
  1. M

    Emperor Angelfish ICH

    Hi all I have diagnosed my Emperor Angelfish with ICH. All I can see right now on him is 2 spots I dosed the tank with Kordon Copper-Aid. I also have Kordon Rid ICH as well. I was wondering if I should dose that too at the same time as the copper? Also how often should I Dose the copper the...
  2. M

    Empourer Angelfish

    I all, I ordered an empourer angelfish and I was curious if anyone had tips for destressing it and keeping him successfully. I have had angels in the past but they have all been dawrfs. I know they are extremely prone to ich so i was planning on keeping him in quarantine for 30 days and treating...
  3. 80sixx

    Question about my Green Ricordea?

    Can anyone educate me on what this is? When the ricordea opens up and lays out you don’t see the unknown part. But closed up you see it. I have been google searching my fingers off trying to figure out what it is. Unless I’m a idiot and it’s just the bottom of the ricordea. Any help would be...
  4. R

    EMERGENCY Don’t know what this is.

    I noticed this on my coral and on my beneficial Bactria. It’s weird it comes out and it seems to (look around) and hide then come out again. I have no idea if this is a good or bad thing. On the last picture it’s on the acan with the little white tentacles sticking out.
  5. Sakosreef

    Evaluate my stocking list (180 gallon reef)

    Hi everyone, I’m setting up my 180 gallon reef tank very soon and I’m putting a lot of planning into my stocking list. I know the naso tang is gonna be too big for my tank at a point but I have plans for a 300+ gallon reef within the next couple of years. My friend is rehoming the naso and it’s...
  6. JeezeReefs

    Blood Red Hawkfish

    So today I added a Blood Red Hawkfish to my current Nano system. He’s really small and a good size for my tank. However.... I’m worried about aggression.... I currently also have an Orchid Dottyback in my tank and i’m wondering if I just brewed the perfect situation for disaster... It’s still...
  7. T

    Dead Corals?

    So my tank is fairly new and I have been struggling with ammonia spikes, already killed my smallest fish. Im now worried that these coral are completely dead and they too are increasing the ammonia levels. Can anyone verify? The one i think looks the worst is the Dragon Soul Favia and the other...
  8. T

    Clownfish- Pelvic fins redacted, swimming awkwardly. Please help

    So I bought my first pair of clownfish about 5 days ago and they paired very easily and immediately. 2 days later I noticed the smaller one was always by the flow outtake and would only swim vertically. I did a water change that day to make sure envy thing was good and while there was less water...
  9. lazycouch

    angry zoas??

    Hello, i recently purchased 3 zoa frags and noticed that 2 of them had bubble algae. i decided to pluck off the bubble algae outside of the tank (without popping it) but then after reading about bubble algae i learned that if it was already there it will come back if i didn’t completely...
  10. L

    Condy anemone

    I have this condy that my dad bought and he sent me a picture and at first I thought it was bleached but I did not know. Also he bought this for the purpose of hosting a clownfish. Should we buy another one or what should we do.
  11. U

    Used BioCube - Lighting Issues

    Hello everyone! I am very new to the reef community and just started my first tank a 29g BioCube this past September. The tank has been awesome and I am absolutely loving having one but have run into a lighting issue NOONE seems to know how to fix. The BioCube I have is equipped with a...
  12. S

    Test kits!?! What do I need?

    Hi! So this is a weird question as I have had my tank set up for over a year now and I wasn’t the one doing the weekly maintenance, things have changed and I am now determined to do it on my own! I need help with a few questions before I buy some testers! I have seen Hanna testers and I was...
  13. R

    What is this?

    I’m having trouble figuring out what this thing is, a couple of them came on a clump of spaghetti algae I had purchased. I will post some pictures down below. Sometimes I will notice them swimming through the water column like a jelly fish when I shut off the pumps for couple minutes to feed my...
  14. M

    Connection to ReefBeat app not working

    Hello my reefing friends. I just installed my red sea max nano with a reefled 50. I installed the app and filled in all the info until step 3/3, there is were it went wrong. I filled everything in but when I want to press “done” it gives me the option “offline or online” if I press these...
  15. B

    Powder brown tang attacking powder blue tang

    Yes I know I should’ve done more research before getting both powder tangs, anyway the powder brown tang is constantly attacking the powder blue tang like a psychopath and we are struggling to get either of them out. Any tips on getting them to stop or tricks to get the powder brown out?
  16. ReefSarg

    Anemone experts please help!

    My anemone has slowly been declining over the period of a few months. This isn’t my first nem, the other news I’ve had I have always shot food onto their tentacles and it’s never been a problem. They’ve always been healthy, but this one has slowly been starving and I can’t figure out why. It’s...
  17. M

    Possible ick. Please help!

    Hello everyone I have noticed some spots on my trigger and sweetlips that looks like potential ick. I was hoping you could help me identify it. There were similar spots on my angelfish a week ago but since have gone away. You can only see the spots at certain times on the fish and they aren’t 3D...
  18. S

    Stock help (First saltwater)

    This is the general idea I have right now for my 40 gallon breeder with tidal 110: - 1 Flame angle - 2 Frostbite clowns - 1 Purple firefish goby - 1 Diamond goby - 1 yellow prawn goby - 2 zebra gobys ———— As far as the above fish goes, someone I’ve talked to said the list would work, but...
  19. Armani


    Hey everyone so let me explain what’s going on. I have a pic to show the terrible gha. I’ve neglected it for a good month or two and obviously it’s gotten a little crazy now. My options are. 1. Taking everything out scrub the rocks normally, and scrub the bottom floor and do a big water change...
  20. Noah_redsea

    Wilsoni care

    Had a question regarding wilsonsi corals from Australia I have recently purchased two from my lfs for a very good price and was told I could put them together to form a colony of multi colors does anyone know if that’s true or if they will fight each other being such close proximity, even though...
  21. CoralG420

    nemastoma Sp

    hi I’m currently look to seeif anyone has these types of macro algae and would be willing to sell some to me. Also what would care requirements be? Would you treat this like any other macro, or would it need a supplement of some kind? I heard that it’s like the addition of iodine or some thing...
  22. Dcole12


    HI Everyone, Just kind of want to get the next steps or what to expect. My fish tank has been cycling for around a week and a half. I did half live rock and half dry rock. I did the stability ( bacteria ) for the first seven days. I do have this bacteria which I believe is diatoms. And when I...
  23. Dcole12


    Hi Everyone, I am on my second week cycle. I just finished yesterday with the full week of adding stability. I am finally getting to see some bacteria startring to form. I spoke with my LFS and they said once the diatomes? If I said that correctly, are gone I can go ahead and slowly start...
  24. A

    Help.. why is my reefer so loud??

    Hi, so I just set up my new Red Sea reefer nano. I love the tank and am excited for it to become full of corals. I am just curious why it isn’t running super noisy. It sounds like a draining rumbling dish washer. I am running a brand new sicce 2.0 return. This is a picture of the tank and the...
  25. clownenthusiast2017

    Anemone Online???

    Looking for a bubble tip anemone of some sort. What vendors have you guys ordered bubble tip anemones from? Or if any of you guys have any that are sale I'd love to see them! Need help from the #reefsquad Happy Reefing!!