
  1. Yeetmeister

    EMERGENCY Porcupine Puffer way too puffed up and can not deflate

    Tank has been established for 13 Months and he has been in this tank for 5 months Parameters Ammonia 0ppm NO3 1-2 ppm NO2 0,025 ppm salinity 35 ppt Ph 7,3 Hello everybody, i have a very urgent emergency. I just came back from work and found my porcupine puffer completely puffed up. In general...
  2. Phoerut

    EMERGENCY Tank crashed - how do deal with the damaged and dead?

    My tank crashed This was the series of events that caused this: Reef flux added 24hours later crazy ammonia spike - why this happened I’m not sure - like off key maxed out my testing kit and I wondered how everything was still alive. Fish okay. Some of my corals look ticked. Urchin was...
  3. A

    Weird white spots during cycling, Please take a look

    Hi all, I’m 3 weeks into cycling my tank. After week 1 I got zero ammonia, however, nitrite keeps getting higher even after doing 75% water changes. Yesterday, I noticed there are white spots on the heater holder, also, there are floating white stuff in the water column. This is how it looks...
  4. H

    Xenia might be dead??? Help

    Hey guys so i bought a Xenia from my LFS Today. And i dipped it in Dip X by red sea. I did the 10ml per liter of tank water i floated the bags in the clean biwl of tank water then mixed the dip x. Using my coral tweezers i pulled them out and set them in the bowl. I used a turky baster to gently...
  5. D

    EMERGENCY Orange slime on Coral and In sump and birdsnest

    It won’t let me take off the emergency button but anyways I’m having a weird problem with this orange like slime that was growing on my corals and then I realized it was growing in my sump I’ll attach pictures. It’s not cyano bc I think cyano is red and I used chemiclean awhile ago but it didn’t...
  6. D

    Is this lympho, ich or something worse?

    Just wondering if this is lympho (praying) or ich etc, it's had a very stressful few days we have had power cuts etc so any advice would be great!
  7. C

    Blastomussa vomiting every day

    The first picture is about 1 week ago. I haven’t seen it do this since. Hi, my blastomussa is vomiting everyday before lights dim out. Lights are on 12 hours and off 12 hours. I have another blasto doing fine as a single polyp, but this one retracts every night and spits out dark brown stuff...
  8. Spammie33

    File Fish needs help.

    My file fish got stuck between a rock and the glass 3 weeks ago. Later on that day my file fish fell to the sand and only gets up to eat food i drop. Most times it wont eat unless food is given to him on the ground. He stays on the ground all day long now and only moves when food is being fed to...
  9. T

    Freebie Coral ID Help

    Hi guys, got this extra coral as a freebie in a recent order, but it isn’t one that I recognize. Any ideas on what this is? I took one picture under blue light and another with the orange filter lens for better color accuracy. Thanks I’m advance!!
  10. BlingityBling

    Trident Reagent Help?

    Simple question: How does the Trident determine when to tell me a reagent is empty? Does it just go by a timer based on when I last reset a bottler such as the A? (as in an empty alert is automatic after 4 weeks from reset?) Or, does it actually sense fluid no longer being drawn into the...
  11. B

    Kamoer x2sr can’t calibrate it.

    Hello everyone I have owned this Kamoer x2sr for a few weeks but I can’t calibrate it properly, I calibrate it but every time I test the pump’s accuracy it never doses the amount I want, I have the pump next to my reef tank, waste water goes down to my basement directly to the drain and my fresh...
  12. J

    Mollies in reef tanks

    Wonder if anyone is having the same issue as me with mollies in saltwater. I have a lagoon that is kept under a lil 1.025 since its fish only with mushrooms. I added mollies few months back and realised every male has died. Only the females are alive. Sailfins, balloons and the smaller black...
  13. Cole_Voeller

    Fangblenny Injury

    Hello all! So I have a striped fangblenny, and he’s always done great. However he often gets injuries on his face, and I’m not sure what it could possibly be. I believed maybe he was flashing due to flukes, and I did two rounds of prazi. The injuries are still appearing though. They’re always...
  14. K

    I am new and hoping someone can give me some insight

    I have this piece of coral and wanted to know if there was a market for it or how do I go about selling it? What do you think the value is?
  15. L

    EMERGENCY What's wrong with my starfish???

    I came home from work today and I found a gash on my starfish. Is he gonna be okay??? What should I do??
  16. Cole_Voeller

    Refractometer Issue

    Hello all, Weird question. So basically, I’ve always used a bottle of Fritz Refractometer fluid to calibrate my refractometer. I had a bottle of BRS fluid, and also just got another brand new one. Well today I tried all of them, to find there was a difference of 5ppt between the Fritz and a BRS...
  17. B

    Is this an amphipod?

    I'm not familiar with amphipods and I want to make sure this isn't something I should worry about. Recently introduced coral from WWC and after dipping placed it in my tank. Now i see these crawling all over snails and the glass.
  18. Randy’s reef

    EMERGENCY Weird looking yellow tang

    Hi everyone I’m back again , so I rescued a adult yellow tang about 5 inches but it does not have any dorsal fin or bottom fins will this grow back? also fish face is very white as seen in pic how can I help this guy
  19. C

    My LPS aren't doing well. Need some help with my first tank.

    I'll get the tank stats out of the way first. 20 Gallon Cube AIO with AI Prime 16HD running on David Saxby preset. It's about 6 months old (not including the cycle), and for the first few months everything was going well, corals were completely open and growing, and now pretty much all of my...
  20. S

    Does anyone know what’s going on with my hammer Coral?

    Got this hammer about 2 weeks ago. Looked like it was doing fine until I checked it last night and it looked like this. Feel like my other 2 corals aren’t looking great either. I dosed the tank with microbacter clean & all for reef last night so maybe it was an overdose of nutrients? Been...
  21. D

    EMERGENCY Reef Dying

    Hi, I’ve had this reef for about 2 months now, everything was fine and open and doing very well then all of a sudden maybe in the past week it’s just stopped opening up fully and not looking healthy. I will show some pictures below of before and after. It’s mainly my torch’s and frogspawns I am...
  22. Afkomjorgen

    Help! Anemone looking really deflated

    Noticed last night that she didn’t look herself. She’s showing her mouth a lot and is going back and forth between being very deflated and deflated. also noticed some other corals are unhappy this week (lps specific) so may be parameters?? I did directly feed her for the first time in a long...
  23. Gabtron92

    Purple candelabra gorgonian trouble (photosynthetic)

    I got my first gorgonian about a month ago and its condition is already starting to deteriorate I haven’t been much of a coral killer yet but maybe this is my time to learn a tough lesson. I have it in an area of my tank with fairly strong flow and good lighting. I feed it reef fuel and I also...
  24. K

    New to hobby, need help!

    Hello everyone, im going to be getting my first salt water tank this week. I found a aquatop recife eco 24 gal aquarium w/ stand for $300. Dude was nice enough to throw in a reef light and 30lb live rock too. Any way my question is stocking. What fish should i be looking to put in and how many...
  25. C

    Torch coral retracting

    Hello, I’m posting here today to see if I can get any help with why my torch is looking deflated. I dose the aquarium with reef fusion 1 and 2 normally and feed my corals reef roids as well as dose fuel normally. I also dose magnesium every now and then. All my other LPS corals like my elegance...