
  1. Cole_Voeller

    Tiny Black Dots on torch coral

    Received this torch from a local a while ago. Dipped with coral RX, quarantined for a few weeks, dipped again and moved into tank. I’m just now spotting these tiny black dots on the skeleton. Any idea what this is?
  2. G

    Unknown Critter in Tank

    Hey Everyone, Recently was doing a deep clean as I was getting ready for 65 new frags coming in from a wholesaler for my new business. As I was deconstructing some of the live rock formations, I found this little guy below swimming around... At the time, only my 2 breeding mocha clown fish...
  3. Mattc123

    EMERGENCY BTA Anemone health declining help

    Hey everyone. I bought a new BTA about a week and a half ago and he didn't seem too good right off the bat. I've been hoping to see some improvement but I left for two days and came back today to this. My temp crashed to 67 while I was gone apparently and I don't doubt that contributed to this...
  4. S

    Mysterious Growth on Return Pump - HELP

    Hi all, I am new to the Reefing Hobby and just stared my first set-up in November of 2022 with an old tank I used for freshwater (cleaned thoroughly). I do weekly water changes of around 15-25% but have never cleaned the chamber that houses my pump (including the pump) since staring the tank...
  5. Cole_Voeller


    Hello all! So I finally have experienced flatworms! I just spotted one a few minutes ago. I then sent him down the sink, and then immediately realized I should have taken a picture first haha. Looked online, and this is pretty much what he looked like. I looked through the tank and spotted a...
  6. B

    20 Gallon high phosphates and coral help!

    Hello, I am wanting to hear from some experienced reefers and get some advice on how I should approach this situation. I have noticed in the last 2-3 weeks small changes to my zoanthids, chalice, and overall look of my tank. Specifically, zoas seem to have a few heads close or barely open...
  7. Lucastank


    Tank has been up about 7 months. Doing great so far. last few days I noticed what I think is diatoms? On my rock and sand bed. In the beds i blow it away and it does come back. Seems to go away once lights are off and or less off. Just want to ask before/if becomes problem. tank seems to be...
  8. jvaughan1355

    Help with goni

    Goniapora was doing well for a week now retracted I’ve moved around the tank not sure what to do, salinity @.024 any suggestions?
  9. K

    Tiny White Star-like specks all over tank class?

    I have these tiny white things stuck to the glass off my tanks. They look like white dots but with these short strains coming off each one making them look like tiny stars or flowers. My guess is that they’re algae spores but just wanted to make sure they aren’t some sort of pest. Thanks for the...
  10. jp415

    Anemone Color Fading

    All - I have an anemone tank but looks like some of the anemone color is fading on a few of them. They were bright red before and now a few of them are showing more a green / dark base on the tentacles. Would anyone be able to shed some insight on what I am missing or can be doing wrong...
  11. K

    Need UV Nuvo 10 Desktop

    Hello all! I am battling dinos and need a UV for my Nuvo 10 desktop. I cant seem to find this version of UV anywhere! I cab only find the replacement bulb. If anyone is willing to sell me one please let me know. (Disclaimer: I hope its ok to talk business here. If not, this is an honest...
  12. J

    Nitrate and ph help

    Hey guys, im new to all this and hopefully will get some good advice here, my nitrate has bottomed out and my ph seems to be dropping. was wondering what I can do to get theses two back on track. My parameters ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrate 0 Kh 8.5 ph 7.2 maybe lower Phosphate 0 Calcium 500...
  13. gowlers321

    Can anyone help me ID?

    I can't find any other algae that looks remotely similar. Has anyone ever seen algae like this? It grows in long vine like strands along the rock and has spread across all my rocks. Easy enough to remove with tweezers but can never remove all of it. Thanks.
  14. J

    Slow coral growth with lower nitrates

    Hi, recently my tank has been running with lower nitrates as before and one major thing i realised was slower coral growth and they aren’t as puffy. I only keep lps and softies and they both have slowed down in growth ever since my nitrates dropped to 5. I used to run my tank with high nitrates...
  15. K

    Can anyone ID this

    I have these white filaments all over the tank. Also have a vermetid outbreak that I am treating with bumblebee snails and manual removal. Alk is 10.5, salinity 1.025, phosphates, nitrates and pH are I in normal limits. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  16. owsley

    Not your normal mandarin question.

    Looking for some help.. So I had what I thought was a pair of biota mandarin goby’s. Well turns out as they matured I have two males… I know the simple answer is to just separate them and take one out but my problem is we a 93 gallon and have built an extensive BRS hsna aquascape. So other...
  17. NomadicReefer2

    EMERGENCY Duncan tissue recession - Yellow ring around dead area; bugs; white egg looking things

    I recently began noticing an issue with my Duncan coral. It has been a little more closed up than normal but not much. on the side skeleton area of the duncan there is a bit of tissue recession. There is a open patch on the upper section that is surrounded by a yellow 'rim'. Where the skeleton...
  18. Linoss17


    I started to notice some of this clear white stuff growing on my rocks can anyone tell me what it is?
  19. D. Torres

    Don’t judge or do just need advice

    Pretty certain this is green Cyano. Tank was severely neglected. Went through a divorce moved tank twice in less than 6 months. Then couldn’t keep up with maintenance. I know I did it to myself but I’m trying to get back on track. Lost all my coral except GSP and some mushrooms, fish made it...
  20. J

    Unhappy corals, becoming cryptic!

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice really. I have been experiencing some issues with my corals for the past 2-3 weeks now. Initially I had found a faulty power head giving me a fair amount of stray voltage into the water (nasty zap!) However since rectifying this I expected to see improvement...
  21. Mattc123

    BTA help possibly dying

    Hey all. I received a BTA thru overnight shipping on 04/21 and promptly acclimated it and put it in my 90 gallon tank. He went under a rock pretty quickly and was there all day yesterday. I moved the rock to check on it and possibly feed it shrimp a few hours ago and this is what I saw. Is it...
  22. R

    Newbie needing help: Cyano? Or is this diatoms? Or something else

    Newbie reefer here. Recently, I've been battling a brown-ish growth in my sand bed. I suspect it's cyano due to the presence of small tendrils, but its brown so could it be diatoms? Its a 75G, currently stocked with 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 royal gramma, 1 firefish, 1 starry blenny, and 1 pajama...
  23. K

    Need some help with aggressive fish

    Hi there, I have an aggressive Pygmy Hawkfish. I’m having problems introducing new fish to the reef tank. I was curious what you guys suggest? Should I return him to LFS? Or are there specific fish that I should get that might be compatible with his temperament?
  24. Mattc123

    Bubble tip anemone hiding

    Hey everyone! I got a green BTA delivered yesterday and after putting it in, it was moving around quite a bit and it's foot was firmly attached to the rock work but it was looking quite deflated which I assume was normal after shipping overnight. Upon searching the entire tank for it all night...
  25. J

    Goniopora not opening like it was at the Lfs

    Hey guys, I recently bought a goni frag and it looked really good in the store. It was already growing small baby heads down the sides so i knew it wasn’t a recent frag. Anyway I brought it back and acclimated for 45 mins and put it in the tank. It didnt open up that day which i guess is normal...
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