I WAS planning on going rimless, in fact I was going to build my own rimless tank. I had the glass and everything and last weekend when I decided to put it together I managed to get 2 panes in place and set before placing the third which promptly fell on the concrete and busted. At that point I threw my hands up and decided to just buy a new tank. I called my LFS to get a Deep Blue 60gal rimless cube that was not drilled and apparently they don't make those The reason I didn't want to buy a deep blue RR tank was because they drill their tanks in the bottom and then put in that huge corner overflow which IMO wastes a lot of space, and since I am downgrading from a fully stocked 90 to the cube I don't have any room for wasted space. SoI had thought about de-rimming the one I got and installing a eurobrace around it since its made out of 3/8 glass instead of the 1/2 they use on the rimless, but after I got it home an put it on the stand I decided that I really like it even with the rim So now I have to drill a couple holes in the back, install the Glass-Holes overflow kit, hook up my sump and fill it with water (oh and of course finish putting the doors on