulerpa going sexual. I didn't wait to see if all of those wisps turn into rooted macros--I scraped the glass clean. Still a bit of it in the sand, so maybe that will grow.
For the reflector, they make a 30 degree reflector for Kessil lights, and it basically beams the light right down like a spotlight with high intensity. If I can rig one up with the Noopsyche light, maybe I can put in a clam, blast just the clam with high PAR and leave everything around it alone--they'll bake at clam PAR levels.