
  1. G

    I need help with my stocking list please

    Are the fish all compatible? Is the tank the right size or should I go bigger/smaller? Is the order that I put them in okay? What other inverts should I add? Is each fish reef safe?
  2. Kobadinsky

    Help IDENTIFY!!!

    Hi Everyone, we got this coral from a friend and he forgot the name. Does anyone know what it might be called?
  3. L

    Why is my favia bleaching??

    My favia has been rapidly bleaching. I first noticed it yesterday
  4. B

    Zoanthids not looking great

    My JF stargazer zoas have closed up and look like nubs. They don’t look just closed, they almost looks like they’re losing their skirts or something. they looked similar to the purple monster zoas behind them a week or two ago. Parameters are in within normal ranges except for...
  5. Cole_Voeller

    White Gunk On Frogspawn

    Hello all, I purchased a piece of Frogspawn that I believe was cut just yesterday. I currently am floating it in my coral QT tank. The polyps have some white gunk coming off of them. Is this something from stress that I shouldn’t worry about? Or should I try to blow the gunk off before putting...
  6. The wet one

    EMERGENCY Flatworms.

    Are flatworms really that bad? They look ugly but don’t seem to be effecting anything. I have those yellow rasses and those blue damsels. Those guys don’t eat the flatworms. When I feed I’ll dip rocks in RO and take a couple dead flatworms and drop them in with the food to get them accustomed to...
  7. Kuhn

    What is this stuck on my Derasa Clam?

    Hello everyone. I've been attempting to do my best at caring for this Derasa clam I have. It seems fine other than the fact that I have this ... THING... stuck to it. When I first saw it I figured it was snail poop or something. But as I'm cleaning my tank, I noticed it got bigger ... I...
  8. T

    Anyone know what this hammer coral is???

    This is a repost. Can anyone identify what this hammer is and let me know where I can get it in the U.S?
  9. T

    Tck master torch vs asd holy grail

    I am looking into a good centerpiece torch. I am just looking for the general information between these two and others you recommend. I will also have plans of fragging the torch so I want one that sells well.
  10. fullinfusion

    HELP!! need advice on water paramerters what am I doing wrong?

    I seriously need help here, i was trying to raise the calcium a week ago and was getting nowhere. The dosing calculator told me to dose X amount of X solution and test later. I tested and sure enough calcium went up to 420-460 through out the dosing period, then things went south FAST! I...
  11. TbSaysNo

    Euphyllia slowly dying (?).

    Another thread before the incident started with info on what may have caused it I got it 8 days ago, at first it okey, then after about 2 days it looked super great. Then 2...
  12. CrazyDuck959

    Unknown Worms Living On Zoa Corals!

    Hello Everyone, So I am currently concerned but not too concerned about these weird pests that I have found living on my Zoa Coral. I am not sure exactly what they are but I would like to figure that out sooner then later. This way I can take care of it if needed. So far from what I have...
  13. T

    Best holy grail torch?

    I am looking to get a holy grail torch. I was wondering the places with the best color/lineage. I was thinking of cornbreds but I don't know anything about them. What is also a price I should be looking for?
  14. Baffels

    Dealing with Redsea, help please

    Ok, so my redsea 625G2 has spung a small leak on a side seal. Here's how the redsea support has gone do far: 1. I sent in original email/ticket. 2. They ask for pics of the tank, video of the leak, pic of the serial number and receipt. 3. I provided all of it. 4. They ask for another video...
  15. M

    EMERGENCY All of my fish and coral are dying

    Every fish in my 60 gallon (20g sump) has died besides my melanarus wrasse. I had a pair of pink skunk clowns, mandarin goby, lemon peel angel, coral beauty, powder tang, clown tang (both tangs were under 4” and would have been transferred to a 200g that is being converted to salt now)...
  16. MaverickReef

    Red Flatworms in Barebottom LPS tank?

    Hello all, I have a 125 gallon LPS dominant barebottom reef tank. Recently I've started noticing some red flatworms (planaria) on my live rock and want to do something to combat them. They haven't been noticably affecting my corals, but I'm sure it would be better if I get rid of them. I've been...
  17. newreef1

    Fish Dying

    Hey guys, I’m back to share my turmoil and maybe get some support again from you all. My tank was doing great after my last post regarding treating my tank with copper and raising salinity. I had done a few water changes after my copper treatment and copper was down low to a 0.69 ppm. All the...
  18. M

    Jebao DCP 18000 can’t adjust flow

    Set up my sump and my brand new Jebao DCP 18000 controller won’t let me adjust the flow. It worked fine last night, adjusted speed up and down, no problem. It is not locked. I can press for 3 seconds and it flashes to indicate it is locked or unlocked like it should, but will not allow me to...
  19. M

    EMERGENCY Is there hope for my rbta

    Please help , is there any hope left for this little guy , dont have exact water perams but ive been testing every other day lately and everything is coming back on point according to LFS, please what should i do i love him/her!
  20. Saskdevil

    Spirorbid Worms growing on palythoa? Is this normal or harmful?

    IT looks like I have Spirorbid Worms growing on my palythoa. Is this normal ? Should I be concerned?
  21. SaltwaterandLime

    ADHD brain is keeping me from making a!

    I keep overthinking all of our plans so nothing is happening. On the plus side, it means I'm taking my time for once. ....... Backstory: We recently broke down our old 60 gallon AIO mixed reef and set up our brand new Red Sea Reefer 250 (60-65 gallon total volume) on one side of the living...
  22. M

    EMERGENCY Dying linckia starfish?

    I have red and a blue linckia stars in my tank, but I’m mainly worried about the red. I came home today to a bunch of stringy looking brown stuff hanging from his mouth. He is also spitting red foot like pieces off of him. I’ve heard this could be it releasing / regenerating damaged feet or a...
  23. T

    Made it big on a jawbreaker mushroom.

    I posted a thread wondering what a mushroom was and I came to the conclusion it was a jawbreaker. The small one which is the size of a dime has a yellow streak. I was wondering the price on a jawbreaker with a yellow streak on it. I will attach some files but you can't see the yellow due to the...
  24. T

    Any experience with captive bread apt filefish?

    My filefish is going after my acan like a ravaged animal. I was wondering if anybody had any experience with captive bread and your success rate.
Tropic Marin USA