
  1. becky1107

    Toadstool ID please

    We've had this toadstool a while now but never figured out which species it is. It is big and extremely wavy in the flow. Thanks
  2. lucyretz

    help me figure out why my corals arent happy

    Hi all, Once again i find myself running out of knowledge. My euphyllia corals arent opening fully and I cant figure out why. PARAMETERS: ALK: 8.78 (trident) CAL: 544 MAG: 1407 ORP:200 PH: 7.84 SALT: 35.10 TEMP:77.3 NITRATE: 10.01 (HANNA) PHOS: 0.15 (HANNA) System: 2 Ai primes running david...
  3. T

    Help! GSP dying but everything else doing great?

    Hey! Tank has been cycled for 6 months, and was doing great. Had a gsp frag on the sand that was showing great growth, PE, and everything else. Then, one day after a 20% water change the polyps never come out again. It's been 2 days with them not coming out, is it dead? What could have happened...
  4. B

    EMERGENCY Can a 3 day blackout cause issues?

    Before I start, I would like to say I kind of hate using the word emergency here but it is time sensitive and blackout as in controlled, not a power outtage In my tank I have a very big Dino outbreak. I did a massive clean last night of siphoning the sand and cleaning off the rocks and glass...
  5. A

    Is anemone dying? Help!

    Hi, I recently ordered a green bubble tip anenome from the divers den. Upon arrival it looks pretty sad. The mouth is wide open with white coming out of it? I am new to saltwater and this is my first anenome! I've had my tank for about 8 months and it has just been fish and live rock...
  6. B

    Can dinos stress fish?

    I couldnt find a clear answer. My tank is riddled with dinos and I'm currently working on removing them. Can dinos cause fish to eat less, swim less, and overall look lethargic? I took my clowns out to bring to my lfs, they offer free qt and hospital tanks so they are currently working on my...
  7. Kass

    Lighting help for beginner

    Hello! My 46 gallon bowfront tank is almost finished cycling. I am hoping to add a clownfish or coral in the next couple of weeks. However before I do that I would like to fix the lighting on my tank. I have a light: However my tank has a rim and the lip of the rim is connected to the center...
  8. Isolated Reef

    Accidentally Dosed Spoiled Amino Acids

    Welp, I had a feeling this was going to happen but this is the situation I’ve gotten myself into. I found myself being extremely inconsistent with dosing Red Sea’s AB+ amino acid and looked for something that could be a more automated solution. I settled on Aquaforests amino acid they offer...
  9. C

    AI Prime 16 HD can't connect to app

    Hey everyone. So I bought 3 used AI Prime 16HD and they've been deleted from previous owners accounts. I plug them in and they're flashing green and blue which should be ready to connect. The problem I'm running into is they're not showing up when I try to add them from the app. I've tried 2...
  10. Nanolifeuk

    EMERGENCY Oily surface film will not go away !

    trying to solve this problem and it will not go away. Nero 3 wave maker added RFG Added. (Both pointing to surface) Sump modification. Overflow modification. NOTHING WILL SKIM THIS SURFACE! overflow is working as it should.
  11. J

    EMERGENCY Need help identifying this please

    I have 4 cromis and a few other fish and I need help identifying this outbreak. All the fish are fine except these dang cromis. One got very bad very quickly I think it go hit by a shrimp bullet or cleaner. But the other one has weird markings on it and it’s got no red and doesn’t look like...
  12. J

    EMERGENCY What is this. Uronema or bacterial or just something random

    4 green cromis 1 died but that’s nothing I’ve ever seen before. The other ones have weird markings on them that the first did not. The clowns goby’s and tangs are fine. Just These guys. I feel bad cause I can’t stop whatever it is from progressing if I can’t find out what it is. I’m feeding low...
  13. J

    Maroon clownfish with white strands coming out of her chin

    What are these white strands coming out of her chin? They were not here yesterday night. Only thing new i did was feed her medicated food for deworming. Theres 5 white strands coming out like when you pop a pimple. Shes 4 inches long so its very noticeable
  14. D

    How long does the ugly stage last? is this normal?

    I’ve had this 30 gal tank for a 2 months now, made sure to cycle it before. The sand gets dirty with red algee/bacteria alot, and so do the rocks. I do water changes every 1.5 weeks and frequently clean the algee of the walls of the tank. I was wondering if this was normal and if it will go away...
  15. C

    EMERGENCY Help - Little Clown

    Please help. Does anyone know what this could be on my little clown? It started off as a red bump under his mouth, but has turned white and he now seems to be bothered by it and keeps his mouth open all the time. Tank is relatively new (2 months) and this guy seems to be having issues. He is...
  16. B

    Broken hanna testers?

    I purchased a hanna nitrate checker and phosphate ulr checker. I wanted this because I'm currently fighting amphidinium dinos. My tank is roughly 4 months old, no Coral, 3 total fish with a bit of clean up crew. Nothing but rock and sand. No scrubbers or gfos to remove anything, no fuge. Even...
  17. D

    EMERGENCY baby hippo tang not doing well

    I’ve had this blue hippo for about 6 days now. He rarely eats and sometimes swims around. Now all of a sudden he is sitting by this heater at the top of the tank the whole time or sometimes he sits in the same corner and just sits there. What should I do please help lol?!
  18. Kuhn

    My Tachy looks like its deflating?

    Hello, all! I got this gorgeous Trachy on Thursday of last week and I'm just not sure if it's happy or not... It came in perfect and puffy, put it in my tank (acclimated it first of course) then the next day started getting smaller and less puffy... I know they can deflate at night, but tbh it...
  19. B

    EMERGENCY Is there something wrong with my clowns?

    I just had to remove a ton of rock to get out a very aggressive fish. But now my clowns are acting really weird. Doesn't seem to be any parasite issue but they aren't eating which I assume is from the stress as they ate happily the day before I removed the aggressive fish. It's been a 16 hours...
  20. Pure Fishigan

    Alk 13.5 dKH????? Help

    I was testing all my reef tanks 60.2 and a WB 10 cube and alk was through the roof like 12.2 in the tanks themselves Then I realized I did waterchange yesterday and went to test my mixing can and it tested 13.2!!!! I am using a Hanna Alk checker and the reagent is still good and my salt is good...
  21. R

    HELP - My Corals are Not Doing good in my new tank

    Setup: IM Fusion 20 Desktop, BKRS titanium heater + InkBird controller,MightyJet 326 GPH Return Pump, Nero 3 Powerhead, AI hydra 32 HD, 2x VCA Rfg’s, special grade arag alive sand (15-20lbs), Carib sea life rock (12-15lbs), recently added galaxy pods from algae barn, refugium light with chaeto...
  22. reef2.0

    Identification help! Manjano? Or mushroom?

    Hi all wondering if anyone could help identify what this is. It is all over the same rock, and each circle of it varies in size but is spreading very rapidly! trying to figure out if it is invasive and or predatory. thanks in advance
  23. RockyMountainReefing

    Sump setup and equipment placement advice.

    Hi I’m about to setup my tank and buy the last few remaining pieces of equipment. In my sumps first chamber I plan on putting a sk-3000 Gen3 Roller Filter the chamber is just big enough for it. The 2nd chamber which is the refuge I plan on putting a baffle to split it into 2 chambers. One for...
  24. Nanolifeuk

    Really low nitrates ? feeding heavy

    so on my quest to raise my nitrates I have upped my feeding. I only have two clowns and a hermit clean up crew. Feeding half a cube of frozen mysis daily. loads are left uneaten. Cuc do what they can. GHA is speeding up and nitrates haven’t budged. do you think I just need another fish ? Tank...
  25. N

    EMERGENCY Grim reaper dying??

    So I just moved my tank from one house to another got all my corals in the tank and got my system running smoothly but my grim reaper looks like it is dying. The flesh is starting to look worse and worse while my other torch looks fine. They are both indo and I had them placed in a pretty medium...
Bulk Reef Supply