
  1. D

    Help identifying frag

    Can I please get help identifying this frag? Rescued it from my LFS has hard branches with heads on them was thinking blasto but never seen the skeleton under them.....sure was a good deal for 10.00 if it comes back. Thank you in advance
  2. vaguelyreeflike

    Are rainbow anemones safe for fish to consume?

    Like what type of fish can/will eat them? Are they poisonous to fish when eaten?
  3. T

    Dr Tims Cycle

    Hi All! I’m currently on day 9 of cycling my new tank with Dr Tims one and only and Dr Tims ammonia. At first my ammonia was reading 8ppm but as of yesterday is now reading 2ppm. I have done a water change on Sunday and added a bottle of api quick start to make sure I haven’t killed all the new...
  4. T

    Overdosed Dr Tims Ammonia

    Hi All! I currently started cycling my new tank 9-10 days ago using dr tims one and only and dr tims ammonia. Since starting my ammonia has been off the charts! I think I just realised why.. it’s because I over doses the ammonia.. my bottle said treats 394 litres and my tank is 640 litres so I...
  5. B

    Blue sapphire damsel aggression?

    I introduced my sapphire damsel AFTER my 2 clowns and AFTER my clean up crew. Then I added a foxface rabbit AFTER the damsel. Now I recently caught my damsel chasing my female clown and now it's trying to intimidate the foxface. Should I remove the sapphire? Here's a video I managed to catch...
  6. D

    Sump and Overflow

    Hi! I’m just going to be straight forward. My son is 15 and has a 90 gallon tank. He is only running a canister filter for now but has been waiting for some stuff that came from his uncle to set up a sump. He is building his own sump right now and doesn’t even know where to start since his uncle...
  7. J

    Cant Find my Skimmer Collection Cup Size?

    Hey just got an aquamax skimmer FC-180 and need to replace the collection cup. But I can not find a clear answer to what size i need for my skimmer anyone know what size or model I need?
  8. devs_reefs

    EMERGENCY Torch corals dying?

    Over the last 2 weeks, I have noticed an issue with several of my torch corals. The tentacles near the mouths appear to be shrinking and curling inwards (toward the mouth). I have attached several images with this issue. This issue happened to me once before, and the only issue with my tank at...
  9. N

    Coral Resurrection?

    I got this coral back in May when I rebooted my tank. At the time I didn’t know I had copper in my system. The coral obviously died due to the copper. My question is, does this coral look like it’s coming back to life after months of being dead and covered in diatoms/algaes?
  10. T

    What is this growing on my clove polyps?

    Hey, noticed this fuzxy growth growing on my clove polyps, the polyp that has the most of it won't open. Any idea what this is or what to do about it?
  11. D

    Neon Green Gonipora

    I just bought this green gonipora today. It has been dipped and put in the tank for a couple hours now but it won’t seem to open up and I’m not sure. It had opened up just about a quarter inch before and then I moved it and moved it back to the original spot and it still hasn’t opened. All the...
  12. mel_ociraptor

    Bully Clowns—Can’t remove the male

    Hey there! New to saltwater but not new to the aquarium hobby—we have a 90gallon (4 month old) reef tank whose inhabitants are 2 emerald crabs, roughly 6 hermits, 8 snails, and 4 juvenile Ocellaris clowns (2 black ice and 2 bulletholes—they’re orange). We got the original four because they were...
  13. Akielb

    Michigan WTB Upgrading tank looking for suggestions

    I started this journey about 10 years ago with a biocube and 2 years later added a fb marketplace purchased 55 gallon drilled God knows what self drilled tank that’s been giving me nothing but grief 4 times now flooded my living room… we are 6 weeks away from the wedding and replacing the floor...
  14. Devildai

    EMERGENCY Fungus? Bac. Infection? Please help me find out

    Went on a family vacation and came back and my little guy was looking rough. I set up a QUICK quarantine tank (I am doing another one with no sand this was just an oh crap moment). Is this a bacterial infection or fungal or possibly something else? Any answers would be greatly appreciated.
  15. maxemorris

    HELP ID Copepods… Right?

    Tank looks totally normal and healthy and I found found these guys all over the glass and free floating. Only difference from yesterday is that I got two new pieces of coral. My tank is only a few months old and I’ve never seen or added pods before. Can I get a mandarin goby to help eat them?
  16. maxemorris

    HELP ID Copepods…Right?

    Tank looks totally normal and healthy and I found found these guys all over the glass and free floating. Only difference from yesterday is that I got two new pieces of coral. My tank is only a few months old and I’ve never seen or added pods before. Can I get a mandarin goby to help eat them?
  17. Afkomjorgen

    How often can I do a 20-30% water change? High nitrate

    Hello! trying to help the tank recover from a skimmer that broke and wasn’t working for 2 or 3 weeks. Everything looked great so I didn’t test ( I’m kicking myself ) while I figured out how to get it running again. Frogspawn started looking a little depressed this week & I just got the skimmer...
  18. J

    Corals splitting and not opening like usual

    So i have a question. When torches split, are they supposed to lose most of the flesh that comes down the side? My torch recently split and it hasn’t been opening as big as usual. No more 2 inch tentacles now theyre all 1 inch only. And i realised the flesh that comes down the side has also...
  19. SaltyShel

    Help!! My snail is acting weird!!!

    Someone please tell me what’s wrong with my snail! I have two (turbo?) snails, one is acting completely fine! There’s plenty of algae in here for them too. This one was upside down in the sand last night, seeming to try and grab onto the rock. I moved him next to a rock so he could easily get...
  20. devs_reefs

    Torch coral head cut in half

    So I just received some new torches and one of them had a fragment of another head attached to it. This fragments appears to be a head that either cracked or accidentally cut down the middle. Is this piece salvageable? If yes, what do I need to do?Or is there more risk of introducing something...
  21. maxemorris

    EMERGENCY Help! Is my Emperor Angel okay?

    I got too excited and neglected to notice this at my LFS. I just added him to the tank and he has a spot near his tail that looks raised and fuzzy. His tail is also injured so I’m hoping it’s just an injury. Is it a parasite? Anything would help.
  22. TbSaysNo

    Aquadip Copepods Safety?

    Hello. I am wondering If I should buy this it is very cheap, but will this be able to culture my 90 gallon tank with copepods, so my mandarin will be able to get fed?
  23. maxemorris

    Help! CUC only comes out at night?

    I’m going through the “ugly phase” with my new tank, and got sufficient cuc to deal with it. The problem is that my melanurus wrasse has scared them all to where they only come out at night when it’s in the sand sleeping. This means I wake up to a perfect clean tank, but within a few hours of...
  24. R

    29 Gallon Tank in 3rd floor apartment.

    I am building my first tank right now, It is a small tank, only 29 gallons (30"-12"-18" in) I have it sitting on a 58.8lb wooden cabinet. My math says the entire thing will weigh a little over 388lbs. The problem is that I live on the third floor of an apartment complex. The tank will be in the...