
  1. DQM5

    help sps coral seem to fading and bleaching...

    Last week, I started to notice some of my corals have been acting strange. Some of my sps corals like the green slimmer lost coloration begin to fade and started to bleach. I did a testing and see what's going on... Alk =12 Cal=420 Pho=0 or 0.25 nitrite= 0 my Alk was pretty high so I did a...
  2. gadwall72

    I am beginning to question my husbandry skills

    I have had my 75g up an running for 6 months. I cleaned the tank thoroughly with a vinegar-water solution and let dry for a couple of days prior to set up. I put in my dry rock, live sand and added my water. I cycled my tank slowly. It took 6 weeks to complete cycle. I did a water change...