
  1. A

    what killed my hippo tang? (A lot of pictures)

    I posted about 12 hours ago about my hippo tang who was acting fine but had some major discoloration on her mouth/fins/body and was told to dose kanaplex and raise my salinity by 0.001 (1.023 to 1.024) for it to work as best as possible I bought this fish from saltwaterfish and got her for $19...
  2. A

    Hippo with bite marks/possible infection

    Hippo tang I ordered offline came in like this, any idea if this is aggression marks that will heal or a bacterial infection? It’s affecting her top fin and mouth but nowhere else on the body.
  3. C

    I give up

    I have been reefing for almost a year and after countless kinds of coral I can’t seem to get anything to live. I have had SPS, LPS, softies and everything in between. Nothing I do seems to work. I religiously check my parameters and have them as close as I can to the optimal parameters of...
  4. marisp127

    Anemone Acting Weird

    I have had this bubble tip anemone for over 1.5 years, and it has done excellent, showing lots of growth in that time. The last few days, though, it has been struggling, going through inflation and deflation cycles 2-3 times a day. The times that it is inflated, it isn't fully extended, though...
  5. C

    Peppermint shrimp harming GSP?

    Hi! I recently just got my tank started and got a GSP and a mushroom, along with a CUC of Trochus snail and a peppermint shrimp. I asked my LFS if they were reef safe and they said yes. However, my GSP after putting it in the tank was doing great, it was all the way open after about an hour but...
  6. D

    Diatoms on Gontipora and Duncan

    Hey, I’ve had a diatom outbreak recently but fixed it, it was all because of my water. But there were diatoms all over it and I haven’t been able to get them off even with picking them off I cannot get them. And I’m not sure what to do because it has not opened up in a while, I’ve never actually...
  7. Cole_Voeller

    Zoa Eating Spider?

    Welp, I’m back with another hitchhiker problem. So I’ve had my frag fishless for 70 days, with just inverts, mushrooms, and zoa. All corals and inverts were from my main tank, since I upped the temp to 86 on the main. Since I’m nearing the end of the fishless period on my main, I lowered the...
  8. Blondie Fragz

    Reef Wave Connecting as 25 when it’s a 45

    Hello all!! I am really hoping someone can help me with this so I don’t have to replace the controller completely. My ReefWave45 is showing on the Wifi connection and in the app as a 25 so it no longer works. It’s 6 months past the warranty so they are offering a discounted controller but I’m...
  9. reefsaver

    Smallest auto fish feeder available?

    I tried googling "Smallest auto fish feeder" to see what my options are and couldn't really find any threads or articles dedicated to reviewing and comparing the smallest available auto fish feeders for a small pico tank. I'd probably go with an Eheim Everyday Fish Feeder but if anyone knows any...
  10. Wrapse

    New Hammer Coral Dead Arm???

    Hey, I just got this hammer last thursday and it has been looking great until last night I noticed a few arms around the outer perimeter of the coral looked a little shrunken and deflated. Thats when I also noticed what looks to be dead arm with a missing tip? It has looked a little more...
  11. chemicals

    Cleaner shrimp acting sick/weird

    Hi, 4 days ago one of my cleaner shrimp suddenly died. I noticed that he lost appetite but didn’t think much of it. 1 day later I found him death between two rocks. Didn’t really see a cause of death on the little corpse. Then 2 days ago the other shrimp started to act the same. He seems really...
  12. BaileyB

    ID my bubble tip?

    I’ve attached a video of my anemone tank. Wanting an ID on them. Lots of people have told me they are black widows. But would like to confirm with others before I sell and label them as black widows since the price difference is significant. Let me know if you can’t view the video I can attach a...
  13. C

    can i use all in one tank for my quarantine tank?

    hi everyone just wondering if i can use my 24 gallon all in one tank for my qt tank all my fish currently have ich so i’m gonna set up a qt tomorrow but don’t know if i can use a all in one
  14. B

    Cloudy clown eyes?

    So I have a clown pair. The females eyes look kinda cloudy on the top and maybe a little puffy? But her appetite is very good. Comes to the glass when I come by, seems to to react well, and overall seems healthy. But I wanted other peoples opinions. She's been in my tank for around 4 months. And...
  15. R

    Flow tips

    I’ve been having some issues with coral growth and one of the things that people recommend I do was get more flow. I have the Fluval evo 13.5 and I purchased a 256 gph power head but no matter where I placed it it thrashed my corals. So I now just ordered the sicce.5 as a pump and was thinking...
  16. K

    ID on algae

    Hello, I've went fallow on my tank for a couple months due to a velvet outbreak. During this time I started to get some GHA throughout the tank and it slowly turned into this webby reddish algae. I was thinking about getting some fish soon since the velvet is more than eradicated by now, but I...
  17. K

    Can someone please ID this algae?

    Hello, I've went fallow on my tank for a couple months due to a velvet outbreak. During this time I started to get some GHA throughout the tank and it slowly turned into this webby reddish algae. I was thinking about getting some fish soon since the velvet is more than eradicated by now, but I...
  18. Giantclownfish

    Upgrade or downgrade to waterbox cube 20 worth it?

    So I started about 6 months ago with a basic 10 gallon and 2 clowns. I decided to upgrade and found a used 20 gallon IM fusion nuvo with the AIO taken out and upgraded to have a sump with an overflow. Ive been running that tank for about 2-3 months and its making me not enjoy it as much based on...
  19. B

    Tank too small for adolescent Foxface?

    I bought a one spot fox face from my lfs and I put him into my quarantine tank. It's a 20 gallon tank. Is the tank too small? I would say he's about 4 to 5 in.
  20. M

    Zoa randomly closing

    Hi all! I have been in the hobby for around 6-8 months now and have a 15g nano reef. I have a small frag of candy apple Zoa’s which have been doing great and had produced two new polyps within the past week but suddenly the whole colony ended up closing. I had noticed yesterday morning the new...
  21. R

    Help fixing peramaters

    Hi! I recently noticed that my corals dont really grow and if they even do the growth would be minimal. I found out that my ph was low at 7.8 (had a high alk aswell) and i raised it to 8.2-8.3 but have seen minimal to no difference in anything. I do weekly 10% water changes and use RODI water...
  22. B

    Yellow watchman goby friend help

    I have quarantined a yellow Watchmen goby for over a month. I recently put them in my tank about a week ago and he's having a hard time adjusting. He eats the food when it floats by him but he doesn't actively hunt it down. He stays at the very top of the dark corner of my tank. Behind my...
  23. alishasreef

    Dropping Nitrates?

    1st test - 13th oct was 1.1ppm (hanna nitrate HR) 2nd test - 27th oct was 0.1ppm (hanna nitrate HR) I haven't done any water changes, no carbon in sock, skimmer has not been running. I even added 5 new fish after reading 1.1ppm. Have also been heavy feeding and using reef energy plus. Any...
  24. B

    Is my yellow watchman goby ok?

    This may sound like a very stupid question, but I got a very young yellow watchman goby and QT him for 30 days. From day one he was eating directly from my feeding baster and is super active. I had a small half clam shell in the qt. I put him in my DT yesterday with another half clam shell and...
  25. JLReef

    first livestock for 2,5gallon??

    my 2,5gallon is ready cycling im looking for a first tiny(obviusly) fish ive got all the upgrade means even eventualy to place it in a bigger tank of mine. problem is.. the tank is to clean for hermits or snails (maybe feed them with pellets?) im thinking a clown gobie species. would that be...
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