
  1. B

    Clowns pacing in tank

    So quick question on this, I had dinos BAD and my clowns got sick, took them out to bring to my lfs, while they were gone, I rearranged rocks to give more swimming room (90 gallon tank) no other fish except neon goby. I got the dinos pushed back My lfs cared for them and they sat in a qt tank...
  2. JSkeleton

    Need Cycling Help/Clarification (Will Post Updates In This Thread)

    I apologize for all the cycling questions and threads, I will just update this one from here on out and lay out the entire information below. As of today though (September 3) I've had 0 Ammonia for a few days and stuck at around 5.0 Nitrites for like a week and unsure what to do as it seems I...
  3. B

    Mexican Turbo snail hibernation?

    I couldn't find a better thread to post this in, but after fighting off a dino outbreak I had zero algae in the tank. At least noticeable algae. Although there are copepods. I've noticed the last two or three days my large Mexican Turbo snail hasn't been moving at all. Now I know he's still...
  4. vaguelyreeflike

    Frag tank full of gross-ness, help!

    So our frag tank is just filled with detritus, algae, hydroids etc. We failed to dip the original frags which was the downfall, new ones will be dipped in reef primer and lugols, but how can we clear the tank of all of this? It looks disgusting struggling with phosphates, calcium and alk...
  5. B

    Starving urchin?

    I've made similar posts to this but I haven't really gotten an answer I feel satisfied my questioning. I just recently fought off a massive Dino outbreak. Due to the dino, there was no other algae in the tank. I'm worried my urchin might starve soon, the reason I say this, when I add Nori to a...
  6. B

    How do I feed my snails?

    I know this may sound like a stupid question, but I recently been battling dinos and because of that I've had no other algae in the tank. I've had a low toxic form of it and my snails we're munching away. But I did two blackouts and now there's nothing for the snails to eat. I really don't want...
  7. Fabs

    EMERGENCY Velvet or Ich?

    Hey this is the first time I’ve had a fish get sick and was wondering if this is ich or velvet? Really worried about the fish. He started scratching a lot last night. This morning I found some small dots on him. He’s eating but very minimally. In the video I kind of spooked him so he’s breathing...
  8. C

    White shine and white spot in wrasse’s eyes. Normal behavior.

    My blue throat fairy wrasse has had a white shine in his eyes at certain angles since I purchased him a few weeks ago; however, nothing ever came of it, and he has been acting completely fine. Today I noticed a small white patch on the upper edge of his left eye that I don’t believe was there...
  9. Cole_Voeller

    Mandarin Dragonet and Copper Safe

    I have another thread going regarding the treatment for all my fish, but I wanted to make this one here just to be absolutely sure; Will my baby mandarin dragonet be okay if I use Fritz CopperSafe? If I need to go and buy more heaters and tanks and filters and water to do tank transfer method, I...
  10. G

    Help with high phosphate

    Hello, so I messed up the other day and put a dry rock into my tank (since my LFS said it was fine to do so). After adding the rock my phosphates have spiked and are "maxed out" at 0.9 on my hanna ULR test kit. Before this my phosphates were at 0.03 and this is the only major thing that was...
  11. anabechara

    Sick clownfish

    Hi all! Please help me. Last week I posted about my clownfish in quarantine getting sick after a herbtana dosing. I ended up doing a progressive water change in a 24 hour period. on 08/25 I thought he might be dead but when I tried to fish him out of the tank he darted up. He looked really...
  12. I

    Please help!! Need advice on lighting.

    Hello everyone! I have a 40 gallon cube, and I’m struggling with successfully keeping corals. Im currently running an AI Prime HD and was wondering if anyone has a good preset recommendation. I made my lighting schedule by myself (Ill attach an image, I know it’s probably pretty bad don’t make...
  13. J

    Bubble tip anenome attached hanging under rock; is this normal?

    I got a bubble tip anenome today (I know it’s bleached, I couldn’t get a good look at it in the store. any good tips for having to come back besides frequent feedings/good Params) and in a few hours it’s moved to this underhang in my rock, but I’m not sure how to feed it since frozen food floats...
  14. Cole_Voeller

    EMERGENCY Ich in tanks

    Okay, well I thought my ich problem was dealt with, but I guess not. So as much as I hate the idea of taking all my fish out and keeping them out of my tank for months, it looks like I have no other option. Sort of a total pain being in an apartment though. Anyway between the tanks, my fish are...
  15. D

    Need help stocking my new tank

    Hi everyone I’m looking to stock my 90 gallon tank with coral in fish. I already have 1 gsp 1 duncan 1xenia 1 devil hand leather 1 toadstool leather 1 favia 1 gontipora 1 candy cane 2 sets of zoanthids 1 mushroom. 1 clown 1 Montipora that won’t grow 1 lavender tang who I am looking to get...
  16. The wet one

    HELP!!!!! Is this normal for a elegance??????

    I’ve had this unit for 3 years. The past 2 months I’ve noticed skeleton. Dipped it with a good response but still showing skeleton when flow is low.
  17. Cole_Voeller

    EMERGENCY Tribal Blenny Fin Rot?

    Hello all- so I have a Tribal blenny that I had to separate from my other tank, as he was giving my firefish a heart attack every time he swam by. I had to put him in a 10 gallon for the time being, which is cycled, though it does not have a good light, so there is absolutely no algae (I just...
  18. G

    Grouper rubbing on sand

    My grouper has been rubbing himself on the sand and he has been eating quite well also he has this mark I thought at first was just his coloring it’s not identical to the other side hes hard to tell I was thinking the temperature because I have a glass lid heat gets trapped so it gets hot like...
  19. Nanolifeuk

    What are these nuisance algae .. and how do I beat them?

  20. J

    What clownfish is this?

    On the order list its listed as RED Percula. I noticed it has the orange eyes like true percs and also 10 dorsal spines like true percs. The other occys in the shop had the normal more black eyes and the 11 spines. When this fish isn’t stressed out like in the pics, its dark red like a maroon...
  21. Cole_Voeller

    Coppersafe in tanks

    Hello all. Pretty new to saltwater so bear with my mistakes. I have two tanks in my college apartment, a 10 and a 20 gallon. The 10 gallon is fish only, and the 20 is fish and coral. In my 20, my royal gramma had what I was told to be ich, and he was flashing on the rocks. My blackline blenny...
  22. lucyretz

    Ready to give up :(

    Let me preface this by saying i’m not trying to be a downer. i’m just so incredibly frustrated. We have a redsea 250 packed with euphyllia (mainly, some other Lps as well). I’m going to try to give everyone as much information on this tank as literal possible because i cannot find the definite...
  23. wonderphil-reef

    HELP please! bubble-magus Calcium Reactor leaking

    Hi all, So I have brought a second-hand bubble-magus cr150 calcium reactor (, and I can not get the thing to stop leaking. It seems like a bad design, but surely people have it and working without leaking. So I find when I screw down the top...
  24. B

    Cloudy water after dinos, help please

    Good news, dinos are fought back. Bad news, water is very cloudy. So I have a 90 gallon aquarium that started with dry rock and dry sand. Super low nutrients. I didn't know that was a dinos recipe. I did a 3 day blackout (no corals no fish) just inverts. My fish are at my lfs for medicine...
  25. C

    Something on Acan URGENT

    Got this acan off the World Wide Corals Sale a couple weeks ago and something has just started to grow on it. No idea what this is can’t find anything on the internet. Video and photo attached.
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