*** Tank Talk with Top Lids & Avast Marine Giveaway!! WIN a Plank Autofeeder and Custom Lid for Your Tank!! ***


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Dude I love seeing these guys in my tanks. I know others say they get out of hand to pest amounts. But so far they've never been a problem for me.
I just pulled two out yesterday. Haven't seen any ill effects from them, but interwebs spooked me. Thought the ones with the red backs were the bad of the bads.


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TANK TALK: Create a mini "day in the life" story for your reef tank. What happens from sunrise to sunset in your aquatic world? Bonus points for creativity and humor!

Ah, another day in the bustling metropolis of my reef tank, where drama unfolds beneath the surface! As the AI hydras first rays pierce the water, my metallic fox face emerges from its cozy coral nook, ready to stir up some trouble. It's got that mischievous glint in its eyes, like it's plotting the next great heist in the underwater city.

Meanwhile, the scopas tang, Scoops the Tang, is the responsible citizen, diligently patrolling the algae-covered streets. Scoop takes its job very seriously, ensuring that no rogue seaweed disrupts the harmony of the coral community.

The clownfish, being the early birds they are, perform their synchronized swimming routine, entertaining the coral crowd with their flashy acrobatics. The sea anemone, their loyal audience, waves its tentacles in approval.

But back to our metallic fox face—let's call it Felix. Felix decides it's high time for a game of hide and seek with the hermit crabs. The crabs, however, are not impressed with this impromptu game and retreat into their shells, leaving Felix to find a new source of amusement.

As the day progresses, the coral shrimp host a town hall meeting to discuss the latest advancements in bubble-tip anemone etiquette. The cleaner wrasse, always the gossipmonger, spreads the juiciest rumors about who's been nibbling on the coral buffet.

In the afternoon, Scoop the Tang leads a neighborhood watch patrol, ensuring that all residents are accounted for and that no suspicious sea slugs are lurking in the shadows.

As the sun begins its descent, the underwater city transforms into a magical realm of bioluminescent wonders. The star polyps put on a dazzling light show, and the glowing jellyfish create a serene ambiance.

Felix, having exhausted its mischief quota for the day, settles down for a cozy night in the coral nook, dreaming of the next grand underwater adventure. Scoop the Tang continues its patrol, making sure that all is calm and peaceful in the reef before the sea creatures drift off into their watery dreams.

And so, another day in the life of my vibrant reef tank comes to a close, with the promise of more aquatic escapades and underwater shenanigans awaiting at sunrise.

Reef Wizard

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TANK TALK: Create a mini "day in the life" story for your reef tank. What happens from sunrise to sunset in your aquatic world? Bonus points for creativity and humor!
A day in a life for the clownfish in the tiny pool (32g AIO) with a grand dream of one day moving into the great sea (190.5 being setup in the living room :) )

They wake up at about 9am get fed from the lumbering giant at 10am and then back to laying down and go to sleep all through out the day to dream them selves into the the sea of greatness.

The Giant often wonders if the cats told them about their sleeping habits as he has never seen clowns sleep almost all day .The giant is thankful that both are doing well and he carefully plans the great migration for his two funny fish.

*pun intended*

The clowns and the giant hope one day soon they will make the journey into the great sea but for now dreams shall do.

The End...

...For now.


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Nov 30, 2021
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TANK TALK: Create a mini "day in the life" story for your reef tank. What happens from sunrise to sunset in your aquatic world? Bonus points for creativity and humor!
Around sunrise... The little biocube is just waking up. As the lights begin to turn on, the male clown quickly realizes that he has, once again, been kicked out of his spouses long polyp leather. He doesn't understand. After A trial separation ended well with counseling, he thought they would at least be able to sleep in the same bed together. He returns to corner of the tank near the overflow and waits for her mood to adjust to a more hospitable one. How long he waits?? No one ever knows ;).

Down below something begins cracking its knuckles. The pistol shrimp is ready to start construction. He enjoys rearranging the bottom of the tank, despite the countless barriers and obstacles that have been put into place to deter him from disturbing the corals that sit on the sand. The supervising grumpy faced watchman goby glares at anyone that passes by.

As the day continues, all of the hermits are busy trying to murder each other due to shell envy. Despite the plethora of EMPTY shells that have been offered, there can only be one Maximus Decimus Meridius of hermits.

As night approaches, the royal gramma has successfully completed its ritual of hiding, reemerging, opening it mouth as wide as possible to anyone close to its hideout, and then back into hiding again.

Right after sunset, everyone stuffs their faces with as much food as possible. The female clown is now ready to play nice, until she isn't :rolleyes:.

They all go to their separate corners and wait for the sun to rise once again.


Nominated Cronie Intern - Might be failing?
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Nov 22, 2019
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TANK TALK: Create a mini "day in the life" story for your reef tank. What happens from sunrise to sunset in your aquatic world? Bonus points for creativity and humor!
Well... My sunrise is early since I live in th desert and wake up at 4:15 to get ready for work even though it's actually before sunrise but normal people aren't up before sunrise and I'm normal, right?

Anyways, on to the reef!

Sunrise is at 8am with a slow ramp up to peak sunlight at noon. During that pre-peak time, the corals are all putting away their warfare devices that they're hoping I didn't see (oh I saw it you little guerillas, I saw it!) and the fish are starting to stir. First, my Blue Chromis (I swear it thinks it's a bird?) starts crawling out of his Birdsnest. My clowns (not the scary kind, so don't stop reading please!) wake up from their beautiful feeding tube that hosts them, then the female decides her cave isn't comfortable anymore and joins the other 2. My Starry Blenny slowly peers out from his sea of grass (ok, it's totally Green Star Polyps and since he's Starry, I guess they go together naturally?). My Foxface lowers his night camouflage and dashes out into the open to revel in the glorious (but totally fake) sunlight which he considers funlight. Tommy the Tomini looks out from his spacious adobe (that's actually barely big enough for him, but whatever... He has big man complex?). The PJ Cardinals are too lazy to put on real clothes so they just lazily move around the reef still in their PJs (even after I get home from work. Seriously? All day???). After that, just enough light hits the right places in the sand and the 3 Halichoeres Wrasses decide to emerge from their sand castles (imagine a sand castle made by a 2 year old and you'll get the picture). My Conch, Stomatellas, and Hermits all get the hint and go into the sand/rocks and hide. After that, the rest of the fish slowly emerge from their "safe" spots in the rock like a dog just waking up from a nap in his kennel. Then, the corals start waking up - Nems, Duncans, Micromussa, Favias, Stylophora, Montis, Gonis, etc. Everyone starts opening up to absorb that beautiful free food for photosynthesis (I guess all their food is technically free since I pay for it all..).

After that, for the next 7 or 8 hours it's basically chaos. Fish darting here and there, corals pulling shut as one darts too close, more darting, chasing, playing, swimming! My Melanurus gets so excited he swims in circles over and over and over (ever see a fish puke?)! Tommy swims up to Foxy and she shows him her spines. He says, "Hey, I just wanted to play..." and sulks away sad. The Twinspot eats sand. The Twinspot spits it out. Then he eats it again. And spits it again... (Kinda boring I guess, but he's pretty!).

At 10, the first pellets drop and EVERYONE gobbles as much as they can. Then, at noon the flakes drop and the eating commences again. BUFFET!!! And then it's gone. Until 6 when the flakes drop again and then 8 for more pellets!

Sometime around 6 my hand usually ends up in the tank for Nori or something else (picking up a knocked over coral or something) but it's really just there so the Sharknose and the Neon Blue Cleaner Goby can have free rides around the tank. Some days, some frozen gets added to the frozen feeder and extra chaos takes place for a while.

Around 8, the lights start ramping down to sunset. About 8:45 the Wrasses return to the sand. Lights out at 9 and everyone else returns to their beds (except the Chromis that thinks he's a bird so he sleeps in a Birdsnest...).


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These are all great! Love it!

As the day continues, all of the hermits are busy trying to murder each other due to shell envy. Despite the plethora of EMPTY shells that have been offered, there can only be one Maximus Decimus Meridius of hermits.
Are you not entertained?!? :D


Nominated Cronie Intern - Might be failing?
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russell crowe quote GIF


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Sep 27, 2021
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TANK TALK: Create a mini "day in the life" story for your reef tank. What happens from sunrise to sunset in your aquatic world? Bonus points for creativity and humor!

Blenny's Log, Day 231 NRT (New Reef Time):

At 6am the first lights of dawn from our 3 suns peaks over us. We once had two suns, but strangely acquired a third sun. The mysteries of physics and astrology that led to this phenomenon do confound us. But we do not dwell on this long, as soon the tides change and mana from the heavens descend upon us. We set the table on the monti cap and have a feast, except for Goby who seems to prefer the company of a decapod than of his phylogenetically closer piscine brethren.

In any case, once our bellies are full, it is time for morning tea. We turn over the rock rubble on the sand bed revealing cozily upholstered sitting chairs, a plush couch for the Clownfish couple--they seriously need to get a room, we are all gagging here--and of course the billiards table. Firefish is immediately ready to place bets with anyone who will play him. Always thought of himself more as a shark than a feeder fish. In the most polite way allowable, we persuade him that it is time for tea and to come sit his long derriere down. Imminently, Leopard Wrasse is out with her fresh brew of Valonia Bubble Tea, and we each sip carelessly and talk of the news and the non-news on the reef. The market has been wild of late. Coral and nems are up, Aiptasia is down, and it looks like Leopard Wrasse will be happily busy with her Bubble Tea business for many days to come!

Now that the morning formalities have been attended, it is time for games. Firefish is finally joined by Yellow Wrasse at billiards and looks to be ready for a handsome winning. We can never tell if she is a Coris wrasse or a Pig wrasse. No one seems to know, although the bright display on the other side of the great crystal wall seems to indicate that a certain @Slocke may know, but is frequently in contention with another @tbrown fellow. Regardless, she is about to be down 5 pods. I play a lively game of Pachisi with Leopard Wrasse while the Clowns continue to nauseate us all, except for Goby who is nowhere to be found.

It is one of those long mornings we so enjoy. The great white lights beyond the world have yet to come on and not a stir beyond the crystal walls. Plenty of time for a bit of gossip here and there or even a social spat or two. Also time to regard the mess on the floor that the Great Hand has yet to rectify. Yes, I suppose we ought to talk about the Great Hand. Once fastidious in the house work, but now rarely a day goes by when the Great Hand puts in a solid day's work, and there seems to be no order at all in the mushrooms and zoanthids on the floor! If not for the delectable treats delivered by the Great Hand, we would have likely sacked him and found another cleaning service.

It is a Thursday, and inevitably, the great white lights do come on, today around 10am, and we know there is little time to waste. We quickly flip the furniture back over leaving the rubble side up, toss the dishes under the unkept branching GSP and take our positions. The Great Hand enters and we set about the rest of the day swimming back and forth and pecking at rocks in quite an ignorant manner. The Face connected to the Great Hand occasionally looks at us and makes strange facial gestures. Poor, simple creature. We swim towards the Face which elicits an immediate reaction that we assume is delight, for what only Neptune knows!

We carry on with our covert routine through the day. The wrasses retire early into their sandy beds, and the rest of us wait for the Great Hand to come and move things around at the end of the day, drop food nuggets in Goby's cave, lest he die of hunger, and tidy up before the great white lights are dimmed and the 3 suns set. All is quiet as we take to our sleeping quarters and await another joyous morning of revelry before the weekend, when we can be ourselves all day long!
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TANK TALK: Create a mini "day in the life" story for your reef tank. What happens from sunrise to sunset in your aquatic world? Bonus points for creativity and humor!
Ooo the givers of food!
Chaos time!
Need more food!
More chaos!


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Nov 30, 2021
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Blenny's Log, Day 231 NRT (New Reef Time):

At 6am the first lights of dawn from our 3 suns peaks over us. We once had two suns, but strangely acquired a third sun. The mysteries of physics and astrology that led to this phenomenon do confound us. But we do not dwell on this long, as soon the tides change and mana from the heavens descend upon us. We set the table on the monti cap and have a feast, except for Goby who seems to prefer the company of a decapod than of his phylogenetically closer piscine brethren.

In any case, once our bellies are full, it is time for morning tea. We turn over the rock rubble on the sand bed revealing cozily upholstered sitting chairs, a plush couch for the Clownfish couple--they seriously need to get a room, we are all gagging here--and of course the billiards table. Firefish is immediately ready to place bets with anyone who will play him. Always thought of himself more as a shark than a feeder fish. In the most polite way allowable, we persuade him that it is time for tea and to come sit his long derriere down. Imminently, Leopard Wrasse is out with her fresh brew of Valonia Bubble Tea, and we each sip carelessly and talk of the news and the non-news on the reef. The market has been wild of late. Coral and nems are up, Aiptasia is down, and it looks like Leopard Wrasse will be happily busy with her Bubble Tea business for many days to come!

Now that the morning formalities have been attended, it is time for games. Firefish is finally joined by Yellow Wrasse at billiards and looks to be ready for a handsome winning. We can never tell if she is a Coris wrasse or a Pig wrasse. No one seems to know, although the bright display on the other side of the great crystal wall seems to indicate that a certain @Slocke may know, but is frequently in contention with another @tbrown fellow. Regardless, she is about to be down 5 pods. I play a lively game of Pachisi with Leopard Wrasse while the Clowns continue to nauseate us all, except for Goby who is nowhere to be found.

It is one of those long mornings we so enjoy. The great white lights beyond the world have yet to come on and not a stir beyond the crystal walls. Plenty of time for a bit of gossip here and there or even a social spat or two. Also time to regard the mess on the floor that the Great Hand has yet to rectify. Yes, I suppose we ought to talk about the Great Hand. Once fastidious in the house work, but now rarely a day goes by when the Great Hand puts in a solid day's work, and there seems to be no order at all in the mushrooms and zoanthids on the floor! If not for the delectable treats delivered by the Great Hand, we would have likely sacked him and found another cleaning service.

It is a Thursday, and inevitably, the great white lights do come on, today around 10am, and we know there is little time to waste. We quickly flip the furniture back over leaving the rubble side up, toss the dishes under the unkept branching GSP and take our positions. The Great Hand enters and we set about the rest of the day swimming back and forth and pecking at rocks in quite an ignorant manner. The Face connected to the Great Hand occasionally looks at us and makes strange facial gestures. Poor, simple creature. We swim towards the Face which elicits an immediate reaction that we assume is delight, for what only Neptune knows!

We carry on with our covert routine through the day. The wrasses retire early into their sandy beds, and the rest of us wait for the Great Hand to come and move things around at the end of the day, drop food nuggets in Goby's cave, lest he die of hunger, and tidy up before the great white lights are dimmed and the 3 suns set. All is quiet as we take to our sleeping quarters and await another joyous morning of revelry before the weekend, when we can be ourselves all day long!
The two to three suns got me immediately :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing:


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TANK TALK: What’s the coolest surprise you’ve discovered in or about your aquarium?
I bought ocean fresh live rock, 8 months later and I'm still discovering new hitchhikers, snails, urchin, fleshy limpets, bivalves. My favorite thing I found was a hitchhiker coral that grew back from a bare skeleton.


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Typical day for my tank: Swim around with my friends and wait for the 2 eye monster to go to the right of the tank and drop in some food. Then the same 2 eyed monster will take the 2 big white clips in the tank and put some tasty crispy algae on them. He has served his purpose and walks away.


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TANK TALK: Create a mini "day in the life" story for your reef tank. What happens from sunrise to sunset in your aquatic world? Bonus points for creativity and humor!
My sunset to sunrise begins with scouring facebook marketplace for good deals as I do not have a tank set up yet. Usually this ends in disappointment as I am the second person to inquire about a great deal... missed out on a Platinum Sump 39 with roller for $300 ($1200 msrp)


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Nov 30, 2021
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My sunset to sunrise begins with scouring facebook marketplace for good deals as I do not have a tank set up yet. Usually this ends in disappointment as I am the second person to inquire about a great deal... missed out on a Platinum Sump 39 with roller for $300 ($1200 msrp)
just keep swimming GIF


Nominated Cronie Intern - Might be failing?
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Nov 22, 2019
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My sunset to sunrise begins with scouring facebook marketplace for good deals as I do not have a tank set up yet. Usually this ends in disappointment as I am the second person to inquire about a great deal... missed out on a Platinum Sump 39 with roller for $300 ($1200 msrp)
Go enter the SaltwaterAquarium.com Tanksgiving. I think today's the last day.

There are currently 7 that you should be able to still enter.


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Feb 9, 2022
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TANK TALK: Create a mini "day in the life" story for your reef tank. What happens from sunrise to sunset in your aquatic world? Bonus points for creativity and humor!
Our day starts early. before sunrise when the shrill one demands his sacrifice.

the cheery one brings him out,

largely ignoring us as we dart in and out of the rocks, always a shame when a performance goes unnoticed and unappreciated. again, and some time later, but still, long before sunrise the shrill one is at it. this time with the food bringer. He peaks around but seems distracted. I'm not sure why, the shrill one is quiet now.

But the tall one sees something! Hide! He gets the light. The land has many hiding spots, some that the big one doesn't even know about, nor can he see them. We're safe.

The shrill one begins again, and the lights come on this time. It is only hours before our suns rise. But the big one, the food bringer, sees something. this time there is no stopping him! And it was Carl and Karl he was after.

We are unlikely to see them again. The large boog has descended to his sandy home for the day, and many of the small ones retreat as well. We on the other hand, dart in and out of the rocks. It's great fun, as long as we aren't being observed. The game we play more than any other is hide from the big one. I'm quite good at it.

The suns rise above us; I remember a time when it crossed overhead, now it fades brighter to dimmer without movement. The shrill one is at it again. But this time it is different. He is more active. We will see him a number of times throughout the day. He truly loves us.

We are the only thing that will surely calm him when the larger servants can't. We go about the day largely unaffected. but there is this one viscous beast.

he lunges at us occasionally but the forcefield protects us. Our prison is also our salvation. I will have to think on that.

Evening comes. The suns are bluer. The hand darts in and takes the desert house. We fear not, in fact, this excites us. We know it will return with delicious seaweed on which we will feast for a time.

But the hand is back. this time, and it hasn't happened for a blessed long time, with a white thing. the waters will get turbulent. The hand seems quite dedicated to removing the film on the cell walls. A tedious task if there ever was one. For our fear we will be rewarded with a bountiful feast: seaweed, clams, scallops, shrimp, and all manner of creatures, nicely chopped up for us to eat. Life is good today.

The suns go out and we retire to our beds for the night. Only a moment longer and the large ones will retire as well and that blasted moving light will end.


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