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Now I'm assuming this philosophy applies only to reefing topic related threads correct?
If it is in the lounge and isn't a violation of the ToS of R2R than it would be very unusual for any content to be removed for being factually inaccurate.

Most non reefing content that is removed involves discussing politics, drug use, or is of a NSFW nature which is against our ToS.
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Why are you still in here
Reefapalooza has to be way more fun than reading.
He's probably checking to see how much trouble I get myself in... ;Peeking;Peeking
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If it is in the lounge and isn't a violation of the ToS of R2R than it would be very unusual for any content to be removed for being factually inaccurate.

Most non reefing content that is removed involves discussing politics, drug use, or is of a NSFW nature which is against our ToS.



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Now I'm assuming this philosophy applies only to reefing topic related threads correct?

And I'm glad the staff is leaving things open for us to bash on @HotRocks as we see fit. Seems very appropriate ;Smuggrin
I love getting picked on! This week they changed my avatar, and zeroed out my likes LOL.


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I know I have had my fair share of issues with my tank (which may be normal who knows). But for example @Brew12 and @Lasse @jsker @Fin (I have my list but it’s long), these have been the greatest people and when it comes to advice, they have never steered me wrong. But (sorry there are lots lots more who are in this same category, (guess it’s why I’m not a teacher, I’d forget my students names), but more importantly they are professional and even more they are just nice. Like @norfolkgarden and @saltyfilmfolks and @120reefkeeper @Fudsey @Hemmdog @Katrina71 and 900 more where not only are they experts like those above mentioned but experts in life also. Which is why I’m glad my thread is in the lounge. I want people to talk about music or be able to vent or kids or other hobbies or work or who knows. Because honestly how many people studying reefing the entire time? To me a reef community generally talks about well reefing, but life happens things get in the way, and sometimes talking about reefing all the time gets boring, just like anything.) It’s rare if ever that I get mad or offended by anyone here or in life. People may not realize that this is a great forum, and then still do things that aka break the rules etc. every person has a breaking point of enough is enough, then people leave. This is a great place because of all the people and how we act (like society). If some of the staff members owners etc decide I’m done, how many of us would miss this? I know I would, most of my friends are on here. When it comes to reefing, people need to compare it to humans at times (for my example). Some people get sick and let’s say we treat with penicillin, but another person has the same problem but they are allergic to it. We have to solve the probelm and fix it. Reefing is the same, they are all separate different tanks, and may respond to different methods. It’s in human nature for all of us to get upset or vent or sad etc it’s called emotions. Let’s not let emotions disturb a great place to be on and learn from. This place is amazing for two reasons the people on it and the overwhelming level of information one can get and the potential for learning from this site is incredible.
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good morning. Well this went on late huh.

I just wanted to mention again, I would hate to see anyone in here leave. It is for selfish reasons. I did another forum as I mentioned and it went bad. In sharp contrast to here, the other forum was full of people that stunk. Here I can see disputes, but they are subject related and not personal. (Except 1 or 2 I saw:))

We all know politics are here, again they are everywhere. That in itself is not a bad thing. Unless the politics are interfering with a members ability to participate and fell like a part of the forum I say acknowledge it and move on. No one is launching rocket ships or performing heart transplants. (Although I am not sure what type of Dr. twaldo is).

The proprietor, aka Rev posted a thread apologizing and wanting to address concerns. I cannot see a more genuine showing concern for the members. No other forum I have seen would come close to this

I hope everyone stays. The grass isn’t greener so to speak. I know, I’ve been there. Plus, if you all leave I will be alone reading my bad corny posts


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Tang, Angel, and Wrasse Nerd!
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I haven’t really contributed to this thread because I think Rev correctly pointed out that defending or explaining tends to be a lose/lose. I’ve seen this a lot. I’m in the “back room conversations” and all I will say is that we evaluate things as consistently as we can against the TOS. We often don’t participate in discussions where we are directly involved due to an inherent bias. You don’t have to take my word for that, just sharing the truth as I see it.

I want to also take a moment to commend the ReefSquad. I feel like all of the talk about what the reef squad isn’t may have had the unintended consequence of seemingly degrading the importance of their roll here. Their participation and aid is paramount to this forum’s existence and success. They are the front line. ALL users here are a part of what makes this forum great.

Yes, even those of you that feel you’re a pain in the tail. I’m talking about you, @HotRocks.

I love getting picked on! This week they changed my avatar, and zeroed out my likes LOL.

Yeah, and I was Chevy4Life for a while. We like to have a good time here. This “job” doesn’t compensate us in any way directly, it’s often thankless (thanks to those of you that spoke many kind words here, however), and we have to have a little fun. Then there are mods like @Crabs McJones that are essentially Paul Blart Mall Cops so we have fun with that as well.

But seriously ulterior motives assigned or not we are all here to help. Being a moderator truthfully isn’t fun sometimes. But we certainly try. God bless!


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There is a tiny margin for a "perfect" forum to exist; it's either a financial burden for the owner or a business that generates revenue. The area in between that makes for a great forum is tiny and impossible to maintain long term (that isn't to say to the forum is bad, just the window for a perfect forum becomes extremely narrow).

When it's a financial burden, the persona of the forum is generally good for the members even though it may feel sluggish or look un-polished. When the right number of supporting members exists, the fit and finish goes up and the mood is fantastic. Then you try to improve on perfection and the business turns into an ever growing snowball requiring outside assistance to maintain. Unfortunately, that outside assistance can never bring exactly what you'd originally envisioned and compromises are made; it becomes a conflict of interest to keep the members, supporters, and sponsors pleased.

About 18 months ago, I think things were close to perfection but now, I feel like the forum leans towards the business model and has taken away from the magic that existed until about a year ago. I had a hard time deciding to re-up being a supporting member this last year and likely wont next year because of business feel that I get from the forum now. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the forum but the family feel has diminished for me.



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Then there are mods like @Crabs McJones that are essentially Paul Blart Mall Cops so we have fun with that as well.

I've got to be honest even that might be giving more credit than is due in that situation ;)
Nutramar Foods


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Thanks for responding.
2&3) Reefsquad members are more like support staff. Their job is to help members with issues or questions. They do not moderate members or content, they are not a mod.

I apologize if I missed it - if a person is 'a moderator' do they all have a banner or some designation?

Again this is not people saying "you're wrong" or something like that, I think people who are afraid of posting for fear of being banned or something are being a little dramatic to be honest. Simply having a post removed is not a big deal, its when there is a pattern it becomes an issue.

I agree - and its not productive me to rehash everything. That said - the purpose of the main post was to point out something seems different on the site - not to call anyone out.

As to deleting posts meant to mention another thing. A notification is sent - but if someone has quoted that post - its still on the site. Unless I missed it - the reason the post was deleted is not mentioned. A suggestion - perhaps when a post was deleted - whoever did the deleting just deletes the text and type something like 'post deleted for 'whatever''.

As to the vendor forum thing - I know this has been complained and talked about before. I know the 'reason' - but you didnt really address a couple of points I brought up - which are - posts are only moved if they are in the first post in the thread - if someone makes a positive comment - and someone says - "no thats not true - xxx company has terrible customer service - im waiting for a refund" - that post stays in the original threat - its not deleted - so when people discuss that positive post they are having the same 'debate' but the posts aren't moved, etc.

To me that creates an inconsistent 'rule or policy' that is just plain confusing. To the other Reef Squad members that replied, etc thanks for responding as well.


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I think another thing we all need to consider is sometimes text is hard to differentiate or interpret. While we all have members we know personally, there are many more we have never met in person.

Communication is a real pain, yeah? We are talking about a hobby that is using a global internet web forum that has people from different cultures and speaking different languages. Communication and how we interpret is different which can lead to a post in a thread taken out of context or misunderstood.

I do my best not to come in hot to a thread but alas sometimes I fail. I am a big boy, I have my big boy pants on, and I always hold the right to be incorrect. The mods, well, that is their role to send a friendly reminder to throttle back. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Edit: This isn't about me. Was just using "me" as an example, sorry.
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4. Friends (married couples, parents/children etc) can disagree without being 'unfriendly'.


In my mind, there is always a nicer (or at least, not insulting) way to say most everything. I have never understood why people (in general) don’t try a little harder. Being ugly serves no purpose. You can always offer advice or instruction without being rude. Yes, there are some that will always try to justify their actions or opinions (never wrong) and choose to ignore all advice given. I think at some point, it’s just best to let it go.

I try to live my life never having to say “I’m sorry” for my actions or words.
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The quote bolded below(I removed the members name - who is a member of the reef squad) - succinctly illustrates (to me) some of the change thats occurring here. On one hand @rehvtree said he wants to work with every member to stay in the site. On the other hand, staff members seem to be sending a different message. This type of post to me makes it a 'not nice place to hang out'.

At the end of the day, if anyone doesn’t like the site, staff, Reef Squad, whatever, they are free to go elsewhere, let’s try and keep this a nice place to hang out, that’s what the majority are here for.



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The quote bolded below(I removed the members name - who is a member of the reef squad) - succinctly illustrates (to me) some of the change thats occurring here. On one hand @rehvtree said he wants to work with every member to stay in the site. On the other hand, staff members seem to be sending a different message. This type of post to me makes it a 'not nice place to hang out'.

At the end of the day, if anyone doesn’t like the site, staff, Reef Squad, whatever, they are free to go elsewhere, let’s try and keep this a nice place to hang out, that’s what the majority are here for.

I feel it’s stated differently. I think what they are trying to say is keep the negativity out of it and keep this a nice community. It’s hard to keep everyone happy if you have a few bad apples. Not saying there is any in this thread, just in general.

I think we are looking too far into that statement.
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