I put in some nori today and noticed that my Yellow Tang did not pick away at it immediately like he normally does. I took a closer look and it looks skinnier than normal and I am fearful that the tang may be constipated. The pictures below show what looks like large bumps around the belly area. I tested parameters last night and ammonia was almost undetectable and nitrates were at 5. I have been feeding a combination of pellets plus nori and one feeding of frozen mysis every other day.
Is there anything I can or should be doing to help the tang? I may need to try to pick up other band of pellet food such as TDO Chroma Boost which seems highly recommended. Anything else I should consider?
Is there anything I can or should be doing to help the tang? I may need to try to pick up other band of pellet food such as TDO Chroma Boost which seems highly recommended. Anything else I should consider?