Can you keep mushrooms close together or will they sting each other?

nano reef

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Dec 9, 2019
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So today I woke up to see my 3 inch frankenstein 3/4 gone! I fed it last night and it ate like a pig lol I wake up and noticed hes almost down to nothing! I cant figure out what happend. He definetly looks stung! I only have 2 clown fish and a royal gramma and a tiger conch and astrea snails in the tank.

I have a lot of shrooms on sand bed close together, most are new additions I just got last week. The frankenstein was touching an OG bounce. Could the oG have stung him?

I am in big trouble now because I have a huge order coming in of about 10 different shrooms and planned on keeping in sand bed for a while until frag tank is ready. The tank is small 20G plus I have zoas and other corals acclimating there!

I also have a cage that has a tiny brand new cb blowtorch and several different shrooms that are tiny! Now I am worried about them touching each other and I don't have room for more cages!

How do people have frag mushroom tanks? I am planning on and plan to put rubble evrywhere and just let them go and I know they move around as well! I am scared like mad of losing thousands of dollars I am investing in high-end mushrooms! Should I try to keep only same mushrooms next to each other? I figured it was like acans or something and they wouldnt sting each other!

Thanks If you read this far. I am sorry its so long! Last year I Iost all my highend zoas so now I am going after highend sshrooms and cant afford to loose those too!
nano reef

nano reef

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If they are the same species of mushroom they don't sting. To my knowelage mushrooms don't sting at all though @encrustingacro can tell you for sure
Thats what I have always though too! I read up on it a little and get mixed reports. I cant imagine what else could have happened to my frankenstein! Another weird thing is I think Frankenstein and god spawns are both Rhodactis and they were both touching each other and the small Godspawn won!