
  1. J

    Black worms in RODI water

    So I buy my RODI water from my local Fish shop and today just before making my salt mix I poured the RO water into my mixing tub and noticed a few of these black worms in the water. Does anyone know what they are?
  2. S


    Hello, who sell Orphek or3 blue plus? (24 inch)
  3. spauldingd40

    Help... torches not doing well

    We battled Dinos for 3 months and successfully have eliminated them for 2 months now without a reoccurrence. Now our three torch corals have been going downhill, with one looking pretty much dead at this point. We tried an iodine dip as well as coral RX (at different times spaced out). The only...
  4. P

    EMERGENCY Need help fish is extremely skinny

    Need help I noticed my tang to be extremely skinny and it doesn’t want to eat and it keeps flopping over, is there anyway to get it to eat or is it pretty much a goner? Any help or suggestions would be very appreciated, just noticed it today
  5. J

    Testing kits

    Iv seen online that the NT Aquarium Lab kit is a whole lot cheaper than the marine version and includes more testing liquids. Are these just the same tests but differently priced to make more money from mariners? Or am I just better off getting the marine versions? Currently been using API and...
  6. PSims113

    Not so helpful LFS?

    After reading a bunch, I recently took the plunge into collecting what I need for a FOWLR tank. I've had freshwater tanks, but this will be my first SW tank. Some day I might upgrade to a reef tank, but for now I want to focus on the basics of keeping fish alive. I have a 37-gallon column tank...
  7. zpnanoreefgal


    Need help identifying this type of mushroom coral it’s tentacles look like those on a branching hammer.
  8. S


    anybody can help me to recognize this types?
  9. T

    EMERGENCY White lumps on Sailfin tang

    Just wondering if anyone can tell me whats wrong with my tang. Noticed these little white lumps all over him that were not there in the past few days. He is still eating like a pig and swimming around happily. Seems to be the only fish in the tank with the problem. He is the newest addition to...
  10. jjschno

    Green BTA eating a chromis

    In my aquarium I have recently added a school of green chromis to add to the mid water column of my tank, but one wasn’t looking to hot and it started to do the thing we have all come to hate. It started to lay on the rock work and try to swim but couldn’t and I knew he wasn’t going to make it...
  11. B

    Bio- Magnet Clarifier not being able to just pour in?

    I got sand from “Carib Sea” and it comes with a Bio-Magnet Clarifier and it says add it to a jar and add slowly. Why can I just not pour it in?
  12. B

    Ich medication on rock? If so removal help!

    My fish got ich around 3 weeks ago and it was successful (as of now). I used this medication named “Seachem Paraguard” and was curious if that sticks to your rocks like copper does? I did not use copper through the ich process. I used these rocks that I would love to put in my DT and was...
  13. P

    Could anyone Id these mushrooms, sorry if you can’t see don’t have a filter and didn’t edit the photos

    plz help need an id on these please and thank you
  14. B

    Want to move inverts to display tank but worried of ich

    So I have inverts in my old DT and I got a new DT but my older DT got ich and I heard that the cyst can stay on their shells. So my old DT has been fishless for about 2 weeks and so are the cyst still on my inverts and should I wait the 6-8 weeks or is their a way to kill the cyst on my inverts...
  15. Chase-B

    Sailfin ick or something else?

    Hello! My sailfin is currently getting spots on him, and we had just switched over our tang, a mandarin goby, and our clownfish over to this tank 3 days ago. Some background, we had a purple tang in this tank by himself months ago, and he died of what I think was marine velvet? We ended up being...
  16. B

    Wrasse Can’t Swim and Is lying down.

    I have a 6 lined wrasse. I have had him for about a month. He got ich and I treated it and he was doing fine! He was eating swimming actively and being a fish. Until today, I woke up and noticed all my fish were out and he wasn’t he was hiding in a rock and he looked stuck so I moved the rock a...
  17. B

    Wrasse Not Coming Out.

    I have a 6 lined wrasse and Ive had him for about a month. he has been coming out and eating. He was out last night and is now hiding in my rock. I've tried to move him out and he keeps going back. He would always be swimming out and active I dont know why he is hiding. I did a water change just...
  18. A

    Build Thread 90 gallon build

    I’m doing water test this is my nitrate levels but I’m a little color blind and can tell which one it is can anyone help me by this picture? They tank has been running since the first of December I currently have 6 fish a snail and a crab and a Haitians anemone
  19. B


    I am new to saltwater, and recently discovered my 6 striped wrasse has ich! I also have snails, hermit crabs, and an emrald crab. Now, I am going to quarantine my 6 striped wrasse into a different tank. But as I do know snails and crabs can not catch ich but can hold it, should I also remove my...
  20. K

    EMERGENCY Coral Beauty has lump

    Hey, so I have had a Coral Beauty for about 3 weeks now. She normally scavenges thought the day and eate pellets with the other fish. She also occasionally gets seaweed for a snack that she might take one or two nibbles out of. But over these past few days she's been acting strange, swimming...
  21. S

    Help identify this algae

    I’m new to the salt water community and need help identifying if this algae is a beneficial algae or a bad algae in my tank. It looks like little puff balls.
  22. T

    Breeding Gold Head Sleeper Gobies

    So I got a pair of gold head gobies, not intending to breed them so soon. However, this morning I woke up and one of them was dead and there were eggs laid in a hermit crab shell. I’ve been trying to find information on them but I’m honestly not sure that anyone has had gold head sleeper gobies...
  23. Lehton_Whitis

    New member here!!

    Hi Everyone! My name is Lehton and I am a new member of reef2reef and new to Aquariums. This is my tank (10 gallons) and I currently have 2 clownfish living in it. It’s been a rough transition into this hobby and I think I jumped into it too fast, but things are going good. I have a Duncan...
  24. ReefSarg

    Purple Stylo Help And Advice!

    So I’ve had an infestation of vermitid nails for months now. I crush them constantly... it’s now gotten so bad that they are growing on my purple stylo and it’s been looking really rough. My question is, do you guys think I should start trying to pick them off the stylo? I’m worried I may start...