
  1. C

    Hair algae out of control, have new ICP results

    Hello! I have a 75 gallon tank which has been up for about 2 years now, ~100 pounds of live rock with various corals and fish. I've been fighting hair algae the past few months now and it is driving me bonkers. I recently submitted an ICP test and everything seems great. Had a few minor...
  2. J

    Is this a favia or a favites?

    Won this coral by bid just over a year ago. It was listed as ‘yellow eyed favia’. It was like 1 inch in size when i got it. It grows slow but it suddenly will have a growth spurt sometimes. Its now on a 2 inch plate cause it over grew the one it came on. I realised the polyps are getting bigger...
  3. H

    Fluval EVO 13.5 Gal Setup

    Hey all, I am new to reef tanks and since I live in a compact space for the moment the fluval EVO 13.5 is all I really have room for. I know it is going to be harder to upkeep than a larger tank would be but I have to make do with what I have. I am currently running everything stock. Other...
  4. toddb93

    Cloudy/green water during cycle

    Hi, I have started my reef tank just about 2 and a half weeks ago. I’ve had 2 diatoms blooms so far which seem to cure themselves, but noticing the water now has a cloudy ness with a slight green tint. Any advice of whether I should wait this out or not. Nitrites and ammonias are at 0 and...
  5. J

    Help with auto dosing please.

    So after 10 years I finally decided to get an auto doser. Now i was tracking my alk and calcium for 4 days to find out how much to dose daily and i saw a trend where my alk drops 0.3 a day. Calcium is abit weird. Anyway today was the 5th day of testing. First day alk was 8 then 7.7 then 7.3 then...
  6. B

    Question! Tuxedo urchin do be crazy...

    So right now, my urchin climbed my glass and I'm currently wondering... how. How does he attach himself to the glass? I thought that maybe he has a foot by its mouth but then I saw his mouth faced up to the surface (I was feeding him nori) and realized he's gripping the glass with his side...
  7. B

    How do you do a water change neatly?

    Personally, I've been siphoning out around 10 to 15 gallons of my 90 gal tank into buckets, dump them in bathtub, then AC pump it back in to the display. Doing this obviously causes my tank to become cloudy, disrupt my sand bed, and stress my inhabitants. What do you guys do to lessen the...
  8. B

    Normal conch behavior???

    I purchased 2 strawberry conch. For a week after purchase they were SUPER active and exploratory. One still is 2 weeks later but for the last 3 days the other one hasn't moved. Is it stuck? When you see the picture you'll understand why I'm concerned about it being stuck.
  9. K

    EMERGENCY Lion fish death

    Hello, I work at a pet store and the lionfish that the aquatic section had died in a very strange way. I would like to know the reason for the death so I can help make sure it never happens again It developed a weird lump then died
  10. S

    Lighting & Corals

    So I have my tank already been cycling with live rock for about 1.5 months and I believe im ready for some corals. Here are my specs: Tank Dimensions: 17.72"(L) x 17.72"(W) x 17.72"(H) Stand Dimensions: 17.72"(L) x 17.72"(W) x 30"(H) Tank Capacity: 24 Gallons Glass Thickness: 8mm Filtration...
  11. B

    Cover my tank with a blanket

    This may be a stupid question but can I cover my tank with a blanket? I have a 90 gallon tank with a sump that has a skimmer. I feel like that may have enough gas exchange but I'm afraid that I may suffocate my fish. It's a light blanket primarily being used to block off light from the tank. The...
  12. Lolleo

    Torch corals emergency

    I have had these torch corals for about a 3-4 months and they have not been doing good at all only these two seem to not be doing the best but none of the torches look like they are the healthiest not sure what’s causing it. for lighting I have two xr15 g6 at 50% on lps setting in my Red Sea...
  13. D

    Diy sump flow

    I am doing a diy aquarium and am going to add a sump, Do you have to balance input and output flow to the sump and if so how?
  14. ChaseMiddleton

    Problems with Hydros Smart Plug

    Anyone know how to connect or use the Hydros Smart Plug? The instructions came with an app called “Smart Life.” I unfortunately couldn't get it connected. I also checked Hydros webpge and found instructions for setup. It wanted me to connect to Hydros app instead. Even Hydros app wasn’t working...
  15. B

    Do i need to feed my shrimp and hermit crabs?

    I picked up a bit of CUC to clean my tank of diatoms. Do hermits and shrimp eat that? I was told they do but I haven't seen them actually eat any of it. My Mexican grazing snails, conch, and urchin are doing almost all the work. When I feed Flakes I feed just for my fish but when I feed Flakes...
  16. B

    What light cycle do you use?

    So I'm currently fighting off detritus or diatoms. My lfs guy said diatoms. I can't really tell the difference as I'm pretty new to the hobby My current livestock (not cuc) 2 clownfish (one percula one ocellaris) 1 neon blue goby 3 blue sapphire damselfish (probably one, haven't seen the other...
  17. J

    Help with Aquaforest calcium

    Hello guys, I’ve got a question regarding aquaforest calcium. They say to dissolve in 1L water and dose 100ml per 100L of tank water. Well my tank is 100L and me adding 100ml of water a day to raise the calcium by 18 is gonna make my tank overflow lol. They say you can make it concentrated so...
  18. B

    Please help with building quarantine tank

    Is this a good kit to buy? It's 20 gallons, hood, heater, light, and filter. Only thing I "dont" like is the filter. Will it be good enough for just a few weeks worth of quarantine at a time...
  19. J

    Help me anyone? Problem with frogspawn and hammer.

    I bought a new maricultured bali frogspawn 2 weeks ago. It was looking good for the first 3-4 days then it didnt open as big as usual. I have no idea what is causing it to not open. Plus, i have a small aquacultured hammer colony that was doing good for 2 months then boom one head wasn’t opening...
  20. mbmiche

    Jebao dp-4--it dumped it all!!!

    In anticipation of heading out of town for a week, I set up a Jebao dp-4 pump yesterday to dose my ab+ and "all for reef.". I have a 30 gallon nano system and dose about 4 ml of each by hand daily. I calibrated the pumps, manually filled the lines, and ran a test dose by setting the time...
  21. IHave0LifeExperience

    Will my 32 flex stocking work?

    im planning on getting the saltwater fluval flex (32.5 x 15.35 x 15.75") and i just want to know if this stocking list would work, forgive my lack of understanding or intelligence as i have only done basic research on reef tanks (know a bit about just "saltwater" tanks though) purple firefish...
  22. B

    Blue sapphire damselfish

    Hi, I purchased 3 sapphire blue damselfish yesterday. It has been 24 hours since introduction and they won't come out of hiding. I already had two clownfish (one ocellaris and one percula) in the tank before I introduced them. I also introduced them with a neon blue goby the same day. I can't...
  23. newreef1

    EMERGENCY Something wrong with my Blue Tang’s Eye

    Guys I need help! What’s wrong with my blue tangs eye. I see this slight bulging white silver stuff. It wasn’t prominent yesterday, I woke up and saw this today. It was in QT for 5 weeks after which it’s not in the DT, seems to eating normally, water quality is good. Did a 5 min freshwater dip...
  24. L

    Red and white caterpillar worm id

    I got 20 pounds of live rock that came with a ton of cool mushrooms and I put it in my qt this morning when it was still dark I saw this caterpillar looking creature that is red with white spots and horns I've looked for hours what it could be but I haven't matched a picture yet can you help...
  25. chemicals

    Dinoflaggelates identification

    Hi, Hi, i’m currently batteling dinos and I was wondering if you could help me id these. Zoom is 250x. My guess is amphidinium small cell.