
  1. A

    Ich or velvet A bit of a description she is behaving normally no swimming into flow of return eating normally breathing is kind of labored not really though and her size is about 2 inches she also has been like this for almost a week, and is...
  2. newreef1


    Guys, I have been trying to lower my nitrates for weeks now! Every few days or once a week I lose a fish. Other fish in the tank barely swim, I thought maybe they’re just lazy. I have zero ammonia, nitrites, my ph was low but got a reef buffer and that increased my ph. I am running hyposalinty...
  3. newreef1


    Guys, I have been trying to lower my nitrates for weeks now! Every few days or once a week I lose a fish. Other fish in the tank barely swim, I thought maybe they’re just lazy. I have zero ammonia, nitrites, my ph was low but got a reef buffer and that increased my ph. I am running hyposalinty...
  4. clownlovers

    EMERGENCY Torch coral needs help!

    Hello all, I need help here my torch has been doing this the past few days. It stiffs up and retracts it’s tentacles half way. It doesn’t flow in the wave and this is all during the daylight cycle. The perimeters are: Nitrate 100ppm (salifert) Nitrite 1ppm (“) Mag 1120 added mag new number 1320...
  5. K

    Please help AI Prime schedule questions?

    So I just received my new AI Prime 16 HD super happy with it. I’m coming from the stock Biocube 32 LED hood, unbelievable difference in quality. anyways I am nervous about burning the living hell out of the corals with this thing. I am currently running a schedule downloaded from a R2R member...
  6. E

    EMERGENCY Is this Ich?

    I came back from work today with a new flame fin tomini tang and before I put him in, I noticed that my domino damsel, purple tang, and fu man chi lion all had white spots. I’m not sure if it’s ich but if it is. I’d like to treat it as soon as possible.
  7. P

    What is this purple stuff?

    What is this purple stuff, its growing on My other rocks too
  8. dabroli

    New build advice IM NUVO 200 INT

    Decided it was time I upgraded my 125 petsmart build, to something a bit more professional. After weeks of research on all major brands (Waterbox, redsea, Prostar, SCA etc) I finally settled on the innovative marine 200, I really loved the Eurobracing, aluminum stand, sump, and lets be honest...
  9. R

    GSP and Xenia closed for 7 days

    Lf any help I can get lol getting frustrated with this hobby despite the love I have for it! My understanding is that these two corals you can throw in a toilet and they would live, so what is going on? Parameters in picture. 4 month old tank. Salinity ranges from 1.025-1.026 Nitrates are high...
  10. chemicals

    Leopard wrasse has trouble finding a sleeping spot

    Hi, I own a leopard wrasse for 4 months now and its doing pretty well except at night. When the lights go out it almost always struggles to find a spot to bury himself. It’s so frustrating to watch because he starts trying around 1hour before the lights go out and gets very stressed out when...
  11. Cole_Voeller

    LED Lighting

    I have a few tanks, and all use Coralife Seascape LED lights or Current Marine Orbit, but due to the fact that the Currents have began electrocuting the water of my frag tank, I will be replacing these lights. I only have soft corals, but might get some easy LPS at some point. What budget LED...
  12. K

    Frustrated is an understatement. What am I doing wrong?

    I started my reef tank back in April and it has been nothing short of a nightmare from the get go. I added a pair of clowns to the tank a few days after the startup bacteria to help with the cycling process. I elected not to QT the fish since there was nothing else in there to contaminate at the...
  13. Saskdevil

    Anyone know what this strange pattern is?

    I noticed in on my rocks. I have no idea what it is. I have 2 clowns, cerith snails, nassarius snails, 2 scarlet hermits, 2 blue dwarf hermits, and an emerald crab.
  14. Saskdevil

    What is this strange pattern on my rocks?

    I noticed this strange pattern of stuff on my rocks. I have no idea what it is. I have 2 clowns, an emerald crab, 2 Scarlett hermits, 2 blue dwarf hermits, cerith snails, and a nassarius snail l.
  15. nomad6

    Hammers showing signs of stress? Need help

    Got a couple of hammers showing signs of something. No changes that can be noted alk- 8.5-9 ca- 420s mg 1350+ no3- 4-8 po4 0.04-0.08 Started w one and spread and is confined to a certain area, from the pictures you can see what I’m talking about. These spots appeared over a couple of days. Was...
  16. N

    Please Help ID Clownfish Disease

    Hello all, this is my first post on here and I first want to say thank you to everyone that contributes on here. This place has helped a lot this past few months. And although I’m still struggling to find balance in my reef tank, I’m thankful for all the advice I have found on here. Now I wanted...
  17. Cole_Voeller

    Current Marine LED Electrocuting my Tank?

    I have two Current Marine Orbit LEDs on one of my tanks, never had a problem. Just yesterday reached in, and immediately felt a sting. Tried plugging and unplugging everything and deduced that it was the lights. The wires and cords are a bit of a mess in the back so I unplugged them and planned...
  18. R

    Alkalinity Testing all Over the place ???

    Hello all I have been having issues with alkalinity for a little bit now. I have been testing for the past couple weeks and dosing to get it to around 9-10, and I finally have done it (I thougth). I have been testing every couple days and for about two weeks now my test kit (red sea) has been...
  19. A

    Rescued coral ID?

    I got a ton of coral from my university because they're done researching them and didn't know what to do with them. They're in rough shape because they aren't aquarists (microbiologists). Most have too little flesh to get an accurate ID so I've cleaned the algae off their exposed skeletons, gave...
  20. theasherrr

    Syncra SDC Waterbox DX plumbing issue

    I just received my syncra sdc pump and was trying to fit it onto the dx plumbing, but the hose fittings are either to small or to big. Am I doing something wrong? photos of the waterbox pipe are attached
  21. Rham1281

    75G stocking ideas

    I am in the process of compiling a list of stock I want to keep in my tank. I plan on having a mixed coral/fish tank and clowns are pretty high up on my list as well. Other than that, I'm not too sure on what other fish I want to keep. Dimensions are: 48'' long, 18'' wide, 21" tall What...
  22. Cole_Voeller

    Zoanthid Eating Spider Questions

    Currently dealing with Zoa eating spiders, I have found three so far. CoralRX is coming on Friday. I have lots of Zoa frags in the tank that are completely open and doing great. Is it safe to dip them and then put them into the main tank? Or could there possibly be eggs even if the polyps are...
  23. J

    Help ID PLEASE

    Sorry for the crappy photos, hard to get a good one. Tank is 1 1/2 years old. Mixed reef 40 gallon cube. 10 gallon water change EVERY week. I just noticed this weird like gray almost mold like fuzz growing in small splotches on my rocks. Not sure what it is, would appreciate advise please
  24. Cole_Voeller

    Best Dip to deal with zoa eating spiders?

    I’ve read about freshwater dipping, brightwell MD, reef dip, and some others. What do you all recommend as the best treatment/dip for these spiders?
  25. A

    EMERGENCY Quick I was trying to catch ghost shrimp for fishing and I took them home in a livewell and they had babies...

    This is an urgent emergency there are tiny saltwater ghost shrimp and I cant go back to let them free for a while, I need to know how to keep them alive and raise them. I have not found anything on the web about what to feed new saltwater ghost shrimp, it is all about freshwater ghost shrimp. I...
Tenecor Aquariums