In our personal lives, I'm sure we have known people, maybe at our jobs, who have years of experience in a particular area but show no growth or "live up" to the expectations we may have. On the other hand, we have those people who surprise us with their level of understanding, given their limited time or experience in a particular area. Can this also apply to reefing? Reef keeping is complex; even if someone only adds liverock and a pair of clowns to a small tank, you are still forced to grow in knowledge unless you give up. But is the progression of that growth based on time? Or is it based on effort?
Yesterday, I asked how long you have been in reefing (check it out here), but today, I'll follow up on that question by asking, "Does time in reefing equal proficiency in reefing?" Why or why not?
Yesterday, I asked how long you have been in reefing (check it out here), but today, I'll follow up on that question by asking, "Does time in reefing equal proficiency in reefing?" Why or why not?