
  1. B

    How should I add new rocks to established setup?

    So I have wanted to change my aquascape around a bit but I already have pre-established rock in my tank so below I have a picture of the rock that I wish to add, also you can see my diy box algae scrubber that works amazing, my plan is to add a pump in the sump that gose into another one of...
  2. B

    Help on identifying what’s been growing in my tank and how to remove it

    Trying to figure out what’s been growing in my tank and how I can hopefully remove it there’s a picture of it and any help would be great
  3. Matheurisley

    Protein skimmer in a small apartment

    I am fairly new to reefing so this may be a dumb question. I have a skimmer on the inside of the AOI filtration chamber it works great no issues, also I live in a tiny 750 sq. ft condo and my tank is in my living room which is essentially just on the other side of the kitchen island. So my...
  4. Phoerut

    Will this coral eat my fish?

    So I bought what I think is some sort of mushroom coral with no research from a not very informative LFS. I know I’m a terrible noob. I had researched that ‘mushroom’ corals are good beginner corals. But at this point I was unaware that not all mushroom corals are good beginner corals and then...
  5. NL.Reefer

    Hydra 32 light schedule change?

    Hello everyone i am using the hydra’s 32 on my tank and i have a question about the schedule and uv. at this moment im using a schedule from david sixby and i have changed it the way i like it on pic.1 is the orriginal schedule and pic.2 is the schedule i use now. Now i really like the...
  6. joegillis205

    Help kill this algae!!

    Good day everyone, wondering what way I should go about getting rid of this algae. Tank has been running for just over a year. Crashed once and killed everything except zoas. Current parameters are Alk-8.9 Mag-1500 Cal-500 Ammonia-0 (sailfert) Po 0 Temp 78 One gallon water changes every week...
  7. X

    EMERGENCY My Chocolate Chip Starfish

    Hi, I’m completely new to fish tanks and today I acclimated a Chocolate starfish for about an hour. Adding some of the tank water to the water that was in his little baggie and he’s now just chilling in one spot and I don’t see any of his little fingers. I’m worried about him. Is he okay? He’s...
  8. C

    Frogspawn Help!

    Had this frogspawn in my tank for about two months. I've placed it in the middle of my tank because I thought it looked great there and it was getting adequate flow. Checked my tank last night and it did look shriveled up. Now I checked it this morning and it looks like this. Is it a goner...
  9. M


    Hi everyone, i really need some help with my marine fish. i’m a new fish keeper but i’ve had this tank for about a year now and have never had any issues. I have no corals in my tank. But saturday night my cleaner shrimp passed away on the rock. i removed him but still couldn’t understand how...
  10. C

    Bird's-nest help

    Hi all, I recently got my first bird's-nest two weeks ago and the bottom of it is still white. I have it placed higher in my tank with the wave maker pointing at it. I'm not sure what to do. Should I move it lower in my tank? I have attached a pic of it. Thank you!
  11. C

    Newbie questions and help

    Hello fellow reefers, I upgraded my fluval 13.5 to a SCA 50g earlier last year. Everything is doing great, all my coral seem happy, and haven't lost any fish. But I do have some general questions and would like to hear your opinions on them. Current coral stock: Rock Flower nem, GSP, Xenia...
  12. NanoReeferNut

    Hello What up R2R fam

    Hey family. New to the reef world, been in it for about a year with a 5 gallon nano to a 13 nano and now a 40 gallon cube with 20 gallon sump. Running a Ecotech Radion xr15 blue, Ecotech Vectra S2 pump, a Nyos Quantum 120. The tank is about 6 months old. Let the tank run for 3 months before...
  13. Xxflounderxx

    No spill bleach

    Ok so here is my situation I had about 175 lbs of old pukani rock and it had a lot of algae on it bought it of of fb market place. So I decided to bleach it I used 3 gallons of regular bleach and about a half to 3/4 no spill bleach. I saw the water foaming I rinsed a bunch of times just letting...
  14. Gaspipe

    AIO Build AIO expert? Please help. Return chamber water level keeps lowering.

    #HELP Would love a little help/advice on my WB MP25. Problem: My 3rd (return) chamber's water level goes low and it activates my gravity ATO. Situation: I noticed the water level in my display is high and the salinity is low. Yesterday I performed a water change, cleaned the return pump and...
  15. Twalker791

    what the heck happened to my new angel?!

    So I got this bicolor angelfish about a week ago- has been happy and healthy as far as I can tell in a tank with one smaller black clownfish and a German cleaner shrimp and a few snails. I was just watching him swim around yesterday and I didn’t notice anything odd. Today I came home and saw...
  16. J

    Aptasia or somthing else?

    When cleaning my tank my trachi closed up slightly and I noticed this weird thing underneath with an aptasia looking thing but clear and there was a funnel sort of thing under it. Really unsure as to what it is. I've had the trachi for about 4 months now but have only noticed this today
  17. zpnanoreefgal

    Help finding these euphyllia

    Can anyone help me locate any one of the two ? They are gorgeous and I need to get my hands on one, these are not bleached btw, this is their natural color. Thx !
  18. savosreef

    Need Advice!

    I’m a new member Hello everyone! My name is Brandon I need help I own a 13.5 gallon evo tank. Over the last weeks I have seen some of my corals shrink. Such as my Toadstone coral, and my polythoa and bubble tip aneome. I have had my tank for 2 years. I have two wave makers and I have the kessil...
  19. D

    EMERGENCY High Nitrates and Low PO

    I need help… I have been fighting high nitrates I feel like FOREVER. I purchased the HR Hanna test kit and found that they were over 150. I completed water changes and system maintenance and brought them down to around 40.84 but they are uncontrollable. I also cannot get my PO to get on the...
  20. zpnanoreefgal

    Yuma Mushrooms

    Does anyone know what website has a variety of Yuma mushrooms ? Or a place that has a decent amount I’m located in NJ.
  21. 208Reefer

    Help with Coral ID

    Just saw this at my LFS and they weren’t quite sure if it was a type of mushroom or anemone. Anyone have a clue? (P.S. It’s not a plate coral)
  22. J

    Fluorescent neon red algae help

    Hi guys. I dont mean to keep posting things on here but still very new and learning. Recently my live rock has started to grow a maroon colour algae on it but when I switch my blues on it turns florescent neon red and glows. It's not slimy so I don't think it's cyano and it's not hard like...
  23. J

    EMERGENCY Dinoflagellates/dino battle

    I have a fluval evo with protien skimmer, activated cardon, ceramic and filter floss set up with stock light however I have been battling a dinoflagellates/dino problem for what feels like months. My water parameters are below: Amonia -0 Nitrite - o Nitrate- 0 - 5 Phosphate - unknown as kit...
  24. Catfish31504

    Cloudy tank killing fish

    Hello, about 2 weeks ago after i did a water change, the tank would get cloudy during the day. It clears up by mid afternoon but every morning its cloudy again. I tried multiple things including a water change, adjusting the filter, and most recently i started dosing microbacter7 to see if that...