Calling out all vendors... Ultra Rare Super Toxic Holy Garbage...


i cant think

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I won’t comment too deeply on the coral farm situation though… I have worked in one and hopefully will work in another in the future. The only thing I’ll say briefly is that coral is only half of the income for money. The other half comes from the fish and inverts.
F i s h y

F i s h y

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The op brags about a x-name 750$ a head torch in his build thread so obviously he's driven by the name game and high price tags just like everyone else.
You should do more reading before calling people out. This "name" was obviously a joke and a few posts back you can see why we were joking about it... go troll some one else. I'd never pay $750 for a coral .Post in thread 'Fishy's Fraggy Wonderland'


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Full disclosure, got 3 pages in and assume I understand the conversation. I'm sure I'll be corrected if I am wrong in that.

I agree that there is no reason to sell "rare ultra unique reverse stratosphere" for $2k is unnecessary. do the adjectives add or detract from the quality of the coral. probably not, and when I win the lotto, figure out how to quickly grow coral, and flood the market with your fancy frags at reasonable prices then you will have to take the "rare" and "unique" off the name. But until that time, it can stay.

to play devil's advocate: Adding Flair words, ultra, bright, rare,..., is marketing, and not really wrong. The conversation is had in boardrooms across the economy. "now 25% less fat!" means they cut the serving size or the amount in the bag. I had those conversations when I was a cook "local", "organic", "natural" all add more to the menu price than they cost the restaurant. Is that unjust? You chose to pay for it, didn't you?

At the end of the day, if someone is willing to pay $1k - $2k for a small rag, let them. I work in healthcare now and my refrain has become "we all have a right to our bad decisions".

If it really bothers the experienced reefers that newer reefers are only seeing the prices in live sales, then, do something about it. post frags on various sites, offer freebees to those with a lot of questions when you see them, and work against the rhetoric that they will get pests if they get frags from local hobbyists. This last one is a big one.
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Full disclosure, got 3 pages in and assume I understand the conversation. I'm sure I'll be corrected if I am wrong in that.

I agree that there is no reason to sell "rare ultra unique reverse stratosphere" for $2k is unnecessary. do the adjectives add or detract from the quality of the coral. probably not, and when I win the lotto, figure out how to quickly grow coral, and flood the market with your fancy frags at reasonable prices then you will have to take the "rare" and "unique" off the name. But until that time, it can stay.

to play devil's advocate: Adding Flair words, ultra, bright, rare,..., is marketing, and not really wrong. The conversation is had in boardrooms across the economy. "now 25% less fat!" means they cut the serving size or the amount in the bag. I had those conversations when I was a cook "local", "organic", "natural" all add more to the menu price than they cost the restaurant. Is that unjust? You chose to pay for it, didn't you?

At the end of the day, if someone is willing to pay $1k - $2k for a small rag, let them. I work in healthcare now and my refrain has become "we all have a right to our bad decisions".

If it really bothers the experienced reefers that newer reefers are only seeing the prices in live sales, then, do something about it. post frags on various sites, offer freebees to those with a lot of questions when you see them, and work against the rhetoric that they will get pests if they get frags from local hobbyists. This last one is a big one.
For me (and where i am it doesn't particularly affect me but I've been following along since i was once a reefer in America as well), it's more the photoshopped and oversaturated colors in the pics that sellers use to try to justify the prices which imo is borderline lying because you're not really getting what you wanted whatever the price.


Reefing ain't easy$
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You should do more reading before calling people out. This "name" was obviously a joke and a few posts back you can see why we were joking about it... go troll some one else. I'd never pay $750 for a coral .Post in thread 'Fishy's Fraggy Wonderland'
I'm not trolling or reading thrugh your entire mess of a build, my point remains the same, don't get your feelings hurt over every response. Let sellers do what they want its their freedom, just like its yours not to purchase anything you don't feel is reasonable :( :( simple economics, just like putting a "fancy" name on a product to sell it is.

That's my opinion, yes I have one.


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Good morning... wakey wakey...;)
WP_20200125_21_57_49_Pro.jpgpre indo close landed

recent ,landed ,colonies not frags / heads...:rolleyes:


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For me (and where i am it doesn't particularly affect me but I've been following along since i was once a reefer in America as well), it's more the photoshopped and oversaturated colors in the pics that sellers use to try to justify the prices which imo is borderline lying because you're not really getting what you wanted whatever the price.
In saturating the color and polishing up the picture, you are right. Some more than others are especially altered. But under all blues with a lens filter, I technically can get that look too, if I want all blues and am wearing orange glasses. I also won't be within 3 inches of my coral other than to place them. It can be annoying. Maybe Caviat emptor should be tanked about more often outside early teen years.

I have seen many vendors quite honest about how the pictures are shot; camera, lens, light and intensity are all listed.

finally, you had the reef of the month a while back, no? It was quite beautiful.


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In saturating the color and polishing up the picture, you are right. Some more than others are especially altered. But under all blues with a lens filter, I technically can get that look too, if I want all blues and am wearing orange glasses. I also won't be within 3 inches of my coral other than to place them. It can be annoying. Maybe Caviat emptor should be tanked about more often outside early teen years.

I have seen many vendors quite honest about how the pictures are shot; camera, lens, light and intensity are all listed.

finally, you had the reef of the month a while back, no? It was quite beautiful.
No, not me (although i wish it were!)...and I'm sure there are plenty of honest sellers out there as well as you mentioned but just remember from my previous experiences how misleading some of the online pics were from some of the big name vendors. (Again, it is just marketing and i think this is something everyone is aware of at this point anyway.)


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To be fair naming and pricing unusual or unordinary/rare Corals is one of the biggest means of revenue for a Marine hobbyist store. I have seen rare bounce corals, Discosoma, shroom corals the size of a thumb-nail get over $2k price tags. I had really thought about buying one because they grow fast and split themselves into more and by weight they cost more than literal Gold. The investment into propagating rare corals is pretty worth it IMO. You could even get your money back plus profit if you really got into it I think.
This. This is the big reason corals are going up. Someone saying ‘ooo, I can grow it and sell it to make my money back plus some’. With so many wannabe coral farmers, prices should actually be going down; however, people are using naming to stand out. You’d think someone would by a premium acro, chop it up and sell it for less. NOPE. They buy it for 300 and try to sell each frag for 300. If it doesn’t sell, they change the name to differentiate it and low and behold you have the super ultra hand fed aquacultures monochromatic rainbow holy grail sun coral of the gods


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I need a frag of that right now. $$$$. I do venmo, paypal, wire transfer, account transfer, partner transfer, shares for corals. What are you into? Don't make me blush, just get me one of those!!*

*i will be making an emergency post in exactly 2 weeks when my new $$$$ coral bails its tiger heads.
Lol. You got me at partner transfer...


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also, @F i s h y, how compatible with dogs is the tiger torch? mine likes to snap at the tank, even though there is a force field between the two.
Hmm. You have a frag of that pinkie and the brain? Will buy for 500


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My issue is with the names and certain terms of the live sale. Back in the day, a name meant something. It meant it was an original or from a well known hobbyist like Tyree, Tubbs, and Copps.

My issue with the live sales, though completely legal and common in everything (even grocery stores) is the hey this is on sale for $5 or $15 or whatever but to get that price you also need to buy this $50 item. Like if you want to sell it for $5 and I’m willing to pay the $50 shipping, then just let me buy it. I shouldnt have to spend the extra just to get the deal I want. Therefore I don’t participate in most all live sales.

My only other issue, is the vendors that got into the trade with the intentions we mention (lower prices, no names) and then a few months later their prices are close to identical that of the well known vendors with the names and everything else.


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My issue is with the names and certain terms of the live sale. Back in the day, a name meant something. It meant it was an original or from a well known hobbyist like Tyree, Tubbs, and Copps.

My issue with the live sales, though completely legal and common in everything (even grocery stores) is the hey this is on sale for $5 or $15 or whatever but to get that price you also need to buy this $50 item. Like if you want to sell it for $5 and I’m willing to pay the $50 shipping, then just let me buy it. I shouldnt have to spend the extra just to get the deal I want. Therefore I don’t participate in most all live sales.

My only other issue, is the vendors that got into the trade with the intentions we mention (lower prices, no names) and then a few months later their prices are close to identical that of the well known vendors with the names and everything else.
Reefin ain’t ez


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My issue with the live sales, though completely legal and common in everything (even grocery stores) is the hey this is on sale for $5 or $15 or whatever but to get that price you also need to buy this $50 item. Like if you want to sell it for $5 and I’m willing to pay the $50 shipping, then just let me buy it. I shouldnt have to spend the extra just to get the deal I want. Therefore I don’t participate in most all live sales.

I understand your point but here is my argument: I don't know about larger vendors, but for smaller ones, depending on location $50 doesn't cover all the shipping fees associated. So lets say you buy a $10 coral from me and pay $50 shipping and you live across the country. The label alone cost me around $45-55. Box, heater/ice-pack, tape, packing materials, add around an additional 5-10. Gas and time it takes me to bring the box to UPS/FedEx. I end up just losing money. Oh and don't forget taxes! It's not beneficially (economically) to do so.

My only other issue, is the vendors that got into the trade with the intentions we mention (lower prices, no names) and then a few months later their prices are close to identical that of the well known vendors with the names and everything else.

From experience, people don't buy cheaper/no name corals. As much as we want to believe that people are on the hunt for the cheap stuff, majority do not. This past year I attended about 3-4 local frag swap as a vendor. At first I dedicated about 3/4 of my tank to $10/$20 frags and the rest for higher end stuff (i.e. the HOLY GRAIL/ULTRA/etc.). I sold maybe a few of the $10 and $20 frags (montis, pc rainbow, milka stylo, zoas, acans, etc.). Even had old school green with purple tips frogspawn for $10/head. You know what I did sell out of? all the higher end stuff.
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For those of us who don't like the fancy names, Adam has the option of removing the names when browsing... I particularly appreciate that option.
I’m trying man I swear. Would love nothing more than to loose all the name’s completely. So tired of it all. Am very close to have the nameless no glitz mode being the default version of the site.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%