
  1. R

    Reef chemistry causeing issues possibly?

    I was doing tests on my tank and it came back with my alk at 17dkh and my calcium was 500 all my others are normal with ammonia and nitrate at 0 and nitrite at 10 Im not really sure what to do i have been dosing reef carbonate to my tank twice a week to boost growth of the corals i have and i...
  2. poseidonreefs_

    Importing Coral Help

    Hello guys, im located in Florida. Im looking to importing some corals see if i can get a groove of it. Sell out of my house. Nothing crazy. Having a few questions if you guys could help me out someone that knows the process really well. What would be the name of the license needed for the...
  3. Randomblackreefer

    Frag Tank

    Can you use an old quarantine tank that had some copper in it as a frag tank? How would you clean the copper out of it?
  4. JojoM

    Random fish deaths 2 in one day

    Hey there, today i cam home to find that 2 of my fish have died a Tomini Tang and a Six line Wrasse, but i have zero idea of how it happened they eat everyday and they was acting perfectly fine yesterday i keep on top of my water parameters and to give a short overview they are pH - 7.9 NH4 - 0...
  5. J

    Help ID please - little work like critters appeared overnight eating film algae on the glass.

    Hi I am new to the hobby and a lot of tiny white worm-like creatures appeared eating algae in my tank. Please let me know if you know what they are and if I should worry. I was thinking to add a six-line wrasse some weeks ago (but decided against it because all the post saying it goes crazy...
  6. C

    White patchy discoloration on clownfish after 5 days

    Last week, I posted a thread asking for help with a splotchy white discoloration on one of my clowns. Here’s the link to the thread: The prevailing opinion seemed to be that it was brook. I...
  7. B

    EMERGENCY Do i need a bubble maker in tank?

    It's not a serious emergency but I do need answers quick. I started a 5-day blackout and moved my fish to an observation tank so they don't get too stressed. Do I need to add a bubble maker to the tank for oxygen? Here's a video to show how much water movement there is
  8. Cole_Voeller

    Weird growth on macro algae?

    Anyone able to identify this weird looking thing?
  9. Cole_Voeller

    Weird bulbousy thing on macro algae?

    Anyone able to identify this weird thing growing on macro algae? (It’s not letting me add a picture so I’ll add it in a comment)
  10. R

    Plate Fungia Coral Bailout, Please help.

    Hello guys, I had an issue last night, that wave maker that was switched off due to being too strong and was about to be replaced excitedly came on ( stupid auto program) , And literally blew the flesh off the plate coral. I found the skeleton and the polyp, put the skeleton in the breeder box...
  11. B

    180g Acro dominated tank help!!

    HI, guys need some quick opinions on a new build. I have a 6x2x2 180g tank currently in the process of being an acro dominated tank. I have a 60g 2x2x2 that is pack to the brim with acros that I would like to transfer to the 180g but need some opinions on light. I currently have 3 gen5...
  12. B

    This light good for phyoplankton

    I'm into reefs not plants lol, is this light good for feeding phytoplankton?
  13. Leon Gorani

    Looking for help, acans are dying, do I need a dif

    This is my schedule for my two AI prime hd lights: Starting at 11:00 am it ramps up until 2:00pm and at 2 these are the light settings, UV:40%, Violet 50, Royal 60, Blue 60, Green 10, Deep Red 10, White 20, These settings stay at that level until 10:00pm and then dimming down to 0 until...
  14. Kuhn

    Can't Keep Ammonia Down!

    Hello again! Sorry for such a basic and dumb question.. I'm just at a complete loss. I swear I thought I've done everything right, yet I just don't know why my Ammonia won't drop to 0. Here are my parameters... I've been having issues keeping Alk and Magnesium lower as well. It must be the salt...
  15. Hordearii

    White Worm Looking Things on my Neon Green Cabbage Leather

    Hi all, I'm wondering if you all can help me figure out what pest is on my neon green cabbage leather? They are white and are about 4mm long and 1 to 1.5mm thick. They only seem to be in my cabbage leather and nothing else in the tank as far as I can tell. I did a RODI rinse and it seemed like...
  16. B

    Observation tank question

    Hi, I have a spare tank in my closet. I use it for observation. If I have an outbreak I move said animal to a hospital Acrylic box. In my observation tank, would it be beneficial to add sand? I already have live rock in there and Rubble in My hob filter. Question two, this observation tank is...
  17. Matt Bravo

    Anemone need help

    I recently finished cycling (gave it 4 weeks) about a week ago I got fish and an anemone since my LFS said it would be fine but I was looking at in tonight and it looks like it's shrinking and I'm not sure but I think the mouth is extremely open is it pooping sleeping dying I'm not too sure if...
  18. J

    EMERGENCY Green BTA not doing good

    My Green BTA was doing alright yesterday, but today he’s completely hiding from the light, and his center is looking really messed up. The tanks a biocube, so it’s not like the lights are that strong. He’s been slightly bleached since I got him (2 weeks ago) but he’s never really been like this...
  19. SaltyShel

    EMERGENCY Maroon clown

    Please help me my maroon clown has white stringy poop the Tank has been going down hill for a while and I’ve been trying to fix it but there’s a lot of issues. I have a brand new tank I’m trying to put him in. There’s nothing in it and I want him to go in there. I took him out of the ******...
  20. chemicals

    New zoanthids polyps not as colorful

    I’ve noticed that new polyps from different zoanthids are a lot less colorful then their “mother” polyps. What could the cause be? salinity: 1.026 Temp: 26.5 C ( 78.8 F) Nitrate: ~7 Phosphate: 0.04 Alk: 7 Calcium: 420 Magnesium: 1280 Par: between 75-150
  21. Nanolifeuk

    ATO failing / siphoning?

    My nano ATO has failed on me twice today. I couldn’t figure out why. It has just sprung to mind that the return pipe hose was very close to the surface of the water. I can only hypothesise but my theory is a snail may have budged the sensor up slightly, causing ATO to kick in and water level to...
  22. Cole_Voeller

    Zoa polyps turning brown?

    Hello! I have a couple zoas that have been looking weird lately. I moved all of my zoas from my main tank, to a new frag tank with different lights. Tank is cycled, though it’s only inverts atm so I’ve been feeding them. Likely not enough nitrates. They all opened after a couple days of the...
  23. John.Thompson

    Bizarre Egg/Parasite. Identify!

    I was cleaning the tank and come across and bizarre creature/egg on the inside crevices of my powerhead. Looking for some identification and guidance. Cleaned them out with hot water, frag dip, and some scrubbing. Tank Critters: I have blue leg hermits, emerald crabs, turbo snails, tiger sea...
  24. C

    Haven’t seen new diamond goby since I added it 3 days ago. At what point should I be worried?

    About 3 days ago I added a diamond goby to my tank. I don’t have much experience with them myself but from what I can gather it seems like it’s not unusual to not see them for a while after they are added to a tank. My question is at what point should I be concerned? I think I know what rock...
  25. W

    Large Build Help me get my tank through the door!!!!!

    Ok guys I'm in a bit of a pickle. I have a 2400 x 1000 x 400 frag tank and have just moved it to the other side of the country only to get stuck at the back door. My issue is that I will need to get the tank on its side but with it being so shallow I can't get suction caps where I need them...
Tampa Bay Saltwater Live Rock and Live Sand