Wrasse Compatibility


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Apologise about this post being so quick after the other. However, I want to make sure I am doing this correctly.

Would I be able to have some help/opinions on whether these wrasses might work together?

Tank size
Length x width x height
Inches — 69.69x12x15.75
cm — 177x30x40 approx

55 gallon roughly, but I am treating it like a 50 gallon due to rockwork and substrate. Sump will be around 20–45 gallons depending on the size I manage to get ahold of. Mainly lr and macros will be contained within.

I'm roughly splitting them into groups that I believe would not get on with each other. So only one fish is allowed from each group kind of situation.

For the fairy wrasses I have included their colour and tank size rating from the chart. First is the colour of their section, second the aggression level it corresponds to, third the tank size recommended. Further along the alphabet the larger the tank.

Group 1
- Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse — Paracheilinus flavianalis

Group 2
- McCosker’s Flasher Wrasse — Paracheilinus mccoskeri

Group 3
- Royal Flasher Wrasse — Paracheilinus angulatus

Group 4
- Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse — Paracheilinus carpenteri

Group 5
- Blue Flasher Wrasse — Paracheilinus cyaneus

Group 6
- Ruby Longfin Fairy Wrasse — Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis (Light Orange. Middle. B)
- Black Fin Fairy Wrasse — Cirrhilabrus joanallenae (Light Orange. Middle. B)
- Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse — Cirrhilabrus naokoae (Light Orange. Middle. B) (unlikely)
(All of these are from the Rubriventralis complex)

Group 7 (Very unlikely)
- Hi-fin Sword Fairy Wrasse — Cirrhilabrus filamentosus (Red. Highest. C)

Group 8
- Sapphire Fairy Wrasse — Cirrhilabrus lubbocki (Yellow Level. Low. A)

Group 9
- Brunneus Fairy Wrasse — Cirrhilabrus brunneus (Green Level. Lowest. A)
- Pintail Fairy Wrasse — Cirrhilabrus isosceles (Green Level. Lowest. A)
(All of these are from the Lunatus complex)

To further on this before I am told how drastic this overstock will be. I will only be looking towards three flasher wrasses as a max and likely only one or two fairy wrasses.

Only three from 1–5, two from 6–9. Five wrasses I think is likely the limit of my tank.

If I get a fish from 6, then I am unlikely to get from 8 as some other charts show those two group complexes being close. Group 7 is very unlikely to be picked, alongside the Naoko's Wrasse in group 6 due to aggression some say it has towards flashers.

What I am thinking of (based on fish currently in stock):

1x Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse — Paracheilinus flavianalis
1x McCosker’s Flasher Wrasse — Paracheilinus mccoskeri
1x Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse — Paracheilinus carpenteri
1x Sapphire Fairy Wrasse — Cirrhilabrus lubbocki
1x Pintail Fairy Wrasse — Cirrhilabrus isosceles

Is this likely to be too much for this tank to sustain, even with good rock cover for them and a 3ft sump for filtration? Are these fish too similar and likely to be overly aggressive?

This list is not likely to be the final one, more of the others are likely going to come up further into this. Which is why if possible I'd like opinions on more than those five, but I know that is a tall order, so I showed the current five planned to at least try and see if those would work.

Any opinions on this greatly appreciated, as I know there are others here that are much better at wrasses than myself.

Thank you.


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check wrasse forum
Is there a certain forum you recommend, or is it a post/thread. I don't seem to be able to find a forum just for wrasses. I don't know if I am looking wrong though.

Thanks for the reply.


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That longfin gonna terrorize everyone. Introduce it last or leave out all together
Alright, thanks. I had a feeling that might have been the answer, it is why I didn't include the longfin or even any of the fish from group six into the possible stock I listed.

Looks like group six is going to be likely removed completely with the different opinions and comments they've got.

Thank you for the reply.


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It's The Wrasse Lovers Thread. @Slocke @i cant think are good advisers for this. fwiw, I think you're nowhere near overstocked kn wrasses for that tank, but I don't know what other types of fish you're planning.
Great, thank you.

The rough list including other fish is
1x Chalk Basslet
1x Yellow Assessor Basslet
2x Flame Scooter Blenny pair
1x Yellowfin Flasher Wrasse — Paracheilinus flavianalis
1x McCosker’s Flasher Wrasse — Paracheilinus mccoskeri
1x Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse — Paracheilinus carpenteri
1x Sapphire Fairy Wrasse — Cirrhilabrus lubbocki
1x Pintail Fairy Wrasse — Cirrhilabrus isosceles
1x Cherub Angelfish — Centropyge argi

Of course this is still likely to change if it is not right for the tank. The angel might be removed or similar.

Thank you for the reply!