
  1. OrlandoAIOReef

    Build Thread Help build 65”x30”

    Hey guys this is my first big tank 65”L 30”W & 17” tall (pretty much 150g according to BRS calculators). Will be a budget build because I can’t convince myself why to buy the higher end stuff. Doesn’t make sense to me. Please let me know if they’re are better suggestions/options! :) return...
  2. MB_Corals

    EMERGENCY Aqua knight help

    I have a aqua knight over my 20 gal and I would like to know what settings I should have it on for coral.
  3. T

    Budget Skimmer/ReturnPump

    I recently bought a 60 gallon with sump and stand on facebook marketplace for $200, I think the total volume is ~80 gallons. I'm a 16 year old working on this tank on a smaller budget. The equipment I need is a return pump and eventually a skimmer. What skimmer will work for the tank that won't...
  4. S

    that’s not so incredible mr limpet :/

    is this the right place for this? not my main display but my families 150g mixed reef has T O N S of limpets and for a while i didn’t think anything of it which turned out to be a mistake…… acan colony that’s normally super healthy and full had been closed for two weeks or so before i stepped...
  5. S

    that’s not so incredible mr limpet :/

    is this the right place for this? not my main display but my families 150g mixed reef has T O N S of limpets and for a while i didn’t think anything of it which turned out to be a mistake…… acan colony that’s normally super healthy and full had been closed for two weeks or so before i stepped...
  6. S

    that’s not so incredible mr limpet :/

    is this the right place for this? not my main display but my families 150g mixed reef has T O N S of limpets and for a while i didn’t think anything of it which turned out to be a mistake…… acan colony that’s normally super healthy and full had been closed for two weeks or so before i stepped...
  7. J

    Help needed - electric shock

    Hi everyone, recently I had encountered a problem with my tank. I was getting stray voltage in my water from one of my pumps. I have replaced the defective part but since this has happened none of my corals have really opened. Before this happened I was seeing really nice growth and extension...
  8. J

    What is killing my clownfish?

    Okay i have a 20g tank divided in the centre for my clownfish breeding project. New fish seem to be dying for no reason but there definitely is a reason which i dont know yet. Swimming happily at 6pm then dead at 9pm. But then theres others in there which are fine. Same tank same water. The tank...
  9. J

    What is killing my clowns?

    Okay i have a 20g tank divided in the centre for my clownfish breeding project. New fish seem to be dying for no reason but there definitely is a reason which i dont know yet. Swimming happily at 6pm then dead at 9pm. But then theres others in there which are fine. Same tank same water. The tank...
  10. 19Mateo83

    Is this diatoms or Dino’s?

    My tank is going on two months old, I have always had a hard time identifying diatoms from Dino’s. What do y’all think? I have been having trouble getting my NO3 & PO4 up and my setup has ceramic bio rings and uses standard medium size tetra filter cartridges with activated carbon in them...
  11. Z

    What’s wrong with my hammerhead? It’s turning black.

  12. Gman6766

    Gem Tang Stopped Eating

    Looking for input on what may be going on that my gem tang just stopped eating. I got him about 10 days ago he has been in 20 gallon QT doing TTM. Qt was medicated with copper power (2.6ppm). He was eating frozen like a pig, fat and happy. 2 days ago he stopped eating all together. I have not...
  13. N

    Best flow for 180g tank

    Hello reefers! I recently upgraded from a 40g to a 180g tank with an 75g sump and I’m slowly buying parts for the 180g. I’m currently looking for powerheads/gyros and wondered what everyone’s go to is for that size of a tank. I was offered $300 total for two Nero 5’s and I’m not sure if that’ll...
  14. F

    Hello Is this macro algea growing on my live rock?

    I recently set up my new saltwater aqurium and bought some live rocks and sand. I saw this tiny green leaf thingy sticking out of one of the live rocks. Do u guys think this is the start of macro algea growing? I think the rock came with it, aleardy attachted on there.
  15. J

    Clownfish won’t eat!

    Bought a WC ocellaris last week. Its 3 inches long pretty big already but it wont swallow any pelleted food. It will eat the pellets then spit it right out. I had smaller WC clowns do this previously but would eat my pellets on the 2nd-3rd day. This one won’t budge. Its not thin so im not...
  16. be_ninja_pancake

    EMERGENCY Brown jelly disease?

    Worried my hammer coral has brown jelly disease. Its left polyp hasn’t opened in a few days. Does it have brown jelly? And if so, how do I cure it?
  17. B

    Please help me with my algae problem !!

    Please Help me !! Sorry in advance if my english is not perfect I'm a french Canadian from Quebec. I really wish to solve my green hair algae problem because i just cant enjoy my tank as it is right now. every week im pulling out as much algae as i can with my 10 to 20 % water change but im not...
  18. S

    Reef Octopus Skimmer Comparison

    I am new to keeping a salt tank so I am still learning the terms for most of the supplies needed to help my tank thrive. Currently I do not have a protein skimmer and am looking to purchase one from reef octopus as it seems to harbor the best reviews online. I am stuck between the 110EXT 4"...
  19. R

    Why can’t I be a stickhead

    Hello everyone! I need help as I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have a 10g nano that I have had setup for about a year and a half now and throughout it I have tried periodically to keep sps and they all end up bleaching. I tried one at the 6 month mark, year mark, and now (18 months) and...
  20. N

    90G Reef ready new or IM SR120 used

    Hello reefers! I have been in the hobby for 15 months now and I have finally decided I’m ready to upgrade to a larger tank. I currently have a 40G breeder reef tank with a tidal 75 HOB filter, Octo HOB skimmer, and two AIPRIME 16hd. My LFS is willing to sell me a 90g reef ready tank (drilled)...
  21. B

    Missing Magnesium!! Please Help!

    We have a 75 gallon tank with a Fluval 407 cannister filter. Bottom tray-black sponge followed by polyfill, Second tray- Chemi-pure & polyfill. Third level- biomedia. Final tray- ZeoCarb & phosphate remover pads Return line has a fluval spray bar, the Inlet has a Fluval skimmer with midline...
  22. Scaggs1117

    Help! Acan coral looking weird

    So I came home and saw that my acans that have been flourishing are now sort of odd and shriveled looking. Almost appears to be brown in coloring. Any idea what this could be? They are frags btw they have 3 or 4 polyps each
  23. Cole_Voeller

    Zoanthid Issues

    Hello all. So lately I have been having some pretty big problems with my zoa frags. I mainly just keep zoanthids, and have for quite some time. My zoas have always done great. But lately, they are starting to go downhill. There are 0.2 phosphates, and 10 nitrates. A lot of the zoas are...
  24. Mattc123

    Thoughts and comments on my new 90 gallon setup

    Hi everyone! I've recently been building up my 90 gallon tank setup and I think I've finally just about finished it for now. I'd love to know everyone's thoughts on my aquascape, sump setup, and more! To start, it's a 48x18 marineland corner flow aquarium which I have plumbed with a Herbie...
  25. Zokki

    EMERGENCY Help needed ‍♀️ high ammonia

    Hello, I don’t know how exactly all started but I have high ammonia for over 3 weeks now. I’m adding api ammonia lock, prime, api quick start and stability.I did water change 4 times and ammonia is still the same. I had star fish that my puffer was picking all the time and die and one small...